Animal control fund raiser a success (from the Times, 12/30/09.)

Animal Control's Fundraiser Was A "Success"
"Friends of Animal Control and Rescue would like to extend a giant thank you to everyone who helped us with our first fundraiser.
We had a flea market in Crestwood Plaza, and our success was entirely a group effort. We all worked together and we raised money for our Crestwood shelter.
We hope to have more fundraisers in the near future, so watch our Web site, for updates.
Thanks to the mall, to all those who donated items for the sale, and to the businesses which donated our raffle items. A super huge thanks to all who came out and bought and gave donations as well!
We were overwhelmed with support and well wishes. Even the grinch who helped our signs disappear couldn't dampen the good spirits.
We now know that there are many, many friends of animal control and we are excited for our future fundraisers!"
Mary Wheat
December 30, 2009
Congratulations to the "Friends of Animal Control" who worked so hard to raise all that money! I assume you are now ready to fund the entire project as we have lost yet another tax source?
Ms. Wheat, I guess you know that the "fund" needs at least $51,000.00 per year to pay the salary and benefits for Ms Susie Sutton right? Pray tell was that goal reached or will you be having fund raisers every weekend to achieve it?
Sorry ladies but the only way I know to illustrate the absurdity of this duplicate function known as Crestwood Animal Control is with absurdity. The vast majority of tax payers in Crestwood are not at all interested in your "adoption program," nor are we interested in your volunteering to walk the animals when and if they are picked up!
We cannot afford this anymore, so if this hobby group is to continue, please print your address so the bills can be sent to you rather than us!
Tom Ford
NO. 708