Sunday, June 12, 2016

May God bless and keep our AMERICAN brothers and sisters who passed in Orlando this day. may our leaders finally understand that we are at war with Radical Islamists, and respond accordingly.

Tom Ford

Saturday, June 11, 2016

FLAG DAY JUNE 14, 2016

At 11:00 AM on Tuesday, June !4th. 2016. The Boy Scouts, (Troop 580) and the Crestwood Veterans Memorial committie hold a Flag presentation at Crestwood City Hall.

Please attend if you can, and bring the kids. We look forward to seeing you there.

Tom Ford
Member, Crestwood Veterand Committie.

Monday, June 06, 2016

Just wondering why..............

If we have attorneys on the civil service board here in Crestwood (and we do), why are we paying the City Attorney to write an opinion ? Seems like a conflict of interest to have the City Attorney represent Crestwood at Board hearings, and then write the opinion of a fair and impartial hearing, no ?

Tom Ford

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Time to re-start comments again folks.

Starting next week we will be open for business once again. Looks like we will have plenty to discuss, what with the
Courts being demolished, the outlandish spending on legal opinions, and the "three minute rule" put in place.

Then there's the election in November, so, wind up your minds and get your comments on the Blog.

As always you must sign your name if your going to slam anyone, you would expect no less.

Tom Ford