Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sears is dying, what does that say about Americas shopping habits, and what can we do to keep the retailers we have?

I received this from a reader and thought I would put it up here for your remarks as well as your insight.

Best Buy seems to be following the same business model as Sears, and we all know that the Best Buy store has been the subject of comments during the election's.

What, if anything can a town like Crestwood possibly do to change the consumer mindset in America today?

Yes we have a new mayor, a Mayor who said he can be at City Hall when and if needed, but can even that change the reality of the 21st. century? As you know shoppers have been buying on line for some time now. Gasoline is now $3.50 a gallon and people are not just going to a store just to look as much as they once did, now it's all about price.

So what can Mayor Roby do to keep Best Buy if they decide to close their Crestwood location, and what can WE do to help him.

What do you think ?

Tom Ford

NO. 3056


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor elect Roby has already admitted on his face book page he can do nothing to prevent a business from leaving Crestwood.

11:43 PM, April 13, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:43 PM Blogger: I have never seen his page (only heard of it) so I really can't attest to that one way or the other.

I do know that WE ALL are going to have to do something to change this trend here or were going to see pawn shop's, checking cashing places, taverns, and Adult book stores along Watson Rd. (and we'll be glad to have them!)

What to do? Well for openers how about doing your shopping (and buying) inside the Crestwood City limit's. It's cheaper gas wise, and who knows we just might do something right for our business community.

Tom Ford

5:39 AM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somewhat depressing article, although Sears didn't do much along the way to help itself. And its merger with K-mart was an unmitigated disaster.

Of course no one, mayor or not, can force a business to stay that is determined to leave. What the BOA and mayor can do is encourage development and pro-business policies. What consumer can do is shop local--these are the businesses that employ your friends and neighbors, and these are the businesses whose taxes support your schools, your police, your parks, and your fire department.

Looking at the Crestwood Best Buy in particular, there are a lot of challenges present. First, it was once located next to a mall, which has been Best Buy's M.O. forever. Almost every other Best Buy in the city is near a mall, or is in a heavy big-box retail environment (like on St. Charles Rock Road). Being a stand-alone store in a relative retail oasis in Crestwood is not fitting with their business plan. It would help to have a development across the street.

One thing Best Buy has done is offer to match prices anywhere, including, which is a good start. Unfortunately, they are still charging sales tax, which Amazon does not. That is a serious issue of fairness that Congress needs to address.
As for competition, Best Buy lost Circuit City and Ultimate Electronics, but faces competition from online like Amazon, Walmart and Target on the low end, and Sams and Costco in the middle for video games, computers, TVs, cell phones, appliances,printers, etc. Lowes, Home Depot, and Menards (new to town) compete on big appliances. Game Stop and other niche stores compete for the video game/computer game market. Apple stores, fight for computer sales. Very few people buy CDs anymore with ITunes, Amazon, and the proliferation of online music. I think Best Buy does alright with cameras, but a lot of people now use their cell phone as their exclusive camera, and many photography buffs go to specialty stores like Creve Coeur Camera (which Crestwood has). Best buy does an okay business in car audio, but that is somewhat of a niche market, and most cars come better and better equipped from the factory, so the upgrade market isn't what it once was.

I wish every Crestwood business well, including Best Buy, but I worry they are not long for this world. The Crestwood store may be one of the proverbial canaries in the coal mine, because it wouldn't surprise me if the entire chain was going the way of Circuit City soon.

6:57 AM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some good news on the economy for a change. Both the Ford and GM plants are in MO.

7:06 AM, April 14, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:57 AM Blogger: 100% in agreement with paragraph two.

One thing some of the on line retailers are starting to do is tell the shopper to pick out the item in a store, and THEN order it from them at a lower price.

A retailer has but one chance these day's to sell their wares, no chance once the shopper leaves the store, so........

The retailer must hire more informed SALES people who really know how to sell if they plan to stay in business.

Sears used to do that, then they went to centralized check out people who knew nothing but how to run the terminal (and sometimes not even that.)

That, in my mind was the beginning of the end because if I have to do all the research, all the planning, I might as well buy it on line and sit at home and wait for it.

We can (and I am sure will) do a lot to help a business thrive. However they too have a responsibility to insure that our shopping experience is one of excellence, nothing else is going to work.

Tom Ford

7:52 AM, April 14, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:06 AM Blogger: That's excellent, especially Ford Motor Co. as I'm not sure about the management of "Government Motors."

The GM management reminds me of the IRS takeover of the noted brothel, the Chicken Ranch outside of Las Vegas, NV. back in the 80's.

It was seized for non payment of taxes, run by the IRS who bankrupted it within two years! Now how do you do that?

Tom Ford

7:59 AM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're 100% right about trying to shop and eat in Crestwood whenever possible. But, obviously, there's not enough residents alone to support businesses like Best Buy. I wonder if Best Buy were to close up shop in Crestwood, vacating the entire building after Gordmans closes, if Menards could renovate and open there? They've have a much better shot against Home Depot and Lowe's than Builder's Square did. Maybe it's far enough away from Richmond Heights for them to consider, if they build one in South County sooner.

