Thursday, March 31, 2011

Here we have a straight up un-biased look at the candidates by the Sun-Crest Patch web site (Click here to read please.)

This comparison is not only well written but very timely indeed. I believe we all owe the "Patch" a big thank you for putting this comparison together.

I ask you ALL to please get out and vote this coming Tuesday no matter who your candidate may be. They have both worked very hard for your support and we owe them the courtesy of showing up at the poll's to vote for our choice.

Tom Ford

NO. 869

Another compelling reason to vote for Jeff Schlink for Mayor in the Call (click here to read.)

Mr. James Murphy makes the case as to why Jeff Schlink is the clear choice next Tuesday for Mayor of Crestwood. Every day more and more of our fellow Crestwoodians are coming to the conclusion that we need a change of Mayors if we are ti survive the storm.

I agree, wont you please join us in voting for Jeff Schlink for mayor April 5th. ?

Tom Ford

NO. 868

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Letter to the Editor in the CALL makes a case to elect Jeff Schlink, Mayor next Tuesday (click here please.)

A very well written piece that explains why we need a change in mayors this time out. You will not find emotion, hand wringing or even wrenting of garments, only the facts and the truth.

Speaking of the truth I received the newest campaign flier from Mr. Robinson today and I noticed something rather interesting on the cover. Unless I miss my guess the Lady at the front door shaking hands with Mr. Robinson is an employee of Mark's quick print (they printed "His Honor's" campaign literature.) Now that's not a big deal, but I was wondering if that Lady actually resides in Crestwood ?

Could one of Mr. Robinson's supporters confirm that for us ? And while they are at it could they please tell us EXACTLY WHAT BUSINESSES has Mr. Robinson been single handedly responsible for bringing to Crestwood ?

Time is a relative thing we need a person who knows how to manage it and use it to his advantage, not just sit in City hall and tell us your doing something your not.

Tom Ford

NO. 867

Thursday, March 24, 2011


"Oh what a tangled web we weave"

(William Shakespeare.)

Now thanks to "his Honors" campaign flier the City will be spending more of OUR tax money on a law firm as Mr. Golterman and his team from Lewis, Rice and Fingerish determine what Mr. Golterman (and the Mayor) both said on tape at a recent BOA meeting was not permitted.

We have a City Attorney for a reason and that is to advise the Mayor and the Board on legal terms, and what they can and cannot do. I venture that if "His Honor" had asked (and I am betting he did) Mr. Golterman he would have been told to leave that off the flier. We however are 'blessed" with a man who would be King, and as such takes advise from no one, hence the investigation. We shall see where this one goes, and I hope prior to the election.

Speaking of the campaign flier, I received my copy today and there seem to be a few "anomalies" in it. One such thing is the statement where "His Honor" seems to want to take credit for the Veterans Memorial re-establishment. Now to be sure he is a veteran, and I thank him for his service but, The way it actually happened is that in October of 2009 Ms. Jackie Stock asked Chief Mike Paillou at a neighborhood watch meeting what the plans for Veterans day were that year. The Chief took it upon himself to make sure that there would be a remembrance that November and solicited members for a committee (myself included.) We did in fact have the assembly at City hall complete with a wreath laying by Gold Star Mother May Chasten. Since then a permanent committee has been established and I am told that the Mayor has attended one meeting of that committee to date,

I have no problem with the mayor mentioning this but I do draw the line when it comes under the heading of "progress as promised !" As for the rest of the flier, Well I think you can see through most of that without my help, no ?

Tom Ford

NO. 867

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Editorial from Mike Anthony on the best choice for Crestwood mayor in April ! (click here for the editorial.)

I fully agree with Mr Anthony's assessment of our current leader. I really doubt that I can add much more to his comment's that would further help anyone understand the depths to which we have sunk under "King Roy's" regime.

That said, I would like to bring up a couple of items that happened last night at the BOA meeting that may help you to understand why Mr. Jeff Schlink is the ONLY choice for Crestwood !

