Come out and join us Sunday, May 25th at Father Dickson's cemetery, a great piece of American history is right here in Crestwood !
Did you know that we have a National treasure right here in Crestwood ? Did you know that three Civil War Veterans are interned here ? Did you know that there are Veterans from the Civil War, Spanish American War, WW 1 , WW 2, and Korea also interned here ? Did you know that it's right on Sappington Rd. just north of the Sappington House ?
My guess is that you did not, I didn't until our resident Crestwood Historian Ms. Jackie Stock introduced me to the man (and fellow Vietnam Veteran) Mr. Ernest Jordan, who is the President of the Cemetery.
We have formed an AD HOC committee consisting of Ms. Stock, Mr. Jordan, Mr. James Kinslow. Mr. Ken Hampton and myself to correct a small oversight on the grounds.
In all the years the Cemetery has been in existence there has been no American flag flown over it, so we have formed this group to raise funds to purchase, install and maintain a lighted Flag pole (and Flag) to be installed at the entrance of the property.
Would you please consider taking some of your weekend to join us at the Cemetery, tour the grounds, stop by and say hello, and if possible make a donation to "Friends of Father Dickson's Cemetery ?" We will all be there from 11:00 AM till 2:00 PM at which time small flags will be placed on the graves of ALL the Veterans interned there.
We look forward to seeing you there and having the opportunity to introduce you to a piece of history right here in Crestwood.
Tom Ford
NO. 3066
Thanks to all who joined us today ! We raised $135.00 in just a couple of hours for the FLAG.
That's a good start, and at this rate I pray we can have it up by Flag Day, June 14th.
Tom Ford
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