Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year to all in the fair City of Crestwood!

Ladies, and Gentlemen, once again a year has passed, and I hope it has been good to you, your families, and loved ones.

For the year 2006 we have some interesting challenges, and we have a lot of work to do to insure that our fair City can pull out of the budget problems we face, and get back on track from now on.

This coming year will see alderman races in all four wards, a new City Administrator, and, I pray a complete change of attitude on the part of those who would be divisive for the sake of politics only!

We have seen over the past three years a steady decline in the area of "working together" for the good of the City, to the point now that we see an "us, against them mentality" at the BOA meetings! There can be no doubt that this type of divisiveness has hurt our chances to move ahead, and if allowed to continue, will do so in the future!

In April of 2005 we elected a new Mayor (Mr. Roy Robinson), and he was immediately attacked as having no plan! Well to me he does seem to have a plan, as he has worked hard to right the wrongs every day since taking office. His detractors, however also seem to have a plan, one of divide, smear, and block anything to improve the City under his leadership!

In April of 2006 we have a great opportunity to elect four candidates, one from each ward, who will be more open minded, and more interested in crestwood, than their own re-election. Individuals who's only agenda is to further the City, get us out of debt, reclaim the deeds to City Hall, and the Public Works building, and stop the silly in fighting so prevalent at recent BOA meetings.

I ask you to please think long and hard in the next few months. Ask your selves can we afford "business at the same old stand", or, as I see it, do we need some new faces up there, faces connected with hard working individuals who will work for all the citizens, not just a select few?

Ladies, and Gentlemen, Crestwood needs change in order to survive, I ask for your help, in making that happen! Come out to the polls, vote for the candidate who you believe will best represent you, the everyday citizen, and let's get this City back on track before it's too late!

In closing, my family, and I wish all of you a very happy New Year, and we look forward to meeting you in 2006!

Tom Ford, Ward Two
Crestwood, Missouri


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Thought's on Politics in Crestwood, and why we are where we are.

As we come to the end of 2005, I have been mulling over the City I have lived in for so long, and why we seem to be the brunt of so many less than favorable articles in the local newspapers. At first blush I thought it must be a vendetta against the City, but as I looked at it further, I began to realize that the articles were a reflection of Crestwood politics, and nothing more.

Lets review the status of the City, visa vi the current Mayor (Roy Robinson), and the BOA. As far as I can tell from the meetings I have attended, the Mayor has gone out of his way to work with the BOA to cut spending, improve our cash flow, and make sure the right people for the job have been appointed. Now we come to the BOA, and we see a very different picture here, as only two of the eight Aldermen are willing to listen to the Mayor, and the remainder seem to be in lock step with the old administration. We have even seen an Alderman change his vote in the middle of a meeting to refuse a volunteer a chance to serve on a board!

Then we have the posturing by some members of the board to insure their names get into the paper, why just pick up a copy of the City Charter, wave it around, and your sure to get some space in the paper! We have others who wish to change the very Charter we live by (or should be), to advance their agenda, for who knows what purpose.

I could go on, but you all know too well the problems we face, and I will tell you that this petty political posturing does nothing for Crestwood, and frankly, I, for one, am sick and tired of seeing my City in a negative light because of it.

There is an old saying that simply states, "lead, follow, or get out of the way", Now if you can't, or won't at least listen to Mayor Robinson, may I respectfully suggest you "resign to spend more time with the family".

You see, Ladies and Gentlemen of the board, after thirty five years in Crestwood, I now have a dog in the fight, a four old Grandson, and a soon to be born Grand daughter, and I want a vibrant City with all the parks, and recreation available to them, as their fathers had when we moved here.

As for the paper being negative, well how can you blame them, they are only printing what you regurgitate at the BOA meetings! Step back some time, look past yourselves, and ask, what are we doing for Crestwood? Because my friends Crestwood needs all of us to work together to get out of this mess were in!

I am attaching a quote that seems to reflect the attitude of those who would further the agenda of the past administration in lieu of progress, and to those who thwart the Mayor at every turn. I think Mayor Robinson has been very humble in his approach to the BOA, he has attempted to reach out for help, only to be rebuked, and told "he has no plan". Well as Machiavelli said, it hasn't helped, and his quote may be why. Think about it!

