Friday, August 23, 2013

EX Alderman John Foote opines on "our safety" in crestwood.

As we all know Mr. Foote has for years been the champion of tax increases for ALL in Crestwood. He was the main source of chatter reference the infamous "bridge to nowhere" that had to be built to stave off canopy fires starting in White Cliff Park (remember the show on the Dias ?)

Now I have seen and heard this "we must increase taxes" for some time now, we didn't, and were still here, how is that ?

I would agree that it would be nice to have a raise for our valued employees, and I for one would champion a 5% tax of the sort we had with Prop S. However, I want rock solid insurance that ALL of the taxes raised will go to employee cost of living raises, and not to some pet idiot project we don't need.
Show me that, and you have my support 100%

I do however take issue with the statement that our safety is in trouble. We have the most professional Police and Fire personnel to be found in St. Louis County, bar none !

In case you don't know it, the response time to a call is three minutes or less (that includes dispatch time,) emergency "code" calls are less.

How do I know this ? Well, I asked for a report from the Police Department, I spoke to them when it was ready, and that's what you get for your buck now.

Face it folks, the Plaza will not produce a dime for at least 3-5 years after the start OF ground breaking (WERE NO WHERE NEAR THAT NOW, AND FOR GOOD REASON.)

May I suggest that instead of telling us our safety id compromised Mr. Foote you thank a public safety officer the next time you see one for the excellent job they really are doing.

Tom Ford
NO. 2021

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Centrum offerds to allow the State EPA testing on phase one only, what about the other half?

Well isn't this a cute offer, Centrum allows the State to come in and test "phase one" only. I am sure he is aware that ALL the property should be EPA sanctioned before he goes ahead with any sawing, drilling, or digging, no?

Why phase one only Mr. Barket, and better yet how does my Alderman Mary S. feel about the project now that ONLY half of the "project" may meet EPA requirements ?

I live in ward 2 as do many others, fortunately not on the border streets nearest the Plaza so I may not have to worry so much about the part of the "project" that is not cleared by the State.

My question is what about those that do Mary, what can you possibly say to them to ease their fears, or is that a moot point with you ?

My response would be to vote with the Alderman who have done their homework Mary and force the issue with Centrum, what will YOU do for those that elected you to represent ward 2 ?

Tom Ford

NO. 2020

Monday, August 19, 2013

TIF has a cost, please view a comment from Wichita, KS.

Yes indeed there is no free money any more than there is a free lunch. There is always a string or two attached that should (when viewed) make the great unwashed sit up and take notice.

As I see it (if we did this) Centrum gets the 34 Million to pay themselves back and abate the EPA concerns that go along with a property built in the 60's (before we were "enlightened.")

They then construct an "entertainment center" that has zero chance of ever lasting the 23 years needed to pay off the TIF.

Centrum is happy, (they get their funds back,) we get a "renovation" of the ground that will have to be "renovated" again in a short time frame, the MCU marching kool aid drinkers band get's to save shoe leather, and were (Crestwood) left with the bag as usual.

Say what you will (sign your real name if your going to be nasty,) but I am firmly on the side of the four Alderman and the Mayor who, while taking flack for it know that this "entertainment" complex is a lame idea that has no chance of success.

Tom Ford

NO. 2019

Saturday, August 03, 2013

"The tax subsitity that wasen't,"

For those of you who may have heard the Gentlemen from this Missouri think tank on KMOX yesterday morning here is the full site. For those who didn't hear the policy of this group, please copy, paste into your browser and be prepared to learn about TIF'S.

For those who are not aware of this group they seem to be completely middle of the road with all the facts to back them up. Yesterday they opined that it was a good thing that Crestwood is not granting the TIF to Centrum, and they backed it up with reason and fact's.

I am sure that the Centrum believers will denigrate this group as people who have no idea what is good for Crestwood (as if Centrum does,) however look at the story on Olivette before you just dismiss this out of hand.

The times reported Friday that PGAV has withdrawn their bid as planners for the site, but to me that's a good thing as I don't want a planner who suggests the public should be left out of the discussions !

Now for once, please leave the emotions out of this, put the cheer leader outfit's in the closet and really look at this from the standpoint of Crestwood's future. Will that property make it under the current proposal, will it be successful enough to pay off the TIF, will Lindbergh School's need another tax hike to offset the loss of the TIF?

These are all questions you can find answers to by reading this site, and reviewing the project minus the emotions that seem so prevalent here.

Your turn.........

Tom Ford

NO. 2018