Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fresh new ideas for Crestwood Courts from Martha Duchild (letter to the editor of the Call) Please click her for her ideas.

I do believe Martha is on to something here folks. I can't add anything more to her fine piece, so I await your comments and ideas.

Tom Ford

NO. 840

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Viet Nam wall as you have never seen it before. (click here please.)

Vietnam Wall........amazing information!

What a tribute!

Vietnam Wall

First click on a state. When it opens, scroll down to the city and the names will appear.

Then click on their names. It should show you a picture of the person, or at least their bio and medals. This really is an amazing web site. Someone spent a lot of time and effort to create it.

I hope that everyone who receives this appreciates what those who served in Vietnam sacrificed for our country.

The link below is a virtual wall of all those lost during the Vietnam war with the names, bio's and other information on our lost heroes. Those who remember that time frame, or perhaps lost friends or family can look them up on this site. Pass the link on to others, as many knew wonderful people whose names are listed.

These folks have spent a lot of time to insure these brave Men and Women will never be forgotten. Please take a look by clicking on the header for the site, or cut and paste the above link to your browser.

Tom Ford

NO. 839

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas Crestwood ! (click here for your card.)

May the peace and joy of the season grant all of you a wonderful Holiday, and may your New Year be the best yet !

Tom & Linda Ford

NO. 838

Friday, December 17, 2010

Mayor Roy Robinson files for another term !

Well so far in the race for Mayor, "His Honor" has filed and is the only one to do so at this time. We have word that Alderwoman Duncan has taken out the papers to do so but as of today has not yet filed.

All I can say is the boys in Vegas would say "Now that's a pair to draw to !"

Stay tuned for further filings and the inevitable election wars Crestwood is so famous for.

Tom Ford

NO. 837

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Board of Alderman meeting, and Mr. Kevin King, ESQ.

Ah yes the Board of Alderman meeting was in full bloom last night kids. It seems that Attorney Kevin King (of Pulaski bank,Sappington Square, blighted field fame) became upset with Alderman Duchild.

Alderman Duchild was silly enough to ask Mr. King for a proposal reference the "development," when Mr. King told him he was not prepared to give it to the board, he then said that he was "offended" by Mr. Duchilds remarks !

At this point I should point out that the Attorneys for the original CID have resigned for whatever reason, and Mr. King is left to tilt at this windmill all by himself !

Well Mr. King, be offended all you want because I am disgusted that you would have the nerve to appear before our Board un-prepared, and with a cavalier attitude that tells me this was supposed to be "all over." Guess what, it's not, not with my money it isn't, so come back when you have a real proposal to show us as were all stocked up with lame TIF's, TDD'S, CID's and the like.

Mr. King, face it, the agreement was with the original developer. Pulaski Bank foreclosed on then, so Pulaski Bank is holding the bag and no matter how much you bloviate it's still their problem. .


Tom Ford

NO. 836

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The ship is sinking and our leaders are "re-arranging the deck chairs !"

Yes indeed, the more I look at Washington the more I see Crestwood albeit a microcosm. In Washington we have a group on ALL sides of the aisle only worried about their re-election. In Crestwood we have a Mayor also worried about his re-election.

In Washington we have people fighting over taxes (there are NO tax cuts, only taxes remaining at the same level,) and in Crestwood we have voices demanding a tax increase.

Now to connect the dot's, on BOTH accounts the answer is very simple, STOP THE SPENDING! Can we get these "children of a lesser God" to understand that? No we cannot, and why can't we, because they are only interested in special interest groups that will help in their re-election, that's why !(CLICK ON THE HEADER FOR ONE GUY'S IDEAS.)

We have a budget vote coming up very soon in the Board of Alderman chambers that will decide our services for 2011. Some say we must have more money, I say get rid of the excess expenditures (Sappington House, animal control, restaurant subsidy, excess office personnel,) and then talk to me about a tax increase! Oh by the way, the charter requires a balanced budget kid's, it doesn't say rob from Peter to pay Paul to do it!

"Your Honor" if you really want to be re-elected do the right thing, take the roll of leader and make the changes needed to keep us afloat until (and if) better times come to Crestwood, A tax increase will accomplish one thing for your run at a third term, and that is to guarantee you will be saying "you want fries with that" the day after the election's.

Tom Ford

NO. 835

Monday, December 06, 2010

A different sort of Christmas poem. ( please click here for the video.)

The next time you see a young man or lady in a uniform of the United States Of America take a moment to remember this and thank them for keeping us ALL safe and sound this Christmas.

If you have "memories" from your days in service at Christmas time, please share them with us.

Tom Ford

NO. 834

Friday, December 03, 2010

A bit of an up-date on the Sappington Square debacle (Please click here.)

Please note the fact that Pulaski Bank is near the head of the list in borrowing funds from the Fed. What that means I have no idea, but I will say that it would appear that they have a better chance of borrowing than we do.

That said, NO TIF, TDD, CID, or any other kind of "D" needs to go to them (or anyone else) to develop that very nice looking (blighted you know) field. Enough of the free lunch to developers, and banks please !

I am reminded of what Willy Sutton said when asked why he robbed banks, "Because that's where the money is." True then, true today. If the bank wants funding, open the vault and get it, because were sick and tired of holding the bag for a 20 year tax grab that we can ill afford (Crestwood has one of the highest retail tax rate's of any in the area.)

PS; I wonder what the meeting between Mr. Eckrich, "His Honor" and Mr. Gruery produced Wednesday night? Do we have a new player on the field?

Tom Ford

NO. 833