At a February BOA meeting "His Honor" was asked if the Crestwood employees were allowed to campaign for Crestwood elections. He is on tape (meeting tapes) saying they could not (as is the City Attorney.) Last night he said the Crestwood Firefighters were supporting him (as did the Fire Chief.)

QUESTION: why did he accept their support if he knew they were barred from doing it ?

He said in his flier that he was in on every new business that has been attracted to Crestwood, and was responsible for most of them coming here.

QUESTION: Why did he not know that Kirkwood Music was re-locating to the old Sherwin Williams paint store ? It was in the paper and he stated that he was in on everything, so.... ?

When asked why he refused to have a debate with Mr. Jeff Schlink he said that the venue had no idea of the request, and the incumbent must be the one to request the debate.

QUESTION: Why when faced with the truth about the venue and the fact that anyone can request a debate did he say nothing ?

The list goes on and on Ladies and Gentlemen so I will not bore you with the multitude of reasons to vote for "King Roy's" opponent, I will however leave you with this one thought.

If Ronald Reagan was labeled the "great communicator," could our present Mayor be the "Great prevaricator ?"

Tom Ford

NO. 865

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Letter to the Editor of the Call by three tern Alderman Mr. Tim Trueblood (please click here for the letter.)

Here we have another Crestwood resident who rises in support of Mr. Jeff Schlink for mayor of Crestwood in the coming April election.

Mr. Trueblood served Ward Two in Crestwood for thirteen years, he served under different Mayors, and knows the value of leadership when he sees it. As you read his letter you will see that he states his reasons for backing Jeff Schlink extremely well.

There are a lot of Crestwood residents (including me) who fully agree with Mr. Trueblood's assessment of the current situation, and his solution offered. If you haven't seen it yet, Alderman Foote, Ward Four has come out with a piece that attacks Dr. Brophy's letter of last week. I find that interesting as he can't seem to find a reason why we should vote for his choice, but rather he expends valuable print trying to make Dr. Brophy look bad, why is that ?

Well if you haven't figured it out for yourself yet, I will tell you. It's because while he spins his version of the last six years we citizens have the audio, print, and recollection of his candidates mistakes, ridiculous comments, turning off Alderman's microphones, yelling at Citizens to "sit down and be quiet," ET AL.

I can't believe anyone could back a candidate who has more negative baggage than a train depot in 1933 Germany, but hey to each his own. Please make sure your out to vote in the coming Mayoral election, cast your ballot for the man of your choice because we owe that much to the brave men and women in our armed forces.

Oh, and by the way, I am joining Dr. Brophy and Tim Trueblood in voting for Jeff Schlink for Mayor of Crestwood this April. Won't you join us ?

Tom Ford

NO. 864

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Letter to the Call by David Brophy, PH.D (click here to read please.)

Dr. Brophy is 100% correct in his assessment of Mr. Jeff Schlink in the coming race for Mayor of Crestwood ! We have a stellar opportunity to change the direction that Crestwood is headed in, and with Mr. Schlink at the helm it will happen.

We have had six years of "failed" leadership as it is, can we really afford any more ? I join Dr. Brophy in asking for your vote for Jeff Schlink for Mayor of Crestwood this April.

Tom Ford

NO. 863

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

"Mayor unfazed by departure of City officials !' (click here for the Call story.)

Amazing, astounding, and golly wowzers Bat man ! "His Honor" sees nothing at all wrong with three City Department heads departing in very short order.

Are we so fraught with exemplary talent that we can dismiss any and all Department heads with a sniff and a wave of the hand ?

I thank Martha Duchild for bringing this revelation of "His Honors" feelings to the fore as it really seems that "His Honor" is either oblivious to what it takes to run a City, or he just plain doesn't care.

How can you say that Tom ? Why he is fighting tooth and nail to save the dog catcher don't ya know ? Well yes he is, and why is he ? Because that duplication of our tax money brings in VOTES for him (he thinks.)

Had enough of this "Quid pro Quo" at City Hall yet ? I have and I will be voting for Jeff Schlink for Mayor this April !

Tom Ford

NO. 862