Friday, February 27, 2009

His Honors comments in the "Crestwood Connections."

Sorry, under normal circumstances I would post the entire comment by The Mayor, but, well, they are not posted yet!

I will however post something that I fully agree with, so here goes!

"The coming Aldermanic election will be very important in whether the redevelopment becomes a reality. I would encourage you to ask the candidates where they stand on the redevelopment of the mall, and if they support the efforts to get it accomplished. This is probebly the Cities most important project, and has to be accomplished to insure the future of our City."

Your Honor, your right, will the new candidates be willing to give a TIF, TDD, CID for this, or will they stand firm and tell the developers, a resounding NO?

The last time out, we went along with the idea that we needed another department store, and we got Kohls. What did that brilliant plan do for us? Well the swim club got a Saddam Husein type facility, we got a parking lot, and we lost Macy's!

Ready to do it again? Well, I am not, so PLEASE vote for the candidate in your ward who will put the best interest of Crestwood before the interest of Lord knows who!

Folks, this is as serious as it get's, and unless we elect a Alder person who will NOT spout the party line on that Dias, were in deep trouble!

I agree with "His Honor," ask that question, find out what they really believe, and then vote for the person who will listen to you, not the "party line" that has been spoon fed to us over the last 3 1/2 years!

Crestwood is our home, vote for Crestwood not some ridiculous claim that will only increase our taxes at the school district level, for surly, every TIF, TDD, CID is going to hit you on the backside as the school district looses for certain!

Tom Ford

NO. 601

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Crestwood Board of Alderman Meeting (or Tuesday night at the fight's!)

Well fellow Crestwoodians, once again we can be proud of "His Honor," the Mayor for his usual outburst at an Alderman! I am given to understand that he was a nano second from exclaiming "the illegitimate few" remark that has endeared all us to his winsome ways! Alas, he stopped short.

However, his "wing men," the City Attorney, and the City Administrator, jumped in to take up the slack, as follows. The City Attorney was not able to cite the correct "sunshine law" statute to explain why the Board had to go to "closed session." Now, we are forking over in excess of $115,000.00 per year for his "expertise," and he get's it wrong? Incredible!

Memo to: The City Attorney, if your going to have the nerve to charge $275.00 per hour for your "work," at least get it right!

As for the City Administrator, please stop the "closed door sessions," you ask for under the guise of "personnel matters," and let the Citizens see just what you are up to. As of today, all you have done is to cause wide spread conjecture among our very valued employees as to whom will be the first to be "let go!" If you doubt this, ask around! You really caused undue consternation on this one friend!

Like it, or not, Crestwood is a business, and so far, as Ross Perot said "Just cause you can run the corner store, doesn't mean you can run Wall Mart," which is short for I am not impressed so far!

We know what the opportunity's are, we know what the shortfall will be, and we know what must be done to survive! My question is, Do you have the nerve to come out in public and say so, or will you continue to hide behind the "executive session" Bravo Sierra?

Tom Ford

NO. 600

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Please join me in mourning the passing of Mr. Mike Argent ( Aldermanic candidate, Ward three.)

Anonymous said...

On a somber note. I just learned through church that Mr. Mike Argent, candidate for Alderman in Ward 3 passed away on Thursday. Mr. Argent was active in Rotary and Our Lady of Providence Men's Club. He would have made a great contribution to our city. A prayer for his family is in order.

10:49 AM, February 22, 2009

The above was in a thread below, but I felt it needed it's own thread as although I had never met Mr. Argent, anyone willing to serve this City as he was deserves our up most respect!

To the family and friends of Mike Argent, my heart felt condolences, and may he be fondly remembered by all of us.

Tom Ford

NO. 599

Friday, February 20, 2009

The "Revenue enhancement committee" report! (click here)

The report we have all been waiting to see is finally out, and I have it here for your edification and enjoyment! First let me personally thank the residents who expended their time and energy to make this report happen.

There are ideas in this report that I certainly never would have thought of, and it shows just what can be accomplished when we form a committee!

I an struck by a couple of them that rather stand out, such as RED LIGHT CAMERAS, and corporate sponsorships on City buildings! I guess the fact that we are on the National speed trap registry (Watson and Sappington Rd.) can further be enhanced by Red Light cameras. Advertising on City buildings will certainly be a hoot, can you just imagine "Poppa Johns Pizza" on the Police cars, or "Doc in the box" on the fire trucks?

It didn't escape me that one of the ideas was to wrap a pretty pink bow on a TAX INCREASE, so as to make it more palatable to the great unwashed! Well enough of the kidding here as we do not have time for this sort of levity, the City is in bad shape and we have to do something right now!

