Monday, April 07, 2014

Well after all that has been said and done, tomorrow is the day, election day!


we have all waxed eloquently in support of the candidate we felt would do the best job for our community, Crestwood.

Tomorrow night at 7:00 PM the polls will close and we will have cast our votes and will be waiting feverously for the results. Will it be Mayor Schlink, or will it be the challenger, Mr. Roby, tomorrow will tell.

I am not going to tell you who to vote for, but I will be at the poll's backing my choice as I should be. In the annals of Crestwood history this is not the most highly contested race, nor is it the most contentious, it's two men who have put their name and fortune in the ring, both with the best of intentions I am sure.

I ask that ALL of us go to the polls tomorrow, cast your ballot, do what you can to insure that our sacred right to vote is up held yet again. Did you see the news yesterday where the Afghani people went to the poll's to vote for a President? If you did, you know that they were threatened with death, their homes ruined, their families murdered by a bunch of punks, and yet they went!

Tomorrow we may see a bit of rain, it may be cool, but no one will shoot at you or disrespect you in the line to vote, so I ask, can we do any less than our fellow human beings in Kabul? Go to the poll's, vote, and if you need transportation call me at 341-2307. I will make sure you get there and back home safely, and no I won't discuss anything but the weather.

May the good Lord bless our two candidates, provide us with fair weather, and a safe trip to and from our polling place's, and may he grant our community, Crestwood continued prosperity.

Tom Ford

NO. 3054


Anonymous Anonymous said...

May the good Lord bless our two candidates, provide us with fair weather, and a safe trip to and from our polling place's, and may he grant our community, Crestwood continued prosperity (and a prop G victory).


See you tomorrow

8:33 PM, April 07, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably doesn't mean anything for now, but found out today that member's of the Police Board have been calling voters asking them to vote for Roby.

Thanks Rich Bland

10:25 PM, April 07, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Assuming what you say is true, and I have no idea if it is,the other 4 members of the police board are Crestwood citizens, not employees. Why can't they do any and all campaign activities they want for any candidate or cause?

For that matter, I don't see why any citizen volunteer on any city board couldn't campaign for whoever they wanted.

11:10 PM, April 07, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please vote!

4:02 PM, April 08, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:30 PM, no results yet available from County.

Tom Ford

7:35 PM, April 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absentee vote counts are out:

JEFF SCHLINK . . . . . . . . . 69 46.31
GREGG ROBY. . . . . . . . . . 79 53.02

8:01 PM, April 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Roby it is.

(Vote for ) 1
JEFF SCHLINK . . . . . . . . . 1,410 45.57
GREGG ROBY. . . . . . . . . . 1,672 54.04
WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . . . . 12 .39

9:46 PM, April 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners

(Vote for ) 1
JEFF SCHLINK . 1,410 45.57
GREGG ROBY. 1,672 54.04
WRITE-IN. 12 .39

9:47 PM, April 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see all the tier one businesses flocking to Crestwood now that we have real leadership in the Mayor's office.

10:13 PM, April 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't do any worse than we are now.

10:23 PM, April 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I voted Tom.

All I can say is this - I'll be brief.

We voted for Roby.

We passed the Lindbergh tax property tax increase - yet again.

Yet this is a district that solidly votes Republican and hates tax and spend.

Well, I guess it's okay to tax and spend as long as it's spent on the wealthy, and not on people who need it, like working class or disadvantages people.

Because we now elected a mayor who will handout the keys to the city treasury in welfare handouts for wealthy developers, and we voted for an increase that will go right into the hands of the pension fund managers and high-paid administrators who work three years for lifetime welfare benefits.

Man, are we a confused community of hypocritic fools, are what?

11:14 PM, April 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job, Crestwood voters!

Can't wait to see that $35 MILLION of taxpayer money spent on the gosh-darn nicest country western restaurant this side of Dodge City! And maybe a fancy bowling alley to boot! Should at least draw some folks from Fenton, hopefully.

Now would be a good time to sell your house in Crestwood, before the taxes go up and the property values go down.

So, nice thinking! Now be sure ya' all go vote for a Republican in the Congressional elections come fall, because you don't want none of your precious tax money wasted here now, do ya now? You're already spending PLENTY as it is supporting Roby's friends at Centrum and their $35 MILLION welfare habit, and paying all those lavish public pensions - oh, wait, many of YOU are living on THAT gravy train! I'm sorry, that's right, I thought you were AGAINST welfare! I guess not when your own pocketbook is involved!

Great job! Shows we really have quite an intellectual powerhouse right here in Crestwood!

11:22 PM, April 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@11:14, 11:22 Go to bed Bill

Support of public education is essential to a free republic. The anti-education wing of the Republican party is frankly an embarrassment to the vast majority of Republicans who understand the wisdom of the founding fathers.

"Laws for the liberal education of youth, especially of the lower class of people, are so extremely wise and useful, that, to a human and generous mind, no expense for this purpose would be thought extravagant."
-John Adams

"I consider knowledge to the be the soul of a republic, and as the weak and the wicked are generally in alliance, as much care should be taken to diminish the number of the former as of the latter. Education is a way to do this, and nothing should be left undone to afford all ranks of people the means of obtaining a proper degree of it at a cheap and easy rate."
-John Jay

"Learned Institutions ought to be favorite objects with every free people. They throw that light over the public mind which is the best security against crafty and dangerous encroachments on the public liberty."
-James Madison

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
-Thomas Jefferson

"The best means of forming a manly, virtuous, and happy people will be found in the right education of youth. Without this foundation, every other means, in my opinion, must fail."
-George Washington

Spending tax dollars on education is about the most worthy thing to spend tax dollars on, right up there with roads and the public safety. And if you didn't see the need for Prop G, you didn't study the demographic numbers and capacity numbers for the Lindbergh School District. Every reputable member of this community voiced support for Prop G, including both mayoral candidates. Lindbergh, when times were good, actually reduced the tax rate when they didn't need the extra money. Now that they need money for a new school, they are asking for an $80.00/year tax increase. If you can't afford $80.00/year, by all means sell your house in Crestwood and go move to some area with a terrible school district where education isn't valued.

11:47 PM, April 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for Schlink/Roby, Fortune favors the bold (and frowns upon those who abstain). The mall will be auctioned soon, and assuming it sells, no one will be giving money to Centrum. With Mayor Roby, I think we will be getting someone who is more practical and less of an ideologue. Will tax subsidies be involved for the redevelopment of the mall? Almost certainly. Is that fair? Probably not. Life isn't fair. Should be more be done to help the poor and downtrodden? Sure.

As distasteful as it may be to use public money for private development, the cost-benefit works in the city's favor if public subsidies are used on the right project. You can be proud and say no to using tax subsidies, but Crestwood will continue to get lapped by the municipalities who choose to use them.

I think the fact that an incumbent mayor who did an acceptable job in most other facets of his job was just unseated shows the public's opinion of whether redevelopment should have progressed.

11:58 PM, April 08, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people have spoken!

(Vote for ) 1
JEFF SCHLINK . . . . . . . . . 1,473 45.97
GREGG ROBY. . . . . . . . . . 1,719 53.65
WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . . . . 12 .37

6:37 AM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Can't do any worse than we are now."

wow, that's setting the bar high isn't it. Then why do we need a different mayor?

9:36 AM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Can't do any worse than we are now" leaves unsaid the logical conclusion of "But we can do better". In other words, the gentlemen have the same floor, but one has a higher ceiling.

10:00 AM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@11:58p you're correct. Yesterday's vote was a referendum on how the mayor handled the mall issue. It would appear that a majority, however slight, was not happy with him on this issue. It'd be interesting to see how the individual precints voted and if that spells trouble for next year's races like the reelection of Trueblood in Ward 2. It may shed some light on who or what type of candidate might have a chance of winning Duchild's term-limited seat in Ward 3 and the former Tennessen seat in Ward 4 (that should be filled soon for the remainder of that term).

10:12 AM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think any of the aldermen are term limited this next go-around. Whoever is running in Ward 4 will be brand new (if the appointee runs again), Trueblood is finishing his first term (after a gap), and Wallach and Duchild are finishing their second consecutive terms. Wallach and Duchild can each run for a third term in April.

10:17 AM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So is Pickel going to run against Trueblood in April 2015 by supporting a TIF that violates City's current Economic Tool's policy's?

12:29 PM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Tom, Where AreYou!!!!??? Echo

12:44 PM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, one day after the election and you are already looking a year ahead. Live in the moment.

With respect to the Tools policy that Jeff ran and lost on, the BOA should probably scrap it at soon as possible. Judge each project on its own merits instead of being married to a policy that doesn't allow for flexibility when dealing with a problem property like the mall.


Strive to be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. It would be good to see some working together in Crestwood for a change.

1:55 PM, April 09, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

OK Ladies and Gentlemen, the silly season had finally ended and we have a new mayor.

I ask that you give him the chance he deserves so we can gain an orderly transition.

To that end, I ask that each of you refrain from posts that are not of a positive nature.

Let's see what can be accomplished for a change if we ALL try to make Crestwood work.

Call your Alderman, make suggestions because that is where things happen, the Alderman are the ones who are directly responsible, so hold them to their promises.