2:42 PM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do know that WE ALL are going to have to do something to change this trend here or were going to see pawn shop's, checking cashing places, taverns, and Adult book stores along Watson Rd. (and we'll be glad to have them!)

Hey Tom, one or two more taverns would be okay! :)


That is the only potential silver lining of Best Buy leaving. Having an entire shopping center vacant across the street (except for Schnucks obviously) from an entire vacant mall is a lot of land that really any developer could put anything in they wanted to. It might expand the options that would consider Crestwood. The new Menard's stores in Manchester and St. Peters seem to do quite the business, although some of that is probably because they are new. I think Menard's will definitely put at least one store in south of Richmond Heights--likely Gravois Bluffs, but it would be great to get them to consider Crestwood. That would put them head to head with Lowes in Kirkwood and Home Depot in Sunset Hills. They seem to crave the head to head competition, especially with their location in Richmond Heights directly between the Home Depot in Brentwood and the Lowes in Maplewood.

Obvious downside to Menards locating in Crestwood is the impact on Ace Hardware, but Ace seems to find a niche even surrounded by the existing big box hardwood stores around St. Louis.

2:51 PM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is Mayor elect Roby doing to attract Menard's to Crestwood?

"With regards to your question regarding what I would have done to keep Gordmans here? The answer is, I couldn't do anything to keep them here." Gregg Roby 4/6/2014

3:00 PM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ 3:00p...why don't you ask Mr. Roby what, if anything, he will or can do to attract to Menards to Crestwood? I'm sure he'd be receptive to the idea. You can email, facebook, or call him. If you won't, I will.

3:20 PM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Roby cannot retain a business how could you expect him to attract a business?

3:33 PM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If Roby cannot retain a business how could you expect him to attract a business?"

So despite Mr. Ford's request to try to be helpful and moving forward, you continue to bash, bring down, and spout negativity. We all get it: you don't like Mr. Roby. It's a broken record. Your preferred candidate lost, and I'm sorry about that, as you are clearly not handling it very well. But PLEASE, if you can't say something helpful or positive, please stop talking.

Mr. Ford, I'm sorry, I know this is your blog, but this poster is on my LAST nerve. Nothing positive, just negative all the time. How is this helping anyone???

3:59 PM, April 14, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, please remember that we have an economic development commission in place who's job it is to find prospective new businesses for Crestwood.

Now, how to motivate them is the question as it has NEVER been the Mayor who goes door to door, but rather the commission, so, when do they start?

That is the question we should be asking Mayor elect Roby.

Tom Ford

4:00 PM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps Mr. Sime, Mr. Schlink, and Mr. Roby should set up a meeting with management at Menards. No promises, just a meet and greet and point out that large tracts of centrally located land are available in southern St. Louis County for expansion. See where the process goes from there.

Originally, Menards was going to put 6 stores around the St. Louis area. There is one in St. Peters, one in Manchester, and ones going up in St. Ann (Northwest Plaza), and Richmond Heights. One I believe is tentatively planned for O'Fallon, MO. There is one in O'Fallon, IL already I believe, but I don't think that one was included in the 6 count. I imagine the 6th would be a southern location. I would think Arnold or Gravois Bluffs would be the main sites under consideration if a southern 6th site is under consideration, but Crestwood should absolutely make a play.

4:16 PM, April 14, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:58 PM Blogger: I understand completely. You should try this when EVERYBODY is mad at you for whatever.

I was lucky enough to be raised by parents who believed "it's better to give than receive," so I strive to give the heart attacks, not get them!

It's always good to have at least one negative around so we know what a positive look's like.

As for me, I plan to offer my meager services to Crestwood and see if I can't motivate someone else to do the same, were going to need all we can get in this economy.

Tom Ford

4:20 PM, April 14, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:16 PM Blogger: Good idea except, we don't own the property, Centrum does.

Trust me, Menard's has a complete real estate department whose only job is to find new locations, I guarantee you they already know about it

Let's see who if anyone shows up for the auction, then we shall have a better idea of how to proceed.

Tom Ford

4:24 PM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it bashing to point out the reality of a situation?

The reality is a mayor can not do ANYTHING to keep or attract business to Crestwood.
Now we can pretend the mayor can and we can pretend other Mayors should have, but that is not dealing in reality. Mr. Roby told the truth on his face book. Or was Mr. Roby bashing himself?

5:38 PM, April 14, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:38 PM BLOGGER: OK, by now we all know that a Mayor can't do it so can we please shelve it an work to get OUR ECONOMIC COMMITTE to work on something, anything?

Tom Ford

5:49 PM, April 14, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually the Mayor can do a lot to attract business.. by building a community that impresses the crap out of prospective tenants.
It's called "leadership".
(not management)

8:03 AM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"by building a community that impresses the crap out of prospective tenants."

How does a mayor do that? Require all new buildings be made of brick?