I do believe that the committee has pointed out a couple of good things, like raise the rates at White Cliff, but overall they will turn in a report that screams for CUT'S, CUT'S CUT'S !!!!!! After all whats left if their TAX INCREASE FAILS?

Well, I guess we could always try a bake sale or two.

Tom Ford


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This weeks edition of the Call newspaper (click here to read!)

Ladies and gentlemen this weeks edition of the Call has a great letter to "all of us" in Crestwood from Ward four Alderman, Mr. John Foote, as well as an interview with City Administrator, Jim Eckrige, and me.

I ask that you read ALL of the comments from the three of us and make a decision as to what you really want in Crestwood considering the economic times were in.

I do not want anyone to think I have "all the answers" to our problems, but I do want to start you thinking about what it is we REALLY NEED verses what we would like to have.

We live in very interesting times my friends, and we must adjust to them before it's too late! Think about the following, and call your Alderman, tell them what you wish to pay for (and what your not,) give them the direction they ask for to get the job done here!

By now you all know that my position is rock solid on expenditure reductions before I even look at tax increases. It appears that Mr. Eckrich is willing to do something about that as well, so, WHAT DO WE REALLY NEED?

By the way, time is of the essence here as we must act by the middle of May to get onto the August ballot, so please do not hesitate to make these calls, and appearances at the Board meetings!

I am well aware that we have a "lame duck" Bord up there, and that replacements will be mad in April, but please do not let that stop you from making your list, and posting it. In fact if you want to give me your suggestions here I will see that the are given to the Board in person.

Tom Ford

NO. 597

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The state of retail in 2009

Please click on the header for the story! I would say were in for a long dry spell here, and ANY TIF, TDD, CID funding for the "Crestwood Courts" will have to be dis-regarded this year at least.

Face it folks, were defiantly in the "doldrums" here, and we MUST REDUCE EXPENDITURES to make it through!

That said, no one (including me) wants to see this happen, but when you read this, please tell me what else we can do.

Tom Ford

NO. 596

Friday, February 13, 2009

"Noted economist, Tom Ford's list of expenditure reductions!

Well here is the list I proposed to the Board on February 10, 2009. Now these are to be looked at as a starting point as to what we can do without if needed.

Our friends on this board feel we must have a TAX INCREASE in order to do anything in Crestwood, I say we need to make some REDUCTIONS!

In fact, I have sent a list of proposed cuts to three Aldermen for their edification, and two of them seem to agree with some (not all) of the proposed CUT'S.

After some soul searching I have decided to list the proposals here to get your input. Now remember, we cannot have everything, as our revenue stream is down, but I do believe these proposed CUT'S will be the least traumatic to our employees, and us.

Well, here goes.

We do not require new sources of revenue but a strong BOA that is prepared to make unpopular decisions and get the job done.
I ask the mayor and BOA to join me to make the unpopular decisions to:
Shutter Sappington House ( Foundation could accept the financial responsibility)$24k
Eliminate Animal Control $50k
Eliminate the security cost for the BOA meetings $11k
Reduce labor hour weeks in order to preserve jobs. $80k
Combine the two code enforcement officers duties under one person $46K
Determine the legal possibilities of considering an appropriate tax/special assessment for the citizens in Affton Fire districts which would eliminate the contribution required from the general fund. $330k
Restructure the police department to more closely reflect the cost other communities experience. $100k
Reduce/eliminate capital spending $300k
Freeze salaries at 2008 levels $100k.
Change the health insurance policies to reflect a greater contribution from the employee. $50k
Budget on a cash basis instead of an accrual basis.
Close the pool $70k
Charge rent for the Sappington House Manager $10K
Eliminate the $100 Sappington house Manager stipend $1200
Eliminate the 2009 raises $100k
Combine Executive Secretaries $100k

The one important benchmark we have yet to receive from either of the two city administrators is the revenue required to run this city at minimum level.

If you can wait until next Wednesday I believe there will be an interview in the Call that will expound on this a bit more. After you read the Call I hope we (the Citizens) can build on these ideas and offer the Board a plan to save the $1,000,000.00 they say we must have to continue business as usual.

If it continues to be an "everything for everybody" spending package, well look for the Tax increase crew in August! I am not interested in seeing another performance of the "tax follies," so the City will just have to reduce spending somewhere.

