Wednesday, April 09, 2014

The elections are finally over, now what will WE do for Crestwood?


Strive to be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. It would be good to see some working together in Crestwood for a change."

1:55 PM, April 09, 2014

This is from the thread below, and it, more than anything else I have heard since yesterday sums up where we need to be in the coming days, weeks and months. We all fought for our candidate, and what we believed was the correct course for Crestwood, as well we should have.

But now the votes are counted, and we have a new mayor who we must all rally behind to insure our fair community can prosper in the future. How we do that is up to each of us, but one thing is for sure and that is Mayor Roby must have the support of us ALL to succeed, and when he succeeds, we ALL prosper.

I am not saying that that every day will be the romance of a life time, no, not by a long shot, but if there is a spot where he want's and needs help, and you can, please offer your expertise.

To Mayor elect Greg Roby, I say welcome aboard, and to out going Mayor Jeff Schlink, I say thank you for a job well done !

May the Good Lord bless and keep them both, and may our community go forward in the knowledge that, In the words of President Ronald Reagan, "Our best day's are yet to come !"

Tom Ford

NO. 3055


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's what we should do.

Point out the new mayor's changes from what he said would do when he was a candidate and what he says he will do once elected.

Example: Full time mayor when a candidate.
Now as reported in the Times paper of 4/11-17, 2013 "he CAN BE at city hall full time if necessary.'

Interesting to say the least, that Mr. Roby's only election promise, that he would be a full time mayor, has now been modified to a "if necessary" commitment.

Now that's leadership!

10:39 AM, April 11, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your word-twisting.

Consistent with the paper's reporting, I recall the comment from Mr. Roby saying he "can be" a full-time mayor, insinuating that if a matter called for it, he could devote full time attention to it, whereas someone with a day job could obviously not.

I also see this exact quote on his campaign material:

"And if I am elected mayor--I will hold regular open office hours so citizens and businesses can stop by and share their ideas and concerns"

Since he has not been installed yet, I have not heard an announcement of when those office hours will be, but I imagine it is forthcoming.

Do you have an exact quote from Mr. Roby that contradicts his statements in the paper? If not, take Tom's advice and perhaps let the new mayor get installed and actually make a decision or two before you start complaining.

10:55 AM, April 11, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:39 AM Blogger: Well he really doesn't want to be there full time because sooner or later he will want to direct an employee, and that is a major Charter violation!

I would guess he will want to get the lay of the land, and he should, but by the Charter he must leave the running of the City to Mr. Mark Sime, City Administrator, and the department heads.

Never forget what a person says they will do prior to any election is for the most part bravo sierra.

What they will do is what were interested in, so give the new Mayor time to show us what he will / can do.

Tom Ford

10:58 AM, April 11, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I WILL hold regular open office hours so citizens and businesses can stop by and share their ideas and concerns"


"he CAN BE at city hall full time if necessary "

You dont see a contradiction?

11:23 AM, April 11, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


No. Holding regular office hours means some regular time each week.

Full time means 40 hours. I don't think any reasonable person would equate "I will hold regular open office hours so citizens..." to mean office hours of 40 hours/week.

I think you are looking for an issue where none exists.

12:34 PM, April 11, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No worries. Mayor Roby will spend enough time at Crestwood City Hall to implement his agenda ... whatever that is.

2:02 PM, April 11, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Lets all read the Charter, the section that states Whtat an elected official can and cannot do. That should end the back and forth.

If ANY official over steps his / her bounds, then we can call for censure and removal from office of said official.

So far none of that has taken place, if it ever does, well then you can break out your pitch forks, not until.

Tom Ford

2:20 PM, April 11, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, here's my summary of the election results:

SCHLINK: 1,473 45.9%

So, when does the first welfare check get cut to hand whoever takes over the mall - oh, and gee, think maybe Centrum may cancel that auction now? Wouldn't surprise me in the least!

Also, regarding Prop G: The Lindbergh tax increase - again - wasn't about expanding capacity, they could already afford that. It's about continuing to fund that unsustainable public pension fund used to give their employees pension benefits FAR ABOVE what 90% of working Americans get in the private workplace. Make no mistake about it.

I'm all for public pensions - but ONLY if EVERYBODY gets one. When that day comes, I'll be ALL FOR paying more taxes for pensions like this. But for now, why should I pay more money every year so somebody else can get a fat pension? My answer: No reason whatsoever.

2:52 PM, April 11, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read an intersting comment on another page about the vote for Mayor divided between young and poor.

Their statement was to the affect that younger people see the cost of public welfare to wealthy developers via a TIF as the "necessary cost of doing business" today.

