Gas prices now a record 1290 days above $3.00 a gallon !
Well where are you going to go this weekend ? The gasoline pricing has gotten a bit out of hand, and some popular sports are seeing less and less participation due to it.
I have just returned from a trip to Syracuse, Indiana (Lake Wawasee) where the gas price for the boat was North of $5.00 per gallon, and car gas in some spots was $3.99.9 !
Now that the costs have become so high will you be staying closer to home ? I am thinking that many of us will be running fewer errands to the store, and combining our trips to cut costs.
I believe that this is a perfect time for the economic development commission and Mayor Roby to launch a "shop Crestwood First" campaign. The President believes that no crisis should ever be wasted, so why not use this one to boost the sales of Crestwood businesses ?
What do you think, and better yet, what would you suggest to the Mayor and EDC given the chance ?
Tom Ford
NO. 3070
Well where are you going to go this weekend ? The gasoline pricing has gotten a bit out of hand, and some popular sports are seeing less and less participation due to it.
I have just returned from a trip to Syracuse, Indiana (Lake Wawasee) where the gas price for the boat was North of $5.00 per gallon, and car gas in some spots was $3.99.9 !
Now that the costs have become so high will you be staying closer to home ? I am thinking that many of us will be running fewer errands to the store, and combining our trips to cut costs.
I believe that this is a perfect time for the economic development commission and Mayor Roby to launch a "shop Crestwood First" campaign. The President believes that no crisis should ever be wasted, so why not use this one to boost the sales of Crestwood businesses ?
What do you think, and better yet, what would you suggest to the Mayor and EDC given the chance ?
Tom Ford
NO. 3070
Blame Bush?
Well, no he isn't a "progressive" now is he.
Tom Ford
So if the high oil prices under GWB were caused by his war for oil in the Middle East and his BIG Oil friends, how come under Obama the price of oil has gone UP?
Could it be due to Obama's opposition to the best job creating project since FDR, the Keystone pipeline and it supplying us with Canadian oil?
Could it be Obama's war on coal the the workers if the cola mining industry?
Could it be the billions of our tax money that has been and is still being spent on failed alternative renewable green energy sources?
Can we blame the "black guy"? NO we cant because we all knew he had no job experience when we hired him.
So the problem must be us. We must stop our crazed addiction to oil. We must buy more fuel efficient vehicles. We must lower our thermostats in the winter and raise them in the summer. We must reduce the distance we travel by car on vacation.
Guess what? We have done all that and more. Now the federal govt needs more fuel tax dollars to repair and build our transportation system. A system that because of higher fuel pries and 92,120,00 Americans not working and therefore not driving to work isn't being used as much.
Here's some ideas. Lets find how much of the fuel tax we pay goes to the maintenance and building of our transportation systems? Lets ask the federal govt to do with less of our money by reducing their fuel tax amount. We the people have done all that has been asked of us by the federal govt and yet the federal govt can not stay within their OWN budget.
Maybe it's time for them to do with less. as they have been asking us to do. Maybe it's time they provide us with a explanation of why they can't stay within their own budget. Maybe, as the owners of the federal govt it's time they show us how and where they are spending our money?
Ok, bottom line, you want prices at the pump to drop? The easiest and fastest way to do would be to reduce the federal fuel tax. What happens when tax rates go down? Income from taxes goes up. Our economy improves, more jobs become available as more capital from private sources is fed into the economy. By allowing the building of the Keystone you reduce concerns of transporting fuel/oil by truck barge or train. More private sector jobs become available. Allow and support fracking, ditto reason as found in Keystone.
Bottom line, the only thing standing between us and lower fuel costs and more Americans working in the private sector is our federal govt and its policy's
9:53 AM Blogger: Interesting observation but how will you vote in November ?
We have an excellent chance to remove the stumbling blocks from office, and if were to save America as we know it, we MUST do it.
I am talking about the BIG, GOVERNMENT politicians who want more and more Government. I am talking about the democrats, Republicans, and Independents who vote to curtail our freedom !
In November we need a clean sweep, Government under this regime is broken, we need new ideas, new people, and most of all common sense in Washington.
Will YOU do it, will YOU vote out the party hacks and start fresh ?
Tom Ford
9:53 AM Blogger: Here is a "shocker's" for you.
And the gas price is still high ? Well the EPA has blocked new refineries for over 40 years, so no matter what we produce, we still are in the tank (so to speak.)
Tom Ford
As per the "gas prices" link on the right side of the page here are the latest in our area.
If your going on a family car vacation you can plug in the City or Zip code to get the pricing for the area your going to.
Boat gasoline ? Well, last week in Syracuse, Indiana it was $5.30 a gallon (no oil mixture either..)
Are we being "FLEASED" or what ?
Tom Ford
I will vote for the most conservative person on the ballot.
be glad you don't live in the Netherlands, where it's over $6.00 gallon, or maybe England or Italy, where it's almost $6.00.The $3.50 I just paid doesn't seem so bad when compared to the rest of the world.
my apologies for incorrect numbers on my previous post. The Netherlands or closer to $10 and England and Italy are at $8.25 and $9.34, respectively.
You see Anonymous 5:03 PM, July 06, 2014 I don't live in other place in the world. I live in the USA and up to now have been very proud to do so.
I don't care what other country's pay for their gas, if they want lower prices at the pump they can lower their tax on a gallon/liter of gas, develop their own fuel sources or may be even start defended with their military their supply lines and sources instead of asking the USA to do so.
The world market determines the price of a barrel of oil regardless who buys it. The reason for higher gas prices in England, Italy and Netherlands is, therefore, due to their government tax policy's. The people of those counties have with their vote, elected to pay higher taxes on the same gallon of gas than we are paying. At least so far that is the case. Can't determine what executive orders in the future might change.
I do not feel sorry for them. I do however feel sorry for the USA whose current Administration is waging a war on domestic energy sources, low energy prices, and promoting more Americans not working than ever before in our history.
You realize of course that the more of us who depend on the govt to meet and provide our needs, the higher the taxes will be on those who are still free from that dependance? Draw your own conclusions to what the results of this policy will be.
How is Obama not guilty "of transporting minors across a state line for illegal purposes"?
6:28 PM BLOGGER: HE is not directly involved ( he is but no one can prove it,) so no charges will ever be filed.
There are a stack of charges I can hinkof, but now that the INS has been directed to stop calling these folks "aliens," do you think any politician will ever be charged ?
Tom Ford
@ 12:01:
" I live in the USA and up to now have been very proud to do so. "
How very sad for you. I for one am still quite proud to be an American and am still able to see that we have here things other countries can't even dream of. I take pride in my country. It's a shame you feel this way. Perhaps gas prices will fluctuate again, as they have done for decades and decades, and you can be happy to live here once again. If not, Venezuela has very low gas prices, perhaps that would better meet your needs.
I am not proud with what our President is turning American into, not the price of a gallon of gas!
since you focused on gas prices, I assumed that was a major issue for you. I am glad to find out your concern is more broad, since any economist worth his salary will tell you that any president has no actual control of gas prices.
8:36 AM Blogger: The problem is with the blocking of refineries being built, not the crude coming from ?
There have been NO refineries built in America in over 35 years thanks to the left wing tree huggers and their willing politico's.
At any time a refinery can only operate at 80% of capacity due to maintenance, repairs, and the like, do no matter who is POTUS were still in serious trouble.
Get the environmentalists off the case and watch and see what happens to the price of gas.
Tom Ford
Don't assume anything.
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