"It is often seen how humility not only does not help, but hurts, especially used with insolent men who, by envy or by another cause, have conceived hatred for you." Niccolo Machiavelli

Tom Ford, Ward two


Friday, December 16, 2005

Crestwood to get new shopping center!

Proposed shopping center gets initial OK


Crestwood aldermen have given preliminary approval for a 58,000-square-foot, high-end shopping center at the southeast corner of Old Sappington and Watson roads.

The proposed Sappington Square would be across from Crestwood Mall to the north, Schnucks plaza to the east, Barnes & Noble to the west and residential properties to the south. The 5.6-acre site would feature four commercial buildings and a parking lot.

A spokesman for the developer, Brinkman Constructors, described the project as a "high-end, specialty boutique." He declined to mention potential tenants.

Earlier, the planning and zoning commission recommended approval of the project with several stipulations. The council won't consider a final plat until all stipulations are met. The site has a small shopping center, an auto shop and a historic home. The developers said they plan to relocate the house.

(click on the story title to go to the P.D. site) No. 37

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Crestwood Board of Alderman meeting 12/14/05

Ladies and Gentlemen

Last night I had the distinct pleasure of attending the Board meeting, reference the budget for 2006, and quite a meeting it was. The room was full, and then some, and we were treated to several speakers, some of which knew the financial problems of the city, and some who just thought they did.

Mr. John Foote made an excellent, and impassioned plea to the Board to balance the budget, and he had a clear and concise method of paying down the debt using existing funds from the defeasement of the GO bond from the police station. At that suggestion, City Administrator Greer told him it wasn't legal to do it the way he suggested, but offered no other solution. Shortly there after Mr. Greer conversed with the City Attorney, and then advised Mr. Foote that neither he or the City Attorney were sure if it was legal or not! Interesting that these learned Gentlemen could not give us an answer on the spot, after all isn't that why they get the big bucks?

We were then treated to a rather raucous rendition of things that were not so by a Gentleman, by the name of Dr. Brophy, who waxed eloquently visa a vi the budget going up, when in fact it is going down! This was a natural error, as he stated that he received his information from the paper. He told us that he had attended the workshop, and knew he was right, but I sat two seats away from him, and I heard a different budget that he did apparently, since I saw it to be lower, albeit not much, but lower, none the less.

A fairly simple question was asked of our Director of Finance, Ms. Madrid, who seemed perplexed most of the evening, and never really came up with an answer to the question, even though she did discuss the subject at some length. She then, also conversed with the City Attorney, sat back down, and said nothing further while I was there.

Now we come to the Board, who, in my opinion, fumbled around trying to convince each other that the budget was "Great", but sounding like they would like to go back to square one! Mayor Robinson did a great job of explaining that we are down to the nubb's, and could not go any lower, and that's why we need a tax increase, and Alderman Miguel was right on the money explaining the funds, and how to fix them, but the rest, looked like a target in the crosshair's to me. It was clear (to most of the audience), that most of them were nervous about this budget, but did not wish to break lock step with the C/A.

The "Oscar" of the night though goes to Mr. Trueblood who extended a "carrot" to the audience in the form of a "Citizens commission for budget review". Three citizens rose to praise him for his leadership, and foresight in this most important matter, and thus, in my opinion, "drank the Cool Aid"! As you may know the Charter does not permit anyone but elected official's from looking at the books, so therefore, the
commission would be rendered impotent, and we would be adding another layer of bureaucracy to the already burgeoning level we have now. Mr. Trueblood, I applaud your deft handling of this matter, you are much better than any of us have given you credit for!

At this point my eyes were glazing over, what with all the numbers, and the posturing going on, it was time for me to head for the tranquility of home base, sure in the knowledge that my City, (the one I have lived in so long), has a burning need to work hard to change this mess, get behind our Mayor,and bring us back to the vibrant City it once was!

I have said it before, and I say it again now, these are serious times, we need serious people, and we sure don't have them in place now! I implore you to find a candidate, support him, or her, vote, and let's stop this foolishness before it's too late!