If that's true, then all the writer is saying is younger people are more easily brainwashed, because handing out TIFs to wealthy developers to develop real estate is NOT necessary in the least. Ever heard of "free enterprise"?? Business is business, and government is government - of the PEOPLE, for PEOPLE etc., nothing mentioned in there about "business" is there?

So when did it become necessary for the public to finance private business investments? Only when young people became so easily brainwashed, I guess!

But I refuse to believe that, anyway - there are PLENTY of young people who see the folly and the rip-off in handing out tax subsidies to wealthy developers just to get somebody to do business in your city.

Only the easily brainwashed young ones believe in TIFs, I guess.

2:59 PM, April 11, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:52 and 2:59 PM Bloggers: Are you two in some sort of squabble from another forum? If you are, take it back there as these little remarks are doing nothing more than wasting band width!

NOBODY is going to get anything in the way of TIF's unless they have a plan, there has been no viable plan to date, and there won't be one in the near future, trust me!

Get off the personal, emotional horse and try to help this transition, both of you, or don't waste your time posting because I will just delete it.

Tom Ford

3:23 PM, April 11, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:52 and 2:59 are almost certainly the same poster Tom. Their constant complaints about Roby, TIFs, and Lindbergh's Prop G are getting tiresome though.

3:42 PM, April 11, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:42 PM Blogger: Must be a split personality.

Agreed that the constant complaining is tiresome which is why I said I would delete the comments if they kept it up.

We need to work to make this work, not complain, this auction will tell the tale one way or the other.

I think the opening bid will be 1 Million, and I doubt it will sell for more than 2 million if that.

Reason, EPA nightmare to say the least.

Tom Ford

3:50 PM, April 11, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I think you are looking for an issue where none exists."

If you were provided a video where Mr Roby said if elected, he would be a full time mayor, would you admit he has already reigned on one of his campaign promises?
Would that be an issue for you?

3:53 PM, April 11, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get over yourself. Everyone who is a mayor is a mayor every hour of the day. Full time. That means, he will devote every hour of his working life, how many hours that takes, to meeting with, listening to, and studying being a part of this community in the best way possible. It's called dedication. I like it.

4:17 PM, April 11, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The auction should be really interesting. I, along with most other people, are hoping for a strong buyer. I think the worst case scenario is that Centrum doesn't get any bids, or gets insufficient bids, and they remain the owner. I just don't see anything getting done if they remain in the picture.

If a new buyer buys the property, I think a higher purchase price is probably better than a low purchase price, because then if TIF is used, at least the property value is frozen at a higher level than a lower value. Alternatively though, if the purchase price is lower (say 2 million like you think), then the new developer is spending chump change on the land acquisition and should be able to request a lower TIF amount. I think the developer and their plan for the property use are the key questions, but it is more palatable to request a lower TIF number than a higher number, assuming the developer and plan are reasonably acceptable.
Centrum spending 17 million on the property and trying to recoup most of that through TIF was a major sticking point previously.

Hopefully we'll get some good news on April 24 when the dust settles.

5:01 PM, April 11, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:01 PM BLOGGER: God willing it will go on the 24th. Only problem with higher TIF ammount is the tax rate the development will have to charge to pay it off.

centrum was at 10 1/4 % tax which if allowed will kill a project customer wise.

Tom Ford

5:12 PM, April 11, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Everyone who is a mayor is a mayor every hour of the day. Full time."

So that means Mayor Schlink was full time and Mr.Roby claim to be a full time mayor was bogus!!

Would you change your position if you saw a video of Mr. Roby saying if elected he would be a full time mayor?

Why are you dodging the issue? It was his promise, not yours.

BTW, since when is asking questions and posting positions on Mr. Ford's blog an indication that a person needs to get over themselves? Is this the start of Roy R. 2.1?

Sure sounds like it.

5:44 PM, April 11, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:44PM BLOGGER: I am just wondering what it is that drives your disdain for Mayor elect Roby.

I too was / am a Schlink supporter but we must see what Mr. Roby can do now as the numbers aren't going to change.

Yes he said full time, but he won't / can't do it, and.we knew that from the start, but Leti it go, let's see wht we can do to make Crestwood move ahead.

Tom Ford

8:24 PM, April 11, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

In case anyone missed Mr. Mile Anthony's OP ED in the Call, here it is.

Tom Ford

10:15 PM, April 11, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:52 PM April 11

By law, the money raised from the sale of Prop G bonds can only be used for capital improvements (as listed on the ballot).

Martha Duchild

12:09 PM, April 12, 2014  

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