Sunday, October 30, 2005

Crestwood citizen happy with town hall meeting!

Oct. 20, I attended a town hall meeting in Crestwood held by Mayor Robinson. The meeting was open to all. The auditorium was full of interested, polite people despite the rain. After presenting updates and city facts, Mayor Robinson addressed all questions presented by the audience. If he was sketchy on a question, he called up the city administrator. This meeting reminded me of past "Coffees With The Mayor" held by former Mayor Patricia Killoren.

It has been a long time since I left a city meeting feeling so good. The meeting was both relaxed and pleasant; a comfort zone, a fireside chat. No discord, no politics, no need for Robert's Rules of Order. An opportunity to reconcile our thoughts to what we have heard and read -- with facts.

I saw Aldermen Miguel, LaBore and Maddox in the crowd, and appreciated their attendance. I felt a kindred spirit all around. It has been awhile. Residents asked some amazingly good questions. I was impressed, heartened. Mayor Robinson told us of the path ahead, of pitfalls and progress. He graciously complimented city employees and shared credit for accomplishments already made in his term with aldermen, residents and his boards. An altogether stunning glimpse into our mayor and our reasons and good fortune in electing him mayor.

Call me a dreamer, but I felt as though I was in the bosom of a small New England town, in the town square, in a tidy brick compact building surrounded by townsfolk ready to prove their town is chock full of really decent people by pulling taffy, watching maple drip or attending town meetings.

Hardy people, who want to learn how to best help breathe life back into their community. Smart people, nice people willing to project beyond divisive politics and fiscal mistakes which has wrecked havoc on our town in the last few years. People willing to wisely consider the obvious source of what went wrong and demand better; who have tired of bad decisions, discord and block politics.

People who know full well that meeting the full potential of our wonderful community and "bringing Crestwood back" can and should happen with more grace and dignity than has been accorded. People willing to share their expertise and energy and get involved in city government and who fully expect accountability from city officials. People, many of whom proved their good intentions with signatures on a petition, which was step 1 in a needed fiscal turnaround.

And, yes, people like me who can envision as I did at our town hall meeting, how a small community can stand shoulder to shoulder as residents and make good things happen. -- just like they used to.

Carol Casey

(published with permission of the author)

No 5

Saturday, October 29, 2005

City of Crestwood web site for information

No 3

Coming events in Crestwood for November

Wednesday November 2, 2005
Planning & Zoning Commission - Canceled
7:00 PM -- Auditorium
[view details]

Thursday November 3, 2005
Municipal Court - Plea
7:00 PM -- Auditorium
[view details]

Tuesday November 8, 2005
Crestwood Board of Aldermen Meeting
8:00 PM -- Auditorium
[view details]

Wednesday November 9, 2005
Sign Commission
7:00 PM -- Auditorium
[view details]

Monday November 14, 2005
Police Board
7:00 PM -- Auditorium
[view details]

Thursday November 17, 2005
Municipal Court - Plea
7:00 PM -- Auditorium
[view details]

Monday November 21, 2005
Park Board
7:00 PM -- Crestwood Community Center
[view details]

Tuesday November 22, 2005
Crestwood Board of Aldermen Meeting
7:00 PM -- Auditorium
[view details]

No 2

Friday, October 28, 2005

Better representation in ward two.

Ladies and gentlmen, Is it me, or do we need to look at the representation in Crestwood, ward two? I have sat and watched our elected representivies bicker over the least little thing since Mayor Robinson was elected. At the last B.O.A. meeting Mr. Trueblood demanded that Mr. Greer be the spokesman for the city, even going so far as to demand a vote on it (which he won). No doubt that produces theatrics for the media present, but it does nothing for the City! In meetings past we have heard from Mr. Kelleher, who seems to be on the same page as Mr. Trueblood. While this may be all fine and dandy, I submit that all this silly in-fighting has done the City of Crestwood more harm than good! I would like to remind Mr, Trueblood, and Mr. Kelleher that Mr. Fagan lost the election! Mr. (and Mayor) Robinson won, and if we are too move ahead, and prosper as a City, we need to have a cohevisive plan with everyone backing it! Gentlemen, put aside your feeling's, back the mayor, and get us back on track before it's too late!

No 1

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Crestwood Board of Alderman meetings!

In the humble opinion of this writer our B.O.A. meetings have degenerated to the point of serious silly! At last night's exreavaganza we saw the President of the board waxing eloquently about the Mayor's decision to limit City employees from talking with the news media! Now at first blush, this seems rather restrictive, but as you look further, a city should have only one spokesman so that MIS-information is not disseminated to anyone. I agree with the mayor in that I have been in positions where the media has the situation completely wrong, and I only had a part of the puzzle, so I couldn't comment either. One person must be designated as the spokesperson for the City, and only one! And who best to do that, why the Mayor of course.

Tom Ford

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

"Freedom isn't free"

Ladies and gentlemen, Will you please join me in honoring our fine men and women who have chosen to become members of our armed forces. I said in the tag line that "freedom isn't free", and we have seen that in Iraq, others have seen it from places such as "Yankee station", Inchon, Tarawa, and Bellow Wood. At times like these when our nation is a war, we must rally behind those who willingly pick up a weapon, and stand their post for us. may God bless them, and bring them home safe to their families! (click on the hedder please)