Thursday, June 27, 2013

Moived post's from below so we may get back on the origional track.

Now for the .000005% of the Nation that doesn't know about the SCOTUS decision reference "gay" marriage, I have given it a thread of it's own.

Here you may agree with "Libby" our resident progressive / liberal, or decent as you please, so fire away.

I would however remind ALL of you that if you plan to cast aspersions on someone you MUST sign your real name, or forget the post as I will remove it as soon as I see it.

Tom Ford

NO. 2012

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Four Alderman meet in private to discuss "moving the mall plans ahead!"

Please see the excellent editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony of the Call Newspaper.

I also have those emails (all 48 of them) that were sent back and forth between the Alderman and the mayor as well as each other (FOIA form, remember,) and I can tell you that there is no possible way that they did not know the meeting was cancelled!

(more to come when I arrive back home from MY Breakfast Meeting (legitimate one!)

Well I have returned and I would like to add the following thoughts to this post.

!. Since when is it ever OK for four Aldermen to sit it "private" and discuss the Cities business, no matter what?

2. Why wouldn't these four public servant's want to wait till `another work session was called? What could possibly be the rush?

3. Are they happy about the fact that just when the residents ware ready to once again believe in the Board, they cast this "shadow" on the proceedings?

Perhaps we should invite the Missouri ethics commission to look into this and give us a reading as to how they feel about discussions off site, and out of the public eye.

Tom Ford

NO. 2011

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

The traveling Vietnam Wall will be at Lindbergh High School June 12 to the 16th. Please come, and bring the entire family!

The AVVT traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall, an 80% replica of the Wall (with all the names on it) in Washington D.C. will be at Lindbergh High School, arriving on June 12th and will be open for viewing and visitors from 1:00 PM, June 13, 2013 until the close of ceremonies (3:00 PM) on Sunday June 16.2013.

The Wall will be open 24 hours a day, and there will be staff members available to assist you in finding names of loved ones or friends on the Wall and assist you in tracing the name if you so desire.

For further information on the Wall, volunteer sign up sheets, and the times of each days
memorial services please visit:

I wish to thank the Sunset Hills Historical Society whose idea it was, as well as all the volunteers on the committee for their dedication and hard work in bringing this important part of American history to our area.

I ask that we take the time to visit and honor these brave men and women who gave up all their future days so we might enjoy ours with freedom and security. When you are leaving the Wall, please take one last look back for those who no longer can, may God bless and keep them all.

Tom Ford, U.S.N., (ret.)
Life Member, chapter 1028, Vietnam Veterans of America

NO. 2010

Monday, June 03, 2013

Flag etiquette, the proper care of our National Ensign.

A reader asked for the proper way to display and care for the flag of the United States of America, so here it is.

The Flag of the United States of America is the symbol of our National pride and to those who fought under, and for it, a symbol of freedom and our resolve.

Over the years it has flown over many venues, and never has it been used as a symbol of American greed and, or colonialism. No, in fact it's been quite the opposite my friends. America has always "been there" to aid other Nations when disaster strikes, even though were never repaid in kind when we suffer a disaster ourselves.

Please take the time to read, and follow the proper way to display the Flag, and note that far to many young men and women have died for that flag to allow anyone to desecrate it.

Tom Ford

NO. 2009