8:39 AM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems a little inappropriate to me that Mr. Schlink tries to use his last meeting to appoint someone to the BOA who didn't even run for office in the last election cycle (although I think this guy was an aldermen like 20 years ago). Like a governor waiting till his last month in office to grant clemency to all his cronies...

10:53 AM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about it 8:03 commentor.

Please provide us with the details of "leadership" that will impress the crap out of prospective tenants.

I eagerly wait for the lesson.


10:55 AM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It seems a little inappropriate to me that Mr. Schlink tries to use his last meeting to appoint someone to the BOA who didn't even run for office in the last election cycle (although I think this guy was an aldermen like 20 years ago). Like a governor waiting till his last month in office to grant clemency to all his cronies..."

I call B.S.!

Former alder person Mary Duncan asked Mayor Schlink to wait to appoint Ward 4 Alderman until AFTER the election. That's what he's doing. Now the Robites have a problem with his choice. Why am I not surpised?
Using the standards listed above, Mr Dana Jones wouldn't come close to be the proper choice.

1:11 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm neutral on the choice for now. I disagree with a mayor voted out of office making the pick at all. If people wanted Jeff Schlink to pick an aldermen, they would have given him a second term in which to do so.

1:23 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't a majority of the board had to have agreed to hold tomorrow night's special meeting?

1:32 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't a majority of the board had to have agreed to hold tomorrow night's special meeting?


"The Mayor may, or at the request of three
(3) aldermen shall, call a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen for a time not earlier
than 24 hours after notice is given to all members of the Board of Aldermen"

Calling a special meeting just to jam through a lame duck mayor's appointment is not right. Perhaps a few aldermen should skip tonight's sham meeting to eliminate quorum?

1:53 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Call is reporting that Mayor Roby will be sworn in as mayor at next Tuesday's meeting (April 22).

This Wednesday meeting appears to be nothing else than a political stunt by the ousted mayor. I hope the BOA fails to obtain a quorum, or the BOA refuses to consider the appointment.

If Mr. Vincent is qualified, I hope he will reach out to Mr. Roby and request to be appointed. There is no reason the appointment of the Ward 4 alderman cannot wait until next Tuesday.

3:17 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without doing a records request, I would wager money that the 3 (if not 4) aldermen requesting the special "we're mad Jeff Schlink lost the election" meeting can be found in the following list: Tschlis, Boston, Duchild, Trueblood.

3:19 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At any regular or special meeting where a quorum is present, the mayor may call a special meeting, and unless he announces a specific purpose for the meeting any business may be transacted, including the introduction, reading and passing of ordinances.
The mayor, at any time, by telephone call or letters deposited in the mail at least three (3) days before the meeting, may call a special meeting of the board of aldermen for any purpose, including general purposes and the introduction, reading and adoption of ordinances, and in such case a quorum shall consist of three-fourths of the board of aldermen, notwithstanding the provisions of section 2-26
Special meetings may be called by written notice signed by three (3) aldermen, mailed at least three (3) days before the meeting, and in such case a quorum shall consist of three-fourths of the members of the board, notwithstanding the provisions of section 2-26

Quorum is at least 3/4 for special meeting, or at least 6 aldermen.
An Aldermen can only be removed from office for missing regular meetings, not special meetings:

Failure to attend meetings. In the event that a member of the board of aldermen misses two (2) consecutive regular meetings of the board without a valid excuse or leave of absence, the sufficiency of the excuse to be passed upon by the board, he may be removed from office by resolution of the board at any regular meeting of the board, whether or not the member in question is present, such resolution to be voted upon favorably by at least two-thirds of all of the members elected to the board.

3:38 PM, April 15, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

After reading through these posts I would say some of you are mad about MAYOR Schlink doing what he is entitled to do, appoint an alderman, right?

Well guess what, until he passes the gavel to NR. Roby he is still the mayor thus he can appoint whom he pleases.

I know Mr. Roby would / will do the same thing when he is sworn in so what's your problem ?

It looks as if the three EX alderman should have run for office again, then maybe you could have done something about it, as for now you can't. Oh, and by the way, please don't think that an Alderman can just stay home and avoid this because that would call for a re call of the Alderman who is not representing their constituents!

So in closing, WHEN Mr. Roby becomes Mayor Roby you all can try what you want to, until then, just sit back and relax.

Tom Ford

5:04 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without doing a records request, I would wager money that the 3 (if not 4) aldermen requesting the special "we're mad Jeff Schlink lost the election" meeting can be found in the following list: Tschlis, Boston, Duchild, Trueblood.

How much you want to bet?


5:30 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think a majority of people in Crestwood will not view this attempt at appointment by Mr. Schlink favorably given the circumstances and timing.

Tim, did the mayor call for the special meeting?

Has Mr. Vincent provided a resume or qualifications for the position?

6:05 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quorum is at least 3/4 for special meeting, or at least 6 aldermen.

