Monday, September 23, 2013

Seven days till your wallet gets $7450.00 lighter thanks tothe anointed one!

Well well, just think, Obama was the savior not long ago, and now we see his much lauded (among liberals) health care is a total train wreck just as many said it would be.

Hold onto your wallet friends the tax man cometh, and he comes in the guise of the Chicago organ grinder !

Tom Ford

NO. 2025

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Crestwood BOA to set second reading of the 2013 tax rate.

(see the story in the Call above please.)

Ladies and Gentlemen, let's face it we are very lucky to reside in a community with excellent services at a very reasonable payout in taxes.

Now that said, I am wondering how many of you would join in a drive for a "prop S" type tax for the sole purpose of giving our valued employees a raise ?

I am talking about a rock solid proposal for two to five years ONLY, and one that will not allow one cent to be used for swing paint, sewer laterals, or anything else EXCEPT EMPLOYEE MERIT REAISE.

We now have a C/A who knows which employees are (or should be) in line for a merit increase, so what say we give him the funding to do it ?

I know, I am "anti tax," and I will stay that way as far too much of the funds go for anything but what they were proposed for, BUT, if we can put together an un touchable fund for employee raises until were in better shape, I am for it !

What do you think ?

Tom Ford

NO. 2024

Friday, September 06, 2013

City / County merge time ? No dice MCU !

In a letter to the editor of the Call a South County resident explains some of the reasons why we should never, ever consider a merge between the County and the City of St. Louis.

Her points are valid to say the least, but did you also know that the City of St. Louis holds the position of second worst crime rate in the Nation per capita ?

That's right, number two due to the day VS night population of St. Louis, and it's crimes per 100,000. A wonderful number to have indeed, and now some would have us merge ?

The merge faction knows two things that some of us apparently do not, that being, if it were to happen they would go from number two to number 97 which would help them lure businesses away from the County, and then there is the tax money they want to grab as well.

Do we need to merge ? No we do not, should we even consider such a move, no we should not, and to that end may I suggest that the MCU and it's minions go back to church on Sundays and leave the politics alone (separation of church and state, right liberals ?)

Tom Ford

NO. 2022
