Saturday, December 31, 2011

Believe in the "tax the rich" mentality? Please click here for a rather interesting, factual video on the subject.

Ah yes my friends, the people who would take all the profits from the major "evil" corporations and tax the "wealthy" out of existence have been in the news as of late. But what if they are as wrong as wrong can be? (They are you know.)

Please click on the header and tell me how these "tax the wealthy" folks made it out of grade school what with the numbers they toss around. What scares me is the simple fact that a whole bunch of Americans seem to believe in "class warfare," and all the imbecility that goes with it.

Is this "outcome based education" at it's finest, or are we looking at the pure vestiges of Communists evolved from progressive / socialism? As for me I happen to think (heck, I know) it's the latter mixed with some of the former as it would not be possible to get that stupid by yourself, you would need "outcome based education" and the Karl Marx doctrine of "To everyone according to their needs, from everyone according to their means" to even consider such foolishness.

Tom Ford

NO. 974

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sears / K-Mart closing stores as sales dip. (please click here for the story.)

(Cartoon from Dales Blog)
Well by now we are all aware of the pending closure of at least 120 Sears and K-mart stores nation wide to offset the loss of sales suffered (and continuing to suffer) by this large retailer.

The Sears store in Crestwood Courts HAS NOT been confirmed as one of the stores that will close, and may not be as I, like Mayor Schlink believe that our outlet is one of, if not the most profitable stores in the St. Louis market.

We also know that we are to loose the Barnes and Nobel book store on December 31, 2011 ( the last day of business) for that store in Crestwood. Now let's take a look at where we are now and where we may be going in the future.

It has been proposed by City Administrator Eastman that we use ALL of the surplus funds available this year as a bonus for the City employees. A worthy cause no doubt, but one that for obvious reasons is now moot as we well may need those funds just to keep the employees we have now if the Sears store should be on the list.

It seems that the recession which has been highly touted by Washington as being over is in fact still in full swing in our market, ergo we must hold on to the money we have and not "bet on the come" as they say in the gambling business.

Over the past three Months that Ms. Eastman has been on the job she has time and time again tried to put forth ideas for spending (and not saving) the surplus funds we have managed to acquire. We have seen this before she arrived, and we had to borrow close to three million to crawl out of that hole, and back to where we are today.

Ms Eastman, do you really believe that history dosen't repeat itself? I wonder.

Tom Ford

NO. 973

Thursday, December 22, 2011

NORAD tracks Santa 2011. (Please click here for the site.)

This year as in the last 46 or so the North American Air defence Command (NORAD) will once again track Santa Claus on his Christmas Eve flight to bring toys and presents to the children of the world.

The days leading up to the actual flight have many events, games,and projects for the kids to do while they wait for the flight tracking to begin on Christmas Eve.

Pleas click on the header and show the Children the count down clock as well as the activities for them to do (Listed in the countdown village) right up to the ETD (estimated time of departure.)

Merry Christmas to all in Crestwood and beyond, and may the new Year bring ALL of us peace, joy, and prosperity.

Tom Ford

NO. 972

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Crestwood Civil Service Board meeting, 6:30 PM 12/21/11 PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR THE AGENDA.)

Ladies and gentlemen, there will be a meeting tonight of the Civil Service Board at 6:30 PM in the BOA chambers. The schedule is posted above (click on the header.)

I find this interesting as at the last BOA meeting our City Administrator was told to have an ordnance drafted for the purpose of a vote by the Board Of Alderman reference the "bonus" plan that Ms. Eastman wishes to implement (there is opposition to this by the way as were sort of short on cash as I am told, and so she also stated in the paper.)

I do not believe there will be anything for the Civil Service board to vote on or implement as the BOA has yet to see ANY ordnance much less voted on it.

The other very interesting item on the agenda is the question of moving the Information Technology manager from a salaried position to an hourly one. I see nothing but extra overtime expenses in this as an IT person is "on call," and understands that when they take the job.