Tom Ford

6:21 PM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"OK Ladies and Gentlemen, the silly season had finally ended and we have a new mayor.

I ask that you give him the chance he deserves so we can gain an orderly transition."

An admirable wish, but have you for gotten how Foote, Pickel, Wallach and Duncan never gave Mayor Schlink a chance for his orderly transition?

These four fought Schink ever step of the way from the start of his administration. Beginning when they obstructed Jeff's selection of who was to fill HIS own term of Alderman for Ward 2!

All because their boy Roy was defeated.

An eye for an eye is what they wanted then and it's what their Mayor is going to get now.

11:10 PM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An eye for an eye is what they wanted then and it's what their Mayor is going to get now.

That's a nice attitude. I hope our elected officials are more enlightened than you and plan on taking the high road.

11:25 PM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That's a nice attitude. I hope our elected officials are more enlightened than you and plan on taking the high road."

Taking the same high road our elected officials, Foote, Wallach, Duncan and Pickel took. Have you forgotten or simply don't care to remember?

Not much fun when the tables are turned, is it?
Any way, with the great leadership skills and zero promises Mayor elect Roby made to us in his campaign, taking the high road should be a snap.

11:38 PM, April 09, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just keep wallowing in the negativity and the past. The rest of us will look forward with optimism.

12:07 AM, April 10, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

To All: No I haven't forgotten a thing reference the transition, but I am willing to give Greg Roby the chance those people NEVER gave Jeff Schlink!

Mr. Roby is about to learn why the Chinese say, "Be careful what you wish for." All that happens on his watch will not please his supporters who want instant gratification, and will not get it.

The usual suspects on the Board will do what they always have, there will be no change in their attitude, so I say let them do as they will.

Remember, when the Exon Valdez ran aground in Alaska the Coast Guard came aboard and asked for the Captian, not the cook, and so it will go with Mr. Roby.

As for me I intend to give him all the support he needs until or unless things get out of hand, and then you can look for me to join the loyal opposition with haste.

We don't have time to dwell on the past, we have an auction to watch, and (not the least of it,) a clean up by the new owners that will take at least two years and 10 Million dollars to complete.

FYI. don't look for anything on that space for some time to come friends.

Now, what expertise do YOU have that will help Crestwood? Mr. Roby will need all the help he can get if he is to do what he said he would, so..........

Tom Ford

5:20 AM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well-said Tom. Nothing irritates me more than petty-Washington style politics in Crestwood. It's one thing to have a legitimate disagreement on policy; it's quite another to cast votes just to play games. I hope we don't see any games.

As for the mall property, you are probably right on the timing. Hopefully we'll get a quality buyer at the auction. By the time all of the design work, negotiation/legal work, tear-down, clean up, etc. is done, we will be lucky to have the first shovel in the ground for new construction in 2 years, maybe 2 1/2 years.

7:15 AM, April 10, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...


I spent my day yesterday at a quiet lake fishing, and now I am tanned, rested and ready for the future.

I trust that it meets with your approval, but how will we know since you haven't signed your name ?

Oh, by the by, "he who laughs last" as they say.

Tom Ford

7:15 AM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Just keep wallowing in the negativity and the past. The rest of us will look forward with optimism."

Really? Elections over now so you can stop the continued line of b.s.

If you read mayor elect campaign material he made only one promise, that was he would be a full time mayor.

Nothing else. His promise means we can drop in M-F, from 8:30 to 4:30 and find him busy doing the mayors work at City Hall.

Can't wait to drop in and visit him on Friday May 23 around 2:00 or Thursday July 3rd around 1:00 for visit. I recommend all supporters of mayor elect Roby do the same. See first hand how real leadership can work to move Crestwood forward with a full time mayor. Be amazed as first tier businesses flock to Crestwood. Bask in the glow of how once again the voters of Crestwood have rejected a well educated, young mayor in favor of a retired, less educated one, expecting the results to be different than our experience was with Roy, our last full time mayor.
Watch in awe how fast the half a million dollars in reserve funds is gone by 2015 budget time. Gasp in pure delight when the only solution offered is a tax increase.

9:14 AM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:34 AM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oddly enough in my neighborhood most of the "Roby" signs were in yards of younger families, and most of the "Schlink" signs were in the yards if retired folks. I thought that was a little strange given the candidates' age disparity.

9:39 AM, April 10, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:34 M BLOGGER: WE don't talk like that here, family site remember?

Tom Ford

10:26 AM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah come on Tom, let the people see the real side of the Roby Rabble you suggest we place nice with.

"9:34 M BLOGGER: WE don't talk like that here, family site remember?'

10:51 AM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope he fails.

11:19 AM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roby Rabble

That's a nice way to describe 1,719 citizens of Crestwood.

I assume you live in Crestwood? Why wouldn't you wish a new mayor well? If he succeeds in making Crestwood a better place, doesn't that benefit all of us?

I'm sorry you're disappointed that Mayor Schlink lost, but the outward hostility to the new mayor is uncalled for. If the new mayor falls short of his goals, then by all means release the slings and arrows, but until then, maybe you should give him some time to succeed or fail (or have some success and some failure as most mayors do).

Now that the election is over, it would be nice to shelve the "us vs. them" election mindset until next April.

11:22 AM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope he fails.

Well, at least your honest about it. What a horrible thing to wish though. If he fails, that means our City fails. I'm frankly taken aback that someone would be so hate-filled about a local election that rather than wishing success upon the new mayor and city, you would instead wish failure just you can do what? Say I told you so? That is about the most sad and petty thing I have ever heard.

Just wow.

11:28 AM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish the mayor, all 8 aldermen, our C/A, Parks Director, Fire Chief, Police Chief, and Public Works Director wisdom in their decisions and success in their actions.

11:50 AM, April 10, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

We're either going to play nice, or ...........

Tom Ford

12:43 PM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:47 PM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@9:39a--it made complete sense when you think about it as the election was all about Schlink's handling of the mall. Younger families embraced Centrum's plan to some extent and recognized TIF as the current price of doing business while older folks seemed to reject the plan as well as any talk of tax assistance.

1:57 PM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I assume you live in Crestwood."

Since when does an opponent of mayor elect Roby have to live in Crestwood?

Ahh, so that's it. You hope Mayor Roby fails because you are in live in Kirkwood, or Webster, or Sunset Hills, or Fenton, and you don't want Crestwood to emerge as a viable competitor.

Tell us how you felt when members of the Roby Rabble, Aldermen Pickel, Foote, Duncan, Wallach turned down not just once but twice, newly elected Mayor Schlink choose to fill the open Alderman seat in Ward Two? Would it have been nice once that election was over, if they had shelved the "us vs. them" election mindset until next April?

If that was vote was just about politics, they ought to be ashamed. If their vote reflected their beliefs about the quality of candidate, or conflicts of interest, then it is defensible.

2:28 PM, April 10, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Sorry but no name no posting of others f
Than elected

2:35 PM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the record, for the poster who keeps disparaging the new mayor based off the votes of other former aldermen concerning a long-dead issue (the appointment of Mr. Mosby to the board), the minutes reflect that Mr. Roby asked the board to reconsider Mr. Mosby in accordance with Mr. schlink's original recommendation:

"Gregg Roby, 9126 Buxton, asked for clarification on a tie vote by the Board and the Mayor being able to break
the tie. Mr. Roby then asked the Board to reconsider Doug Mosby, who was voted down by the Board at the
last meeting, as a candidate for Alderman along with the two candidates which were presented this evening."

2:46 PM, April 10, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

People, I really don't care who lives where! The election is OVER, and please try for once in your lived to be civil/

Now. I will not allow anyone to post the names of non elected officials anywhere unless you sign your real name!


You want to stay anonymous, fine, follow the rules or find another place to post.

Tom Ford

3:33 PM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I dont know if you knew this but the names listed who were Roby supporters who dont live in Crestwood were listed with their photos on Roby's facebook.
Its your blog, but its not like those people were trying to stay out of the lime light of social media.

6:50 PM, April 10, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:50 PM BLOGGER: I know but the election is over. I do not want to publish any names at all unless the blogger wants to back up their claim by signing their real name ( it will be checked.)

You would expect no less, and lets wait till Mr. Roby does something wrong before you slam him. If what you say is true, it won't be long, or wiill it?

Wait and see, he is. Fellow citizen, give him a chance!

Tom Ford

8:45 PM, April 10, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, here's my summary of the election results:

SCHLINK: 1,473 45.9%

So, when does the first welfare check get cut to hand whoever takes over the mall - oh, and gee, think maybe Centrum may cancel that auction now? Wouldn't surprise me in the least!

A quick PS to a response above: The Lindbergh tax increase - again - wasn't about expanding capacity, they could already afford that. It's about continuing to fund that unsustainable public pension fund used to give their employees pension benefits FAR ABOVE what 90% of working Americans get in the private workplace. Make no mistake about it.

I'm all for public pensions - but ONLY if EVERYBODY gets one. When that day comes, I'll be ALL FOR paying more taxes for pensions like this. But for now, why should I pay more money every year so somebody else can get a fat pension? My answer: No reason whatsoever.

2:49 PM, April 11, 2014  

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