Saturday, December 10, 2005

Resident concerned about 2006 budget in Crestwood

Dear Crestwood Citizens,
I have commented in the past in public of concerns about the financial direction and presentations. I urge the residents to attend the December 13 public hearing addressing the 2006 budget. The last time that the City had a balanced budget was FY 2000. I would encourage the BOA and Mayor to review the financial comparisons during that time period to grasp if knowledge can be garnered from that time period of efficiency.
The defeasment of the COPS 2002 Bond should have strengthened Crestwood’s overall financial position. This has solidified the Capital Improvement fund’s financial position. However, what we thought would be a $733,000 annual savings due to the defeasement in the Capital Improvement fund has been whittled down to $230,000 according to the recent budget. The BOA needs to make a conscious effort to ensure that revenues exceed the expenditures along with reserve funds set aside for other needs.
Recently, the BOA has reorganized the Parks and Public Works Department. The Parks Fund is getting closer in being able to stand on its own without relying on assistance. The reason why I say this is that there is a $215,000 grant for the construction of the restroom at Whitecliff Park that will be received in 2006; however, expenses were incurred in 2005. Without this grant money, the fund would have a negative balance of about $200,000. Therefore, work still needs to be done for a balanced Parks fund.
The General Fund continues to be of concern as it relies on transfers from the Capital Improvement and Parks & Stormwater funds. The recent passing of the 2 proposals is a start in assisting the revenue stream. The General fund expenditures include the salaries of our city staff, police and fire department. There has been discussion of suggestive cuts in the Police and Fire Departments. I would caution in this direction if it adversely affects Crestwood’s safety. The BOA and Mayor will need to determine if additional cuts in other areas are warranted and keep a continued eye on expenditures.
In a recent email from an Alderman, the response was the following: "We've got to stop the finger pointing, stop the name calling, stop the accusations and undertones, and work for Crestwood. It starts with the Board and if they cannot play along together, how can we ever expect our citizens to?"
Crestwood citizens want an openness with the City and one that is fiscally responsible. Public requests for information must be responded to in a timely manner. If any tax issue is placed on a ballot, the BOA and Mayor need to deliver an overall present and future financial plan as to why the increase is needed. The current BOA needs to portray a willingness to do what is right for the best interest of Crestwood and stop the insinuations. Lastly, I whole heartedly agree with the Alderman’s comments.
This coming April is election time in the 4 wards. There will be an opportunity for a fresh start in Crestwood for new faces with different ideas as to how the City of Crestwood should proceed forward. Crestwood means so much to us and we want it to thrive again! I believe that Crestwood will come back to its glory days and it all starts with the citizens involvement in April voting for their candidate whom they feel will strive for fiscal responsibility and whom has the desire to do what is right and fair and in the best interests of Crestwood.

Darryl Wallach
(via E-mail) No.34

Click on the headder to be directed to the 2006 budget.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Resident concerned about Christmas security in Crestwood

This site is a good place to report something recently experienced by my neighborhood (Greenview/Twincrest) in Crestwood. Just a word to the wise. Lock your cars, your house and watch your mailbox.
About 2 months ago in the middle of the night, I was awakened by the sound of my car alarm, and "sprang from my bed to see what was the matter" … my motion light was on, but I did not see any sign of human life. The next day, in the daylight, I noticed my front passenger door was ajar. When I went to check it out, I found my glove compartment open. At this time, I realized I must have had a visitor during the night and the alarm scared him away. The next week in the SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL, in the Police Beat, it was reported that 13 or more cars on my street had been broken into. I now lock my car.
Five years ago, however, our "locked" convertible was literally cut into during the night and everything of value stolen. One of the only nights this car was not in the garage. This within 20 feet of the bedroom window. Three years ago, I heard a car noise in the night and looked out the window to see a man trying to open my car door, which was parked this night in the street. His getaway car was sitting next to my car with a driver. I did call the police, but the perpetrators got away. Ten years ago my neighbors on both sides of me were burglarized during the dinner hour. Both were gone. I was home and didn’t see a thing.
Two weeks ago, it was reported that one of my neighbors up the street had reported a check had been stolen from their mailbox. And mind you, this is a nice neighborhood. So consider yourself warned as it looks like the natives are restless and think the whole neighborhood is community property. During the Christmas season, I hear this kind of thing is epidemic. So set your timers, lock your doors, and keep an eye out for uninvited guests. However, you might want to make sure Santa knows a way in.
Carol Casey
(posted via E-mail) No.33

Saturday, December 03, 2005

How to post to The Crestwoodindependent Blog.

