Tuesday, July 15, 2014

we lost our City clerk (Ms. Tina Flowers) yesterday, she resigned, why ?

While there is no official statement out as of yet that I have seen, we have in fact lost yet another very valuable employee.

I don't know the reasons behind this latest departure, but I do know that Crestwood will miss her expertise for some time to come !

Now who is in like to replace (very hard to do) her? As I said before there has been no official word out as of yet, so let's wait and see who the C/A has and more importantly, why.

I am beginning to think that there is something amiss at City Hall, were losing too many good employees and it's not a money issue, trust me.

What do you think is going on, and better yet, what would you do to fix it.

(Please remember, no personal attacks are allowed unless you sign your real name.)

Tom Ford

NO. 3073


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps we should combine the City administrator position with the city clerk’s position.
We are after all a small city with dwindling resources.
It would also be a good way to train Mr. Sime in the way of small government.
What happened to Tina?
We shall never know...as always in Crestwood the ‘sun(shine law) don’t shine' and no one has the testicular fortitude to ask for an aldermanic enquiry into the
Any of the personnel losses and gag orders.

7:25 AM, July 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Found a better job?

8:31 AM, July 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is the mark of a good, competent personnel director when they are able to hire and retain good employees.

This is a great loss for the city, as Ms. Flowers takes with her a great deal of institutional knowledge that is not easily or quickly replaced.

It is interesting to note that during her tenure (a little over seven years), five different people held the position of city administrator.

Martha Duchild

11:00 AM, July 16, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:25 AM, July 16, 2014 - aldermanic inquiry would be a good idea but they may not have the votes. There is still the closely held belief that the board is to rubber-stamp the actions of the city employees - city administrator, fire chief, police chief.

Anyway, Ms. Flowers, I wish you every success. I can understand why you wanted to leave the turmoil in Crestwood.

10:58 AM, July 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last time some one asked for an aldermanic inquiry into a personnel matter ...you could hear a pin drop.
Not Crestwoods finest hour.

4:18 PM, July 17, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:18 PM BLOGGER: this time I would like to see the entire box drop along with a few jaws. My question, is will the truth EVER Be known ?

Tom Ford

8:59 PM, July 17, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

has anyone thought to simply ask Ms. Flowers why she left? It might save a lot of speculation and intrigue.

9:03 AM, July 18, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:03 AM BLOGGER: I have indeed but I thought I would give her some time to de compress first..

Tom Ford

10:02 AM, July 18, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I spoke to Ms. Flowers today and told her how much we ,the citizens will miss her. I am happy to report that she is well, and enjoying her time off.

Good luck in your future position, and thank you for your outstanding service to Crestwood.

Tom Ford

5:18 PM, July 18, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I am told it was a very interesting BOA meeting last Tuesday night.

May I suggest you go to the City web site and hear it for yourself ?

Please let us know what YOU think about some of the comment's.

Remember, no personal attacks or insults are allowed though.

Tom Ford

9:47 AM, July 24, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford,
Can you please find out or explain why the City Administrator would temporally appoint Mrs. Ingold(spelling?) administrative secretary as acting City Clerk? One would think the Deputy City Clerk Mrs. Phyel(spelling?) would be made acting City Clerk. I'm wondering if the suggested political cronyism that has been suggested is now dictating decisions related to personnel?

4:06 PM, July 25, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:06 PM BLOGGER: I have no idea why that would have been done so I will ask. I doubt I will get a real answer though, but I will ask.

This whole thingort of fails the smell test doesn't it. What we must find out is what, or who caused such turmoil that Ms. flowers felt compelled to leave that very day !

By the way, a deputy is always considered more knowledgeable than a person from another section of any group. Now, why oh why woulden't we want the best person for the job in that or any slot ?

We will find out for as the Hells Angels saying ones, "three people can keep a secret as long as two of them are dead !"

Tom Ford

8:14 PM, July 25, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford, You state "why oh why would we not want the best person for the job". By that you mean the person which is your pick right? Therefore, what you are saying then is that whoever is in charge of being Acting City Clerk at the present time and temporarily handling Ms. Flowers job is not the best? That's my take! So I guess you think your statement in no way makes the Acting City Clerk feel she is not good enough to serve in that position permanently? Sounds like it to me. That is not right, Mr. Ford. You need to remember that you are speaking about someone's abilities, knowledge of the City of Crestwood and their stability/livelihood.

I can only conclude that you and others maybe feel they are all knowing on who should be the next city clerk and really do not care if they hurt or undermine Ms. Ingold by your remarks. Personally, it is OK with me if you or anyone has a candidate in mind and wants to mention a name. Just make sure you watch what kind of "vibs" you are giving others and be fair to all.

I do not feel that it is right for you or anyone to say on this thread who would or would not be "better" than the other, because by doing so, you are undermining the other candidates whoever they might be. Although Ms. Ingold may or may not apply for the city clerk's position, if she does and gets it and you and others wants someone other than her to sit in that seat, I guarantee you she will be critiqued and watched like a hawk waiting with bated breath to see her "fail". And that's where the "bad mouthing" will come into play (it always does).

Sorry but if I were Ms. Ingold, if she would apply, should feel real good inside after reading what you have to say. And I already know what they will say. They will blame it on favoritism, or "this mayor", politics and that's only part of it. Your blog will be humming for sure, more than ever. And it will go on and on.

I am sorry but I feel like if you like a certain candidate for this job, that is OK with me, but to already start on the person who is in charge right now, is not right. Gosh leave it be.

When someone leaves Crestwood that you really like, that is a blow and it happens more often than not. But don't think badly of those who are only trying to better themselves by applying for that same job. Employment in this day and age is critical to everyone so don't start saying things to make others feel badly.

5:15 PM, July 31, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:15 PM Blogger : While I am not sure where you are arr8iving at your thoughts on what I said, I will tell you this.

The deputy clerk who worked on and at the City Clerks job day to day has in my opinion more knowledge of the inner workings and as such seems to be a better choice for the interim position.

Why ? Simple, the deputy has the day to day working knowledge of the post and can hit the ground running. Anyone else would take time to come up to speed, as I said simple.

Now if you want to make it something other than that, well I have explained my position.

Tom Ford

6:31 PM, July 31, 2014  

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