Thursday, July 24, 2014

Letter to the editor of the Call, reference Ms. Flowere departure.

I think it should go without question that this "family member's" loss will be felt for some time to come in Crestwood.

We have lost not only a good and faithful servant of the people, but also a good friend to those who knew her well.

Now, who do we have in the wings that can step right in and take over her job without a hiccup ? The short answer is NO ONE !

A memo to the City Fathers, please remember the old Chinese proverb, "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." Now what do we do ?

I am not going to engage in reasons why she left, because we don't know the reasons, but I will say if this "bleeding" is fixable, we beat do it, and NOW !

One thing is for sure, she didn't leave for a higher salary (she took a pay cut to remain,) so it has to be another reason, so whatever that is, FIX IT before it's too late.

Tom Ford

NO. 3074


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Usually when a person leaves a position of Importance like she did.. a months notice is given to help with transition(s) etc.
The fact that she resigned and used her vacation for the rest of her tenure shows something is very.. very wrong in Crestwood and has been for several years.
I hope she gets a book deal....

1:48 PM, July 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish her the very best. Anytime I had dealings with her, she was very pleasant and professional. She will be an asset to any organization she joins.

8:22 PM, July 26, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Addtional losses. Tim, at the public works department turned in his resignation. The city administration continues to burn thru personnel. Where is the leadership now? That is the question the liberal left was asking of the previous administration. What about say you Mayor Robinson oops! A slip. Mayor Roby.

11:49 AM, July 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The folks asking for leadership are trying to spin that this is leadership, LOL!

Aren't all liberals leftist?

11:30 PM, July 27, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:36 AM, July 28, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:36 AM Blogger: I think I have been quite clear on this. If you want to attack someone, give us your real name !

Tom Ford

7:32 AM, July 28, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Public Works may have a few more departures when the Spellman Rd. debacle finally comes to light.

We have an interesting opportunity there
that covers the whole spectrum from the get go.

Want to know more ? Contact your Alderman because we're going to pay for it.

What to to, what to do .

Tom Ford

5:08 PM, July 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What debacle are you referring to? Please elaborate.

10:43 AM, July 29, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:43 M BLOGGER: As I said, ask your Alderman, but just for starters how about the cutting of the natural gas line on Spellman. Not once but TWICE !

There's more but I was told " off the record " so I can't reveal it.

File a FOIA FORM, ask jour Alderman or Mayor Roby if your really interested, I think you will be surprised.

Tom Ford

3:27 PM, July 29, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And when you ask, don't forget to respect authority, as Mr. Vincent told us to do!

11:28 PM, July 29, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she ran for the BOA I'd vote for her..! she knows Crestwood better than a lot of our Aldermen..!

6:25 AM, July 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Done by the water company that works independently from the City. On the record, off the record, perhaps better fact checking? I would doubt that either of the fore mentioned would be able to properly inform. Perhaps, the public works department would be a good place to start. After all, they have been responsible for overseeing the project.

3:08 PM, July 30, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:08 PM BLOGGER: since it was done by others does that make it right ? No it's still a debacles plain and simple !

Have you looked at what else has been attached to this ? No, you haven't, have you. Since you are so sure public works is clean on this are YOU. Willing to pay for any cost over runs, ETC ?

Perhaps better investigation on your part ? Ask the Mayor, why don't ou ?

Tom Ford

5:11 PM, July 30, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

On another important note:

Tom Ford

5:32 PM, July 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

reI sincerely hope it's not going to cost us $100,000 to get rid of this CA..

7:39 AM, July 31, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll leave talking to the mayor to you. I'm sure he will tell you everything you need to know. After all he started 5 months after the start of the project, so I'm sure he knows whats going on.

9:05 AM, July 31, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:05 AM BLOGGER: I have talked to the Mayor my friend, he has met with me twice on different subjects and now it's YOUR TURN !

By the way, as a full time Mayor he had better know what's going on, and in this case my friend, he does so ask him and find out the story for yourself.

Tom Ford

3:30 PM, July 31, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that the story of change orders. Or the story of directing employees to not address violations for business that supported his campaign. Or the contract the city administrator pushed through the board for engineering without bidding out for $40,000. Were those the story's you were told, or was that left out?

4:57 PM, July 31, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:57 PM Blogger: Well you seem to believe you know a lot about it so why not enlighten the masses ?

Tom Ford

6:33 PM, July 31, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The following link is to the audio file of the Crestwood Board of Aldermen meeting on Tuesday, July 22, 2014.

At 2:08:29, Alderman Mike Vincent begins his talk.

4:22 PM, August 03, 2014  

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