Charter says:
Section 3.10
"A quorum shall constitute one more than half the total number of AUTHORIZED members of the BOA. If a quorum fails to attend any meeting, it shall stand adjourned until the next regular or SPECIAL meeting."

I do not find the claim that 3/4 of Aldermen is the quorum required for a special meeting. Maybe you can share your source?

6:05 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Charter prescribes the general quorum.

The Code, Article II, Sec. 2-24. Special meetings prescribes the special (heightened) quorum required for special meetings.

6:25 PM, April 15, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:05 PM Blogger: That may be but I guarantee you that ALL the press will not let any Alderman not show up without a negative report on Crestwood.

Do we really want that to happen? I betting that the majority of Crestwoodian's do not.

There is an auction coming up very soon and if we want good results we must stay below the radar else who is going to bid?

Tom Ford

6:33 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I agree with you to a point about not rocking the boat, but I think Jeff probably realized that calling a special meeting during his last couple of days in office just to appoint "his guy" would probably create some drama. What would have been the harm with waiting until Tuesday's meeting?

Given that Jeff has sided with the aldermen who opposed the last iteration of the mall development, I have to think that the investors preparing to bid on the mall property will view this 11th hour Jeff Schlink appointee on the board negatively. Mr. Vincent may be a fine person and a capable choice, but I think the perception will be negative, both within and outside Crestwood.

6:53 PM, April 15, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:53 PM BLOGGER: time will tell, now why don't we ALL Give Mr. Vincent a chanc to defend himself?

Who would Mr.. Roby have appointed, Ms. Beasley?

Tom Ford

7:36 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Best Buy were to close up shop in Crestwood, vacating the entire building after Gordmans closes, if Menards could renovate and open there?

Not likely. Menard's already looked at Crestwood and said no thanks. Even if they would reconsider, they will want evil TIF, CID, TDD.

7:47 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ARTICLE XIV of Charter
Section 14.3
All ordinances, regulations and resolutions in force at the time this Charter takes effect, which are NOT inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter, shall remain and be in force until altered, modified or repealed by or under the authority of this Charter or Ordinance.

ARTICLE III of Charter
Section 3.10
"A quorum shall constitute one more than half the total number of AUTHORIZED members of the BOA. If a quorum fails to attend ANY meeting, it shall stand adjourned until the next regular or SPECIAL meeting."

The Charter clearly states that a quorum for a regular or SPECIAL meeting shall be one more than half of the number of the BOA. Further the Charter states only those ordinances, etc that are NOT inconsistent with Charter, will stay in effect.
Clearly the Code's definition of a special BOA meeting quorum is inconsistent with the Charters definition of a special BOA meeting quorum. The Charter therefore, trumps the Code's definition of a quorum. This means that the quorum for ANY meeting of the BOA is FIVE (5)as the BOA of Crestwood is made up of eight (8) members.

Look at this way, Alderman Tennyson said resigned because the BOA was split. His replacement may very well end that split on many issues that come before the BOA. We now have unity in Crestwood due to former Alderman Tennyson.
Thank You Dan!

As for Mayor Schlink appointing now, he is only doing what former Alderperson Mary Duncan encouraged him to do and that was wait until after the election. You just can't please some people.

11:20 PM, April 15, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think your analysis of the Charter and Code section are incorrect, but I guess that will be the city attorney's call tomorrow night (if it even matters depending on attendance--if 6 or 7 aldermen are there it won't).

Also, while Jeff seems content to play games his last week in office rather than focusing on more productive affairs, it looks like Mayor Elect Roby is taking the high road on this one according to the Call:

Although Roby said he has met Vincent in the past, he has not yet had a chance to sit down and talk with him about the issues facing Crestwood.

Roby said that while he would have liked the opportunity to make the aldermanic appointment himself, Schlink is within his authority to do so before he leaves office.

"Would I have liked to have had the opportunity to make that appointment myself?" he said. "Yes, I would have — but he has that authority, and certainly it's well within his rights to do that."

11:44 PM, April 15, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:55 PM Blogger: Now YOURS is the most pathetic attempt to slam someone I have ever heard!

What in God's name would you say if I decided to write a letter to the Call about your beloved choice for Mayor, saying there i8s a FIFTEEN YEAR GAP in the resume as seen on his flyer, and then tried to link it to something other than honorable?

Your remarks are at best the ramblings of a two year old who just had the red licked off her candy!

I don't know anything about Mr. Vincent but I guarantee you that he is light years ahead of whomever YOU would appoint!

Either get behind Crestwood as a whole or stay the H... off this blog!

Tom Ford

5:16 AM, April 16, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, were about to start the stewardship of a new Mayor on April 22, 2014.

Now in my opinion if were going to see comment's like the one above (by the hero anonymous,) it's going to be a very long three years for Mr. Roby!

Do we really want that? No, we don't, so may I suggest that we reserve our comment's, innuendo, and childish he said / she said for another place, it has no standing in Crestwood.

Tom Ford

5:26 AM, April 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:34 AM, April 16, 2014  
Anonymous S.W.Malter said...