I am given to understand that several folks would like to be able to post on this Blog, but need help to do it. If that is the case with you, please follow the instructions below.

If you wish to respond to a posting on the blog, read the entire posting, and at the bottom you will see an area for comments. Click on that comments icon, and you will see a window to post your comment. When you have finished, you will be asked to sign the post, please choose from the option's, enter the "word" in it's place, and click "post".

If you would like to post a new topic, please write you comment, sign it, and send it to me via E-mail ( , and I will post it verbatim for you.

If at any time you should decide to change, or remove your post, E-mail me with the changes, and I will make them within 8 hours.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this Blog was started with the idea that everyone would be able to post current events in Crestwood, and to give a forum for idea's, and comments from Crestwood citizens. Please be advised that this is for all of you, so if you have family news to share, a garage sale, a birth announcement, a church event, or you just want to say hello, let's hear from you!


Thanks for your interest in the blog.

Response to Anonymous, from the post on the Charter commision


Dear Anonymous -

If you feel that you are so absolutely right about the issues in the
Crestwood Charter - why go "anonymous". You see, that bothers me because it implies
that although you wish to be outspoken about things - you are too afraid to tell
us who you are. There has to be a reason for your anonimity. I liked your
explanations and was with you until you told us to WAKE UP! This tells me that
you feel that I, as well as others, are "asleep at the wheel". I can assure
you, Anonymous, we are not asleep and see only too well. Here is why!

How can you blame us for any misunderstandings when, first of all we, the
people, could have participated more, given our input and had our
misunderstandings clarified - but meetings were not properly publicized. You cannot just post
things on the web (everyone doesn't have a computer) and you cannot just post
it in the Crestwood Connections. People who have to work and those with
children have hectic lives. They pay the bills, take kids to their sporting games
and piano lessons, and are pro-active in churches or organizations. We have
elected board of aldermen members to help protect us. they all took an oath
to do that. No offense to the Crestwood Connections but many times people read
it "on the run" or do not read it all.
I was part of the original charter commission and we agonized over term
limits and decided in favor of term limits because every citizen should be given a
chance to work for their community. To do away with term limits just gives
incumbents the edge by continuing to run for office all the time. Even though
someone can run against an incumbent, that person has a lesser chance to win
because, as you said, incumbents have the knowedge and expertise (sometimes I
wonder). However, seeing what I have seen on that podium and the way
incumbents disrespect the mayor, roll their eyes and posture themselve in such a way
that it matters not to them what he says - they are playing "politics" and it is
extremely obvious. In fact, it is so bad that for the first time in our
history, an appointment to a commission was nearly voted down -not because that
person wasn't qualified but because she had a difference of opinion and "hurt
some feelings" on the board by her remarks. This tells us that you have to
agree with board members or you may not get to be a commission member some day.
There goes our fundamental right of free speech! Didn't President Harry Tuman
say - "if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen".

The objective for an appointment on any board should be - is that person
reliable and forthcoming - but when you loose your objectivity - then it becomes a
personal thing which should not be part of a criteria for being appointed to
a committee PERIOD!

The Charter is such an important document which sits at the right hand of our
City but still I saw no information about the charter meetings on the "right
of ways" telling residents and welcoming them to attend. BUT - you will see
signs everywhere when it's time to run for office and mayoral and altermanic
seats are waiting to be filled. Why did we not have questionaires - like we
had with the original charter? SO, anonymous - don't telll me to wake up!
The city would rather put it on the ballot so we have to go through it all
again! And I guarantee you - propaganda will be all over the place. We all know
that no matter how it is presented on the ballot and no matter how clear we
want it to be - some interpretations willl be confusing. The mayor even stated
how important clarity will be come voting time.

I woke up a long time ago - anonymous - as I worked for Crestwood for over 30
years and retired. And I can say, that I have never seen a board of
aldermen so intent on NOT WORKING TOGETHER - as is obvious now. I have tried for
many months to speak with several aldermen. By their silence - they have told me
that although I am an Crestwood resident - I am not worthy of a response. So,
this is the other side of the coin and maybe you should WAKE UP AND SMELL THE
COFFEE. If the board of aldermen like a divided board - then they should
keep up the good work!

Sandy Grave`
Crestwood Resident
(Via E-mail) No.31