Crestwood to get over $200,000.00 from AT&T settlement!( Click here.)
To say the least this is a "windfall" that comes (like the Calvary) in the nick of time! The reported shortfall from Macy's was in the very same neighborhood, and now it's going to be made up by AT&T!
The one and only concern I have is that it not be spent before we get it! How is that you say, well, we seem to have a "shortfall" in the budget of $600,000.00 that no one will address, and I fear this will somehow find it's way into that pot!
What should (and would) be done if this is properly managed is for the Department heads to be required to shave off the shortfall, and put that money in the bank for next year!
If this is done correctly, the "tax increase" crowd will have the wind taken out of their sails, and we may well recover sooner, rather than later.
Please call your Alderman, the Mayor, and Jim Eckrich, tell them you want this windfall saved, the budget cut, and you want to be back by the end of 2011!
Tom Ford
NO. 644