Let's be honest, let's be brutally honest. Those opposed to Mr. Vincent are so only because of his unknown vote on Centrum when they return, and any other of Mayor elect Roby's plans. They are willing to drag through the mud a fine, totally qualified, intelligent, honest, open minded, Christian man in order to get their way. Just as they drug through the mud the TWO people Mayor Schlink tried to appoint to fill his seat in Ward Two, they will attempt to do the same now with Mr. Vincent . They have no shame.
They hide behind their cloak of anonymous out of fear of their neighbors knowing them for what they are.

Early on in this thread you asked for the fighting to stop to allow the city to work together for progress. I hope this treatment of Mr Vincent opens all eyes to the full evil, power hungry, heartlessness of those who supported Mayor elect Roby. To think for one second that a bankrupt, law suit dodging Centrum is not behind this slanderous treatment of Mr. Vincent is akin to believing the Tooth Fairy.

Only Pollyanna wouldn't believe that Mayor elect Roby's appointment for the vacant seat in Ward 4 would again split the BOA 4-4 on many issues, allowing him to break the tie. It is clear as the unshaven stubble on Mr. Barket's chin.

Centrum and Mayor elect Roby and his Rabble of followers have brought the Chicago Way and BIG city corrupt politics to Crestwood. Is it a surprise to anyone that former Dept heads of City and at least one current City employee where active in the Mayor elect's campaign? Is it a shock to anyone that voters were push poled with the message that Schlick had not treated the Police Dept fairly? It's the Chicago Way!

Roby's Rabble will go so far as to twist the Charter to mean something it doesn't in an effort to prevent the BOA from doing the work of the City at a special meeting.
It is NOT an incorrect analysis of the Charter and Code to simply state as the Charter does, that in matters of conflict between the two, the Charter wins. But in a continued perversion of what our City once was, what our Charter says, the Rabble will stop at nothing to grease Centrum's return from the dead.

Elections have consequences. Consequences that are not always as the victor planned.
Roby will be Roy without the West Virgina accent.
Roby will be Roy 2.1
Roby will take Crestwood backwards.
Roby will waste the City's current half a million dollars in surplus funds.
Roby will ask for a tax increase.
Roby will play the blame game, first it will be Mayor Schlink then the BOA's fault for his failures
And to do so Roby needs to be able to appoint the person to fill the vacant Ward 4 seat.

Tom, there is no high ground to aspire to with Roby, his Rabble and Centrum. That high ground was destroyed when Mayor elect Roby's drinking pal, former Mayor Roy, promised Centrum a TIF if they purchased Crestwood Mall.
Welcome to what can now be called the Crestwood Way.

11:08 AM, April 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Early on in this thread you asked for the fighting to stop to allow the city to work together for progress"

and yet, you continue....

12:17 PM, April 16, 2014  
Anonymous S.W.Malter said...

Anonymous said...


"Early on in this thread you asked for the fighting to stop to allow the city to work together for progress"

and yet, you continue....

12:17 PM, April 16, 2014

No brave anonymous, I am fighting for the truth to be told. To ignore the truth in exchange for "peace" doesn't work. To not speak out against the behaviors of those who support Mayor elect Roby is to allow them to write the history of Crestwood. To allow the twisting of our Charter to fit a political goal is to allow the subversion of our City government. To sit on my hands while the rejection of an Alderman appointment by use of character assassination would only lend legitimacy to those who foster such foul behavior.

I will not be a Chamberlain.

1:09 PM, April 16, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:17 PKM Blogger: HE CONTINUES? No, I thought we could just try to see if we could work as a team. I forgot that on your side of the fence you spell team with an "I."

If this is the way the Roby supporters want to play it, so be it.
Think about the words of Japanese Admiral I. Yamamoto, "I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and fill it with a terrible resolve."

Tom Ford

1:12 PM, April 16, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:34 AM Blogger: I am sick of your tirade, find another Blog to post on or start your own, your no longer welcome here!

Tom Ford

1:14 PM, April 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"To allow the twisting of our Charter to fit a political goal..."

Pot, meet kettle

1:31 PM, April 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor elect Roby's appointment for the vacant seat in Ward 4 would again split the BOA 4-4 on many issues, allowing him to break the tie.

Considering a majority of the voters just elected Mr. Roby and rejected Mr. Schlink, I think a majority of voters would be fine with that result.

1:38 PM, April 16, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:38 PM Blogger: Mr. Schlink doesn't have to worry about what the voters want now does he.

The person who now needs to put on the worry mantle is Mr. Roby, so what he and by extension his supporters do will determine how his term is viewed and accepted (or not accepted.)

Tom Ford

4:45 PM, April 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone attend tonight's meeting? If so, could you give us an update?

9:29 PM, April 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before the vote 4 members of the Board spoke or asked questions of Mr Vincent after he had given a brief summary of his background and positions.
Three (Tschlis, Stadter, Trueblood) spoke well of Mr. Vincent, stating they looked forward to having Mr.Vincent on the Board. Mr. Wallach asked a series of inane partisan questions, one being how did Mr. Vincent vote on Prop G. Mr. Vincent's answer gave a clue to his intellect and skill by saying he and his wife's votes cancelled each other out.

