Obama's medel in school kids bake sales, pathetic !

Well this is but another of the moronic edicts emitting from the White Hos under the Obama regime ! Just imagine the horror of a school kid actually (GASP) selling baked goods at school to raise funds for school programs ! The horror of a thing like this is too bitter to contemplate !
I guess this is the only venue where the Obama's won't get their hats handed to them (or will they ?) Lord knows they are a joke on the international stage, so now they want to harass school kids, idiotic at best, communistic at worst, you be the judge.
Tom Ford
NO. 3075
Do we still have the freedom to buy the type of toilet paper we like?
8:52 PM Blogger: I would stock up now if I were you, who knows what the idiot's in DC have on the agenda this week.
Remember there was a so called actress that testified you only need one sheet per, so......
Tom Ford
don't want to distract from the Obama bashing, but does anyone know what is happening at the mall? I have seen activity there the last few days and am wondering if something is afoot that I missed.
1:39 PM BLOGGER: Watson Rd core samples to possibly remove the median.
Tom Ford
thanks. I had thought it might have something to do with the car show as well.
We really can't blame Obama for his total failure as our President, we knew he had ZERO job experience when we hired him.
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Nuff said.
Tom Ford
Heard a rumor Tom, that you were shutting down the Crestwood Independent. Any truth to that?
11:57 PM Blogger: No, mot at all true. I have had nothing to say about the Crestwood political scene, and the local news is far too, well.
I will be picking back up as the summer ends, and our friends at "silly hall" pick up the pace.
If anyone has a thread header please send it and I will post it for you.
Tom Ford
Glad to hear that Tom.
How about this, Shop and Save,(including the Crestwood store) was hacked from June 15 to July 21 this summer. Unlike Schnucks, Shop and Save has NOT make the public aware of this hacking. If you wish to confirm this, please call Shop and Save at 1855 731 6018 and ask them for details.
9:16 AM BLOGGER: I will contact them Monday and advise, thank you, this is what we need, more community involvement.
By the way, the removed post had to do with Ferguson. I think we should all wait till ALL the FACTS are out.
Tom Ford
A bit of " tounge in cheek " editorial comments from Maureen Dowd, interesting, no ?
Tom Ford
I called the SHOP & SAVE customer service number above and it seems that there was an incursion into their system which was caught and ended July 17, 2014. ( June 21 to July 17, not at all stores.)
I see no reason to fault SHOP & SAVE for not making this public until they knew the scope of the issue, so I will not accept negative comments reference this.
I have seen no activity on my card (checked daily,) and I am not overly concerned at this time.
If you feel your card may have been compromised contact your bank or card issuer for further.
I urge you to call their customer service line at 1-855-731-6018 to evaluate this for yourself.
I remind you that in this day and age this is possible at any outlet, any time, so since they have fixed the issue I will shop at SHOP & SAVE as usual without concern !
Tom Ford
Thanks Tom!!
10:50 AM BLOGGER: Your welcome, these are the type of things we like to post here as they do a service to Crestwood.
Tom Ford
So now that issues in Crestwood have temporarily subsided (well, until the next Tax Welfare Handout To The Wealthy is proposed by the new mayor for the new mall developer), I guess Tom feels it's time to go back to showing what backward politics he practices on the national front. International embarrassment? Yeah, America IS an international embarrassment, alright - but not because of Obama! Our extreme right-wing, war-mongering attitude sure is an embarrassment, though - and our continued support of Israel with TENS of BILLIONS of dollars in welfare handouts continues to be one reason the whole world hates us - if only our poor, dying right-wing here at home had any ability to learn from the past at all... too bad they don't, eh?
But just keep bashing Obama and socialism, while YOU COLLECT YOUR MONTHLY POLICE PENSION WELFARE ON MY DIME, ya hypocrite. Don't spend it all in one place!
P.S. Oh, be sure to delete this comment - angry right-wing hypocrites don't want any TRUTH out there! And you living on the welfare dime at the expense of taxpayers IS the truth.
How about THIS idea: We spend tax money on health care, education, and social support programs like Social Security so the rest of us who didn't kneel before the wealthy can also get a decent retirement.
Then we have BAKE SALES to pay for our military and our law enforcement!
Sound good? I sure think so!
And as popular and full of public support our military and law enforcement is these days, should be NO PROBLEM getting those fine folks to donate some money to the cause, right?
If not, then some military and police retirees may need to go try to get an actual job and work, which may be tough having no experience doing so, but that would still be good - would cut our pesky out-of-control welfare costs where they are the highest!
Sound good?
Oh, that would be "Obama's MEDDLE in school kids' bake sales..."
Although from my experience, right-wing extremists who bash Obama are usually not the sharpest tools in the shed, if ya know what I mean.
if ya know what I mean.
10:17 AM, September 04, 2014
No I dont know what you mean, please enlighten us.
10:17 AM BLOGGER: what say you and this "dull tool" have an open discussion about your hero Obama ?
What flavor is your kool aid ?
Tom Ford
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I said an open discussion moron not a personal attack against anyone minus your cowardly name !
Now if UOU want to meet me at a forum at City Hall or White cliff we will do just that.
You will have to show your face though, coward !
Tom Ford
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