Now if our manager goes to "hourly" we will surly pay out a lot more that we do now as holidays and weekends will be considered time and a half or double time wages, and thus really increase our costs in that department.

I think Ms. Eastman should start to take a long look at why we hired her in the first place, that being to control cost's no escalate them.

Tom Ford

NO. 971

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Members of Congress not allowed to say "Merry Christmas" in any of their mailings! (click here for the story!)

May I strongly recommend that we ALL send our representatives a letter with "MERRY CHRISTMAS" on the outside of the envelope?

Now I can't speak for any of you but I am not at all offended by anyone saying anything that reflects their religious beliefs, so why do I have to cower in the corner when I say "Merry Christmas," as that happens to be a celebration of mine?

As for me I intend to continue to say Merry Christmas, and I guarantee you that any store that will not at least acknowledge that traditional phrase will not get one cent of mine!

The P.C. police have gone way to far as it is and I for one intend to do what I can to bring back some semblance of the American way where and when I can.

Tom Ford

NO. 970

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas, Submarine style.

What with the Christmas season upon us and Christmas day only 10 days away I thought I would bring you a new version of "Twas the night before Christmas."

This was sent to me by a shipmate that I served with one Christmas long ago off the coast of Viet Nam. Thank you Joe!

By the way we were a "hunter killer unit" that was charged with locating and destroying enemy submarines so this is a perspective that I doubt either of us had considered before.

Christmas - Submarine Style

T'was the Night Before Christmas-Submarine Style

By Sean Keck

T'was the night before Christmas, and what no-one could see,

The men with the dolphins were under the sea.

Most of the crew was flat on their backs,

Snoring and dreaming all snug in their racks.

Those men on watch were making their rounds,

Some manning the planes or listening for sounds.

Back in maneuvering or down in the room,

They all hoped the oncoming watch would come soon.

I'd finished some PM's whose time was now due,

And hoped for some sleep, even an hour or two.

Against better judgment I took a short stroll,

And found myself wandering into control.

The Nav had the Conn, the COW was in place,

The COB had the Dive and a scowl on his face.

The helm and the planes were relaxed but aware,

The QM and ET were discussing a dare.

To comply with the orders the Nav told the Dive,

To bring the boat up with minimum rise.

The orders were given and soon they were there,

At periscope depth with a scope in the air.

The QM confirmed our position with care,

The broadcast was copied, we brought in some air.

The Nav on the scope let out a small cry,

He shook his head twice and rubbed at his eyes.

He looked once again to find what it was,

That interrupted his sweep and caused him to pause.

Try as he might there was nothing to see,

So down went the scope and us to the deep.

I asked what it was that caused his dismay,

He sheepishly said, "I'm embarrassed to say."

It could have been Northern Lights or a cloud,

Or a meteorite he wondered aloud.

But to tell you the truth I guess I must say,

Whatever it was it looked like a sleigh.

And though it passed quickly and never was clear,

I almost believe it was pulled by reindeer.

We laughed and teased him and I got up to go,

When our moment was broken by "Conn, Radio."

They told us a message was just coming in,

We looked at the depth gauge and started to grin.

"Radio, Conn, I feel safe to say,

Your attempt at a joke is too long delayed.

If it had been sooner it might have been neat,

But I doubt we're receiving at four-hundred feet."

"Conn, Radio, you can come down and see,

We're not playing games to any degree."

I headed aft with nothing better to do,

Surprised by the fact it was still coming through.

It stopped and was sent to control to be read,

The Nav read it slowly and scratched at his head.

Then again he began but this time aloud,

To those that now waited, a curious crowd.

"To you Denizens of the Deep and men of the sea,

Who risk your life daily so others stay free.

I rarely have seen you on this, my big night,

For far too often you are hidden from sight.

But purely by luck I saw you tonight,

As your scope coaxed the plankton to glow in the night.

And lucky for me I've finally won,

The chance to say thanks for all you have done.

I know that you miss your families at home,

And sometimes you feel as if you're alone.