Mr. Roby was the first to speech from the audience, and he said he reported Mayor Schlink's selection of Mr Vincent. A Mrs Zink then spoke, questioning the Mayor on his selection of Mr. Vincent. Mayor Schlink answered her questions.

Mr. Vincent was elected by a vote of 7 to 0. The BOA and the crowd except for Mr. Rich Bland applauded the result of the vote. Mr. Bland looked like he had eaten unripe persimmons before the meeting so sower was his expression. Maybe he was having a bad clapping day?

Anonymous said...

"To allow the twisting of our Charter to fit a political goal..."

Pot, meet kettle

1:31 PM, April 16, 2014

Guess what, you were dead wrong!

12:23 AM, April 17, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Alderman Vincent, welcome aboard sir! The City of Crestwood and I appreciate your willingness to come forward and serve.

Tom Ford

4:45 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update of the meeting.

6:02 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too wish Alderman Vincent well, and I'm glad the BOA and Mayor Elect Roby welcomed him universally it appears.

As an aside, I don't think Alderman Wallach's question on Prop G was out of line. Aldermanic and Mayoral candidates are routinely asked how they voted on various local propositions and matters--Prop G was a major decision affecting this area and the Lindbergh School District. The Lindbergh School District is an asset to this area, and one of the reasons why Crestwood is a desirable place to live. I will reserve further opinion on Alderman Vincent until he actually casts some votes, but I'll admit that I do question the judgment of someone who voted against Prop G given the need, and given its universal endorsement by the Lindbergh School Board, whose members are of various political stripes.

6:57 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous S.W.Malter said...

Just heard Cindy Minor KMOX news at 8:00 a.m. She was "crying fowl" over Mr. Vincent being appointed as Alderman for Ward 4 as "she didn't know him".
The little secrete is Ms. Minor was late to the meeting and showed up AFTER Mr. Vincent had introduced himself, offered his resume to those who where there on time and had answered questions from the Board.
Could one conclude that if Ms. Minor had been on time and not tardy, she would have been more familiar with her new Alderman?
KMOX also did not report that Ms. Minor might have had a personal reason for crying fowl as she was a candidate for Alderman in Ward 4 two years ago and lost.

I have called KMOX and advised them of the above, don't know if they will amend their report or not, but what they are reporting now is not the complete story.

As for Mr. Wallach's question, that which was not reported to you was the audience and BOA's reaction to his question about Prop. G. Over whelming reaction from those there was dismay towards Mr. Wallach for asking the inane question. It was poorly played and received, that if it were not for the answer given by Alderman Vincent, would have made Mr. Wallach look childish.

8:42 AM, April 17, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Wonder why the economy is stalled to a slow stop?

Watch the auction for some insight of where were going.

Tom Ford

8:46 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for Mr. Wallach's question, that which was not reported to you was the audience and BOA's reaction to his question about Prop. G. Over whelming reaction from those there was dismay towards Mr. Wallach for asking the inane question. It was poorly played and received, that if it were not for the answer given by Alderman Vincent, would have made Mr. Wallach look childish.

Was the tone of the question hostile? What made it offensive? I'm just asking. Both mayoral candidates were asked about how they intended to vote on Prop. G at the debates and in the paper I think. I don't think the question is out of bounds, unless it was asked in some inappropriate way.

9:19 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell me how would a potential alderman's vote on a school district tax would indicate how he or she would serve and/or vote as an alderman?

9:31 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mr. Wallach asked a series of inane partisan questions" - what other questions did Alderman Wallach ask? Just curious.

9:33 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell me how would a potential alderman's vote on a school district tax would indicate how he or she would serve and/or vote as an alderman?

Why was it asked of the mayoral candidates?

Why does the impact on Lindbergh always come up when TIFs and redevelopment are discussed?

Because the well-being of the school district and the city are intertwined, and a healthy, robust Lindbergh school district is good for the city. The arguments that Faulstich and Clegg voiced against Prop G were inane; I really hope now-Alderman Vincent does not share those views.

9:39 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, if one voted against Prop G, then he or she would have been against "a healthy, robust Lindbergh school district"?

10:15 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



10:25 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Or their actions (voting against the school district's needs) are inconsistent with their desires (a healthy school district).

10:34 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. So anytime a person votes against a tax increase, he or she is "against" the entity in which the tax increase is for?

10:43 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prop G is just more leaching on the retired elderly by schools. The elderly should be exempt from property taxes for schools. It's about time the leaches stop preying on the elderly and stopped forcing them to choose between medicine, food and other basic life needs.

10:46 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. So anytime a person votes against a tax increase, he or she is "against" the entity in which the tax increase is for?

You made that logical leap to "anytime". The discussion was just about Prop G, not any tax increase for any hypothetical taxing entity.