Tom Ford

NO. 595

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Crestwood Board of Alderman meeting, February 10, 2009

PLEASE CLICK ON THE HEADER TO BE DIRECTED TO THE SITE. I notice that for three years we have been paying the judge and P/A more than the ordnance allows( see memo, judge and prosecutor salaries,) Now were in motion to remedy that little gaff (and don't try to hang this one on Tina Flowers either!)

Why with the best and brightest OUR money can buy was this ever allowed to happen? The City attorney is paid to check on these little items, so what happened? Oh wait, HE IS the P/A.

Gentlemen, you anguish over your loss of prop 1 (72% defeat,) you plan to ask us for MORE MONEY, and yet you had no idea that this was going on since 2005? Where was the ordanance then, how did this go through witout one, and why did you let it?

Well the next time you ask that question, ask yourself just how many more holes in the bucket like this one there are?

ACCOUNTABILITY, DUE DILIGENCE, FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY, These are the items I want on the very short list, and right now! And I would bet your constituents want it also.

Tom Ford

NO. 593

Friday, February 06, 2009

The 2008 "Darwin awards" are on the books, and boy are there some beaut's!


2008 Darwin Award Winner: BALLOON PRIEST (Padre Baloneiro)

April 2008, Atlantic Ocean | A Catholic priest ascended to
heaven on a host of helium party balloons, paying homage to
Lawn Chair Larry's aerial adventure. Larry, the beloved
survivor of a Darwin-worthy fiasco, attached 45 helium weather
balloons to his lawnchair, packed a picnic lunch, and cut the
tether--but instead of drifting above the Los Angeles landscape
as planned, he was rocketed into LAX air traffic lanes by the
lift of the weather balloons. Astoundingly, Larry survived the

Adelir Antonio, 51, was not so lucky.

His audacious attempt to set a world record for clustered
balloon flight was intended to publicize his plan to build a
spiritual rest stop for truckers. But, as truckers know,
sitting for 19 hours in a lawn chair is not a trivial matter
even in the comfort of your own backyard. The priest took
numerous safety precautions, including wearing a survival
suit, selecting a buoyant chair, and packing a satellite phone
and a GPS. However, the late Adelir Antonio made a fatal

He did not know how to use the GPS.

The winds changed, as winds do, and he was blown inexorably
toward open sea. He could have parachuted to safety while over
land, but chose not to. When the voyager was perilously lost
at sea, he prudently phoned for help--but rescuers were unable
to determine his location, since he could not use his GPS. He
struggled with the unit as the charge on the satellite phone

Instead of a GPS, the priest let God be his guide, and God
guided him straight to heaven. Bits of balloons began
appearing on mountains and beaches. Ultimately the priest's
body surfaced, confirming that he, like Elvis, had left the

The kicker? It's a Double Darwin. Catholic priests take vows
of celibacy. Since they voluntarily remove themselves from the
gene pool, the entire group earns a mass Darwin Award. Adelir
Antonio wins twice over!

Reader comment: "There but for the grace of Tecumseh..."
See a photo:

"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid."
--Benjamin Franklin

2008 Darwin Award Runner Up: A ONE TRACK MIND

July 2008, Italy | Gerhard, 68, was queued at a traffic light
in his Porsche Cayenne sportscar. Before one reaches the
light, there is a railroad crossing, and Gerhard had not let
the queue progress forward far enough before he drove onto the
tracks. As you might imagine, given Murphy's Law, a train was

The safety bars came down, leaving the Porsche trapped on the
rails. According to witnesses, it took the driver awhile to
realize he was stuck. Finally he jumped from the car and
started to run--straight toward the oncoming train, waving his
arms in an attempt to save his sportscar!

The attempt was partly successful. The car received less
damage than its owner, who landed 30 meters away. Attempts to
revive him were unsuccessful.

The moral of the story? Momentum always wins.

Pithy Comments:

"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid." --John Wayne

2008 Darwin Award Runner Up: THOU SHALT NOT STEEL

March 2008, Czech Republic | Steel is valuable, especially the
especially the high-grade alloy used in steel cable. Scrap
metal dealers do not ask questions. They pay in cash. And a
good supply of steel cable can be found in elevator shafts.

This particular gold mine was a towering shaft inside an empty
granary near Zatec, forty miles northwest of Prague. The cable
was tightly fastened, and the far end of it disappeared into
the shadowy distance above.

After substantial wear and tear on a hacksaw, our man finally
cut through the strong steel cable. At that instant the
counterbalance, no longer held in check, started to move
silently downward, accelerating until it reached the bottom of
the shaft.

Result: one proud winner of a "terminal velocity" Darwin Award.