But trust what I say and I'll do what's right,

I'll take something special to your families tonight.

Along with the gifts I'll take to your kin,

I'll visit their dreams and leave word within.

They'll hear of your love, and how you miss them,

I'll tell them that soon you'll be home again.

It might not be much I know that is true,

To thank you for all the things that you do.

But I'll do what I can, while you do what's right,

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight."

Tom Ford

NO. 969

Friday, December 09, 2011

C/A Eastman requests pay adjustments for the end of this year (click here for the rational.)

Interesting as I just read an article in the Post Suburban Journal in which Ms. Eastman stated that we were unable to grant these raises due to a projected budget short fall. (see next post below.)

I fear I am at a bit of a loss to understand this as she has told the news people one thing and appears to be telling the Alderman and Mayor something entirely different.

Should be a very interesting meeting on 12/13/11 at 7:00 Pm in the BOA chambers as I am almost certain somebody will ask her how this works (they better.)

Tom Ford

NO. 968

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

City Administrator Eastman paints bleak picture for Crestwood finances (click here for the story please.)

This morning's edition of the St. Louis Suburban Journal has a feature article that quotes Ms. P. Eastman, Crestwood City Administrator as saying were in a bit of a bind concerning the 2012 budget.

For once I will shut up and allow the presentation at the next Board Of Alderman meeting on 12/12/11 to flesh out where we are financially speaking, as that is the date for the 2012 budget review.

I urge you all to attend and listen to this most important topic in person.

Tom Ford

NO. 967

Animal control Board meeting for 12/12/11 Cancelled.

Type Animal Control Board
Category Police Board
Time 7:00 P.M.
Location Crestwood Government Center
Description PB/NW AGENDA

From the Cities web site as of today, so if you were going please stay in, stay warm and come to the Board of Alderman meeting on 12/13/11 instead.

The "new tone" B.O.A. meetings are now a joy to attend since the great unwashed (we citizens) are no longer yelled at and threatened with (pick one.) Mayor Schlink runs a tight ship and it shows in the professional manner i which he conducts the meetings.

Oh, and by the way if you haven't seen our new City Administrator in action yet this will be a great time to do that as well.

Tom Ford

NO. 966

Friday, December 02, 2011

Crestwood looks to final budget approval for 2012 on December 13, 2011 (Please click here for he story in the Call.)

As it looks now we will have a balanced budget under mayor Schlink in 2012, and I for one applaud the budget committee for their efforts.

That said I do have one glaring expense that can and should be cut from the budget prior to final approval. What's that you say, well as you all should know by now the position of Public Works Director was filled by Mr. James Eckrich when he felt the need to step down from the City Administrators position.

So far so good as we didn't have to interview for an open position as he came from Public Works in the first place. Unfortunately when he made the move he retained 98% of his City Administrators salary and a TAKE HOME CRESTWOOD CAR. Well in 2011 and beyond we do not "stamp" plans nor do we review them in house anymore, so we really don't need an engineer in that position, do we.

I believe that his own words to the last Director ("We can get qualified applicants for $67,000.00") is a true statement that should be looked at very hard by the Board and the budget committee when the final budget is completed.

The take home car? Well in the last eleven months he has used $1610.00 worth of gasoline, $1140.00 worth of maintenance, and untold amounts for Insurance (FOIA form,) all paid by us. The mileage shown for the eleven months is way above the National average of 9-15,000 miles per year (over 18,000 so far,) and guess what were paying for it.

Please remember that Crestwood is a three square mils town, and that unless he lives in Columbia, MO. I find it hard to justify that sort of expense. In the real world you and I pay for our own vehicles and inherent expenses associated with them right? Well if you have a salary of $92,000.00 plus benefits I believe you should buy your own vehicle just like the rest of us.

So there we have two very glaring errors in judgement by the Board that can and should be corrected at the next budget hearing. Then, and only then will the request by Ms. Eastman for a bonus or increase be put on the table for consideration. What do you think?

Tom Ford

NO. 965