The elderly pay more for schools they don't use, and the young and middle age pay more for ambulance districts and EMS services that the elderly overwhelming use. Welcome to society.

10:52 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No leap, just an extension of the discussion. So those voting against Prop G are against a healthy robust district? That's a harsh sentiment against those who voted no. Could they or might they have other reasons?

11:02 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am opposed to Obamacare.
Does that mean I am against people getting good health care?

I didn't vote for Prop G, does that mean I'm against good education?

I didn't vote for Obama, does that mean I'm a racist?

I didn't vote for McCaskill, does that mean I'm against women?

11:15 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


With the current and impending attendance spike at Lindbergh, more capacity was needed. I don't think that can be seriously disputed. Prop. G was to pay for that extra capacity. Without passage, the schools would have been operating at well over capacity with detrimental effects. Those voting against it (while each obviously has their own reasons), I think can be fairly listed in 3 broad groups:

1) I am elderly or have no kids, ergo I will vote no on Prop. G because it doesn't directly benefit me.

2) My kids go to private school, ergo I will vote no on Prop. G because it doesn't directly benefit me.

3) I am struggling financially, and while I might support a good school district in the abstract, I cannot afford a tax increase right now.

Of those voting for Prop G, I'm sure many were families with kids in the district that directly benefit from better schools. However, I know many retired persons and people with no kids who voted for it, even with no direct benefit for themselves, because they recognized the importance of good schools for the community.

I don't like paying more in taxes than anyone else does, but that was a necessary tax increase. I think most people voting against it did so because of their own selfish interests rather than the greater good. I am glad that a supermajority of the community supported Lindbergh though in its time of need.

11:16 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't vote for Prop G, does that mean I'm against good education?

Why did you vote no for Prop G?

11:24 AM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous S.W.Malter said...

That dear poster (@11:24 AM, April 17, 2014), was a rhetorical question. To understand it's full impact you had to read the rest of the post.
BTW for those of you who want more stuff about Alderman Vincent, I recommend you contact your normal source of inside city hall information, Aldermen Breeding and Wallach. You could also email Alderman Vincent directly but you couldn't do so and stay anonymous, so I doubt that will be your choice.

12:13 PM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thoroughly disgusted with the City of Crestwood: less than a third of its voting age citizens went to the polls, and now we have a fact-twisting liar for a mayor. We have a Board of Alderman who attend meetings unprepared, and of whom at least two are attempting to use their office to give city business to a personal friend. We have a City Clerk who is a sneak and a bully and is destructive to the morale of City Hall. Be careful what you want....

12:58 PM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa--let's break down these issues:

I'm thoroughly disgusted with the City of Crestwood: less than a third of its voting age citizens went to the polls,
True, and a good reason to be disgusted

and now we have a fact-twisting liar for a mayor.
False and libelous

We have a Board of Alderman who attend meetings unprepared,
Sometimes true

and of whom at least two are attempting to use their office to give city business to a personal friend.
Unknown, but that is a serious accusation...any facts to back it up?

We have a City Clerk who is a sneak and a bully and is destructive to the morale of City Hall.
Unknown...what are you basing this on?

1:07 PM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re 1: TRUTH TWISTING Example 1: Mr. Roby stated that salaries had been cut on employees - not true - positions were consolidated, and changed - if you are now doing the work of a secretary and are no longer an executive secretary should you be making the same amount of money? Yes a pay cut hurts, but should a physician make his same salary if he is now an orderly, just because he WAS a physician(extreme example, yes)? I don't think so.

TRUTH TWIST Example 2: Mr. Roby said that department heads had been let go, and essential services now outsourced. Fact: The Director of IT RESIGNED. FACT: He was making a salary AND the city was paying for not one, but TWO additional contracts to other parties for services that the IT Director did not have the skills or knowledge to perform. By outsourcing Crestwood IT to one provider, the city is receiving COMPLETE and superior IT services for less money to the taxpayers.

Re 3: I believe that Aldermen Duchild and Trueblood are trying to push some sort of pool contract to their buddy Steve Neider, even though Mr. Neider's bid is TWICE that of the bid that was originally recommended by Public Works. At one of the last meetings Duchild, Trueblood and one or two others attempted to chew up the winning bid with questions and criticisms fed to them by, I suspect, Neider.

With regard to the City Clerk -- fair enough... her threats and manipulation of other employees and the BOA are all hearsay from former and current City employees.

None of this is secret. It is all right in front of you IF you attend BOA meetings, except for the last point.

2:19 PM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That said, is this better for you?

I'm thoroughly disgusted (this is MY feeling os which I take complete ownership) with the City of Crestwood: less than a third of its voting age citizens went to the polls,

it is my OPINION that we have a fact-twisting liar for a mayor -ELECT.

We have a Board of Alderman who SOMETIMES attend meetings unprepared,and of whom IT APPEARS TO ME, and PERHAPS ONLY TO ME are attempting to use their office to give city business to a personal friend.

We have a City Clerk who is RUMORED BY FORMER AND CURRENT CITY EMPLOYEES to be a sneak and a bully and is destructive to the morale of City Hall.

2:47 PM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We have a Board of Alderman who SOMETIMES attend meetings unprepared,and of whom IT APPEARS TO ME, and PERHAPS ONLY TO ME TWO OF WHICH are attempting to use their office to give city business to a personal friend.

2:50 PM, April 17, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:50 PM BLOGGER: If Mr. Neiders bid was high how could they give the job to him, the high bid is normally tossed out of hand

That doesn't hold hold water (pun fully intended!)

Tom Ford

3:19 PM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly, Tom.

Oddly, the City Administrator has been directed to go back out for more bids, at the direction of the Board, led by the suggestion of... Misters Duchild and Trueblood...
Coincidence? PURELY MY TAKE on it all, mind you.

3:53 PM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and Mr. Neider has offered his services as a free "consultant" on the project, as well...I guess to help the City Admin write the request for the bids? No conflict of interest there...

Oh, wait.... all this is my perception and mine alone!

4:00 PM, April 17, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:00PM BLOGGER: did you know that you have no idea of what you speak? Mr. nieder has no dog in the fight, HE DID THIS PROPOSAL SUGGESTION TO SAVE HIS CITY MONEY! YOUR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR KNOWS THAT, WHY DON'T YOU?

He is not a contractor, and when last I looked, the company he works for doesn't sell these motors!

Looks like your decoder ring is on the fritz, ,
Maybe you candidate can help you figure out a way to stare at the existing motors to reduce the electric bill!

Tom Ford

4:24 PM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

Anonymous 2:19 PM, April 17, 2014

"Re 3: I believe that Aldermen Duchild and Trueblood are trying to push some sort of pool contract to their buddy Steve Neider, even though Mr. Neider's bid is TWICE that of the bid that was originally recommended by Public Works. At one of the last meetings Duchild, Trueblood and one or two others attempted to chew up the winning bid with questions and criticisms fed to them by, I suspect, Neider."

Normally I do not respond to slanderous posts that are r
anonymous . With the above, however, I will make that rare exception.

1. Mr. Nieder's employer has nothing to do with product(s) or services the City is thinking of adding to the pumps at the pool to reduce the electric bill.

2. The company whose winning bid you say I chewed up, is a customer of Mr. Nieder's employer for services & products other than what the City's bid is covering.

3. The winning company who offered the lowest bid did not meet many of the requirements of the bid the City submitted, hence my questions or as you like to described it, chewed up..

4. If you want be well versed on what I'm really doing, please be sure to attend the next BOA meeting which is 4/22/14 starting at 7:00. Admission is free.

5. To Mr. Ford; now that I have responded to the lies posted by Anonymous 2:19 PM, April 17, 2014, I would like you to provide me with their IP number and from that any further information you have so I may respond to them personally on your blog.
I know in the past you have removed Anonymous posts like these, but that hasn't stopped this type of low brow anonymous posts appearing and breaking your rules.

Therefore I would like the privilege to address them by name in order to secure my honor on this matter. I'm pretty sure if you are able to do this, this kind of crap will stop post haste, as cowards love the dark and the ability to be anonymous.
Thank you Mr. Ford.

4:29 PM, April 17, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

To all: , I will comply with Alderman Trueblood's request for the IP ADDRESS to the best of my ability.

Tom Ford

4:36 PM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

Thank you Mr. Ford.
I just hope the slanderous coward doesn't drop their current internet service in attempt to avoid being exposed to the public.

8:01 PM, April 17, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I will be on the net with my provider for you tomorrow. Changing an internet service does no good a each computer has it's own unique address built into it.

Tom Ford

9:21 PM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Richard Breeding said...

For the record, I've never met Alderman Vincent before last night. I found him to be very qualified to serve, and will be a great representative for Ward 4.

10:01 PM, April 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman Breeding,
Cindy Minor's gonna be sooo mad at you!!

10:49 PM, April 17, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:01 PM Blogger: Alderman Breeding, I too have never met Alderman Vincent but I, like most was willing to give him benefit of the doubt.

I am very happy to hear that my belief's were correct, and I thank you for your statement.

Welcome to the Blog, and I hope you will continue to post your feelings and comment's as "we the people" must become more informed.

What better way to do it than to have you, Alderman Trueblood, and others from the Dias post here from time to time.

Tom Ford

5:24 AM, April 18, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Wow, good thing he's not here, the poor boy wold have appaplexy! I guess he thinks he work for the B.L.M.


Tom Ford

5:20 PM, April 18, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a new Missouri resident, reading these blog posts helped me learn a lot about the Crestwood area. What do you think about the prospects of a family-owned furniture store opening in the vacated Gordman's? Furniture nicer than Ashley or Rothmans, but not super, high-end designer prices. Think a smaller, more efficient version of Carol House. Any thoughts or comments are welcome.

12:07 PM, August 05, 2014  

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