"Do not steel or you will get the shaft."
More Puns:

"Think of it as evolution in action."

2008 Darwin Award Runner Up: ON THE PISTE

February 2008, Italy | David, 46, was sliding down an Italian
ski slope one night, riding on padding that he had removed
from the safety barriers at the bottom of the run. It did not
occur to him that it might be dangerous to sled down the same
slope from which he had stolen protective padding.

Sauze d'Oulx is one of five villages that make up the "Milky
Way" ski area in northern Italy. Popular with British skiers,
the resort is known for its party atmosphere. A ski resort
spokesperson said, "The men had all been drinking when they
tore off the padding, and ironically..."

...they careened straight into the bare barriers at the bottom
of the piste (groomed slope). David died from head and chest
injuries inflicted by the unpadded metal. Two of his friends
survived with medical attention. Another Darwin Award
candidate is still missing after he wandered away "bloodied
and distressed."

"No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society.
If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test
people for drugs. We should test them for stupidity."--P.J.O'Rou

2008 Darwin Award Runner Up: CLOTHESLINED!

January 2008, Florida | Wearing only swim trunks and sneakers,
a 37-year-old man raced his motorcycle toward the Manasota Key
drawbridge. As the bridge began to open, it was clear that he
intended to "shoot the gap." Bridge designers had anticipated
such lunacy and invented the crossing guard. The closing gates
swept him off his Suzuki, over the side of the bridge, into
the water, and out of the gene pool. By a twist of fate the
motorcycle continued up the ramp and made it across to the
other side.


2008 Darwin Award Runner-Up: PIERCED!

January 2008, Pennsylvania | A 23-year-old man with various
body piercings decided to have some fun at work. He wondered,
"What it would feel like to connect the electronic control
tester to my chest piercings?" Several coworkers tried to
convince him that it was a bad idea to wire himself up to the
electronic device, but he ignored their pleas.

He proceeded to connect two alligator clips to his metal
nipple piercings, one on each side, and hit the test button...
His coworkers were still trying to revive him with CPR and
rescue breathing when police and rescue personnel
arrived. They were not successful.

"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions
do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask
questions?" -Scott Adams

VALENTINES DAY: The next Darwin Awards newsletter will feature
Bad Date stories... because a bad enough date can prevent you
from reproducing, thereby removing your genes from the pool!

Please buy my new book!

Wendy "Darwin" Northcutt
Brains For Sale. Hardly used, but slightly worse for wear.

Tom Ford

NO. 592

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

From the Call in todays editorial section, and very well said!

Please take a look at the editorial (click on the header) for a very true statement by Mr. Burke Wasson. Our friends on this board feel we must have a TAX INCREASE in order to do anything in Crestwood, I say we need to make some CUT'S!

In fact, I have sent a list of proposed cuts to three Aldermen for their edification, and two of them seem to agree with some (not all) of the proposed CUT'S.

After some soul searching I have decided to list the proposals here to get your input. Now remember, we cannot have everything, as our revenue stream is down, but I do believe these proposed CUT'S will be the least traumatic to our employees, and us.

Well, here goes.

We do not require new sources of revenue but a strong BOA that is prepared to make unpopular decisions and get the job done.
I ask the mayor and BOA to join me to make the unpopular decisions to:
Shutter Sappington House ( Foundation could accept the financial responsibility)$24k
Eliminate Animal Control $50k
Eliminate the security cost for the BOA meetings $11k
Reduce labor hour weeks in order to preserve jobs. $80k
Combine the two code enforcement officers duties under one person $46K
Determine the legal possibilities of considering an appropriate tax/special assessment for the citizens in Affton Fire districts which would eliminate the contribution required from the general fund. $330k
Restructure the police department to more closely reflect the cost other communities experience. $100k
Reduce/eliminate capital spending $300k
Freeze salaries at 2008 levels $100k.
Change the health insurance policies to reflect a greater contribution from the employee. $50k
Budget on a cash basis instead of an accrual basis.
Close the pool $70k
Charge rent for the Sappington House Manager $10K
Eliminate the $100 Sappington house Manager stipend $1200
Eliminate the 2009 raises $100k
Combine Executive Secretaries $100k

The one important benchmark we have yet to receive from either of the two city administrators is the revenue required to run this city at minimum level.

This will cover the "short fall" with minimal changes, and we WILL make it till 2010 without the need to tax our seniors on a fixed income!

Well, there you have it, and with the bark on! Now the question is do we have the right people in place (or will we) to make these type's of decision's, or will we see the same old TAX INCREASE saw?

Tom Ford

NO. 592