Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mayor Robinson welcomes the new Alderman, well most of them.

The mayor did a stellar job introducing all the new Alderpersons last night with the exception of one.

When it came time to introduce Alderman Paul Duchild, he couldn't seem to say the name. He tried a couple of times to no avail, and Alderman Miguel finally said "Alderman Duchild."

Other than that I am told the evening went very well even with the City Attorney missing in action (with no replacement.)

Welcome to all the new Alderpersons, and may success follow your flags!

Tom Ford

NO. 626

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Board of Alderman meeting April 28, 2009, 7:00PM, Crestwood City hall

Ladies and Gentlemen, please click on the header for the agenda for the Board of Alderman meeting this coming Tuesday evening.

If you have a chance please attend and thank the out going Alderpersons for their time and efforts on behalf of Crestwood.And while your at it welcome the new Alderpersons and wish them well in their endeavors.

Tom Ford

NO. 625

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The word on the street (in certain circles) has Best Buy looking at the property in S unset Hills where the old Comp USA was.

The rumor has it that the Sansone Group would love to fill that area across from The St. Louis bread Company, and soon.

Sounds scary doesn't it? well in fact the Best Buy store on Watson Crestwood is one of their more profitable locations, and is a drawing card all to itself. That means no matter what the Crestwood Courts project does, or doesn't do, they will continue to be very much a player in Crestwood!

Best Buy has been a leader in the "Tax Holiday" sales program here, and is fully cognizant of the fact that Crestwood will be there for them now, and in the future, so I wouldn't hold too much faith in the rumor if, and when you hear it.

Times being what they are you can expect to hear all sorts of rumors when it comes to business, but I will tell you that 95% of them will be just that, a rumor.

So the next time you need an appliance, electronic item, or whatever, shop Best Buy, and tell the manager your from Crestwood, and you appreciate his store being here!

By the way, if you buy an "energy star certified" appliance this week until Saturday night, there is NO TAX (in Missouri.)

Tom Ford

NO. 624

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A very good article on the economic crisis and "incentives" to build! Click here for story.

This was sent to me by a long time Crestwood resident who knows that these TIF, TDD, CID proposals must be looked at extremely carefully over the next couple of years.

We are in a malaise that has not been seen for quite some time now, and it would be very easy to be attracted to a developer who promises to "save" us!

I suggest we all read this (Alderman especially,) and make very, very sure we can afford the long range costs of being "saved" before we agree to any deals!

Tom Ford

NO. 623

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Much to my chagrin I just found out that quite a few of us are "potential right wing extremists?"!

I know this is not Crestwood, but it is darn important if you ask me!

It would appear that any sort of decent is no longer going to be allowed in American politics (click on the header!) Someone asked if any of us had attended a "tea party," on the blog, and so far no answer. After reading this drivel from Washington, I really wish I could have!

Click on this and read the "infractions" that may well land you on this list! Your anti-abortion? Your there! Your a Veteran ?, likewise, you want secure borders? Yep! And on and on.(Just read it, please!)

Sorry but as a student of WW2, (my hobby,) I see a clear and present correlation between this sort of thinking and the National socialist Party(the NAZI party) in Germany.

Maybe it's just me, but I am infuriated by anyone who has the nerve to tell any American what they can, and can't say, and believe in! If this is what we can expect from this woman, I suggest we start a petition to remove her from office, and the sooner the better!

Yes, I live in Crestwood, I have for 40 years, and I raised two sons here, and yes I served in the Armed Forces, but this is just the sort of thing I served to make sure would never happen, and now.........

I am disgusted, and I pray you are as well!

Tom Ford

NO. 622

Monday, April 13, 2009

An idea whose time has come, and one I wholeheartedly support

There is to be a proposed meeting this week at Crestwood Courts (date and time unknown as of this writing,) of the Crestwood animal control volunteers to plan fund raisers to keep the animal control shelter running.

We all know that the City can no longer afford to maintain the animal control department due to the needed cut backs, and the fact that it is duplicated by St. Louis County.

This is exactly the type of "grass roots" thinking that has pulled America through more that one crisis in her history, and this is no different!

I can only applaud the volunteers on this outstanding idea, and I will be one of the first to donate to their coffers! I know this effort will require a rather large sum of money every year to pay heat, light, salaries, and supplies, but given the willingness to work very hard by the volunteers, I think they can pull it off!

In closing please know that I am all for the success of this group and I wish them God Speed in their endeavors, yet at the same time I must reinforce my opposition to City funds being used at all. That said "may success follow their flag!"

(Please contact the animal control officer, or a volunteer for the date and time of the meeting.)

Tom Ford

NO. 621

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A safe and happy Easter and Passover to all of Crestwood!

May this special observance find all of you in good health, good spirits, and enjoying the company of family and friends!

May the blessings of the lord be given to all of you, and may our community be given the direction to persevere in these trying times ahead.

Tom Ford

Friday, April 10, 2009

Crestwood Board of Alderman meeting, April 14, 2009, 7:00 PM in the BOA chambers, City Hall.

There will be a Board meeting on Tuesday, April 14,2009 at 7:00PM (please click on the header for the agenda.)

This is one of the last times you will have a chance to see the current Board in action, as the new Board will be sworn in shortly.

Why not attend and thank them for their service to Crestwood. Agree or dis-agree with their stance, they did give of themselves in time and effort to do the right thing as they saw it for Crestwood, and we owe them a "thank you" at the very least!

Tom Ford

NO. 620

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Crestwood election results available here after 7:30 PM.

I will post the results of today's Aldermanic race here as soon a the become available (sometime after 7:30 PM tonight.)

Thanks for voting today, ALL the candidates thank you for taking your time to do it, and I thank you for continuing our heritage, and right under the Constitution!


Tom Ford

NO. 619

Monday, April 06, 2009

Crestwood Residents have but one major job tomorrow, and that is!

GET OUT AND VOTE! I know it's going to be cold, and you have many other "pressing" items on you agenda, but PLEASE, VOTE!

Remember the photo's of the Iraqi citizens with the "purple finger" who braved suicide attacks and gunfire to use their new found rights? Can yo do any less just because "it's cold?"

By now all of us have made up our minds as to whom to vote for, so please do not let the usual last minute innuendo, and outright falsehoods told by the desperate cloud your thinking!

This election is much, much too important for that!

Tom Ford

NO. 618

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Interesting that in post 616 I listed the requirements for campaign littrature, and signs, yet...............

Not one of the signs (that I have seen) that are displayed by Masseurs Kelsch, Baker or Bazzell have been modified to adhere to the Missouri and St. Louis County election rules and regulations (Mr. Baker come the closest, but he fails to state the name of the committee treasurer.)

I have met two of the three gentlemen mentioned here,and I cannot understand why they failed to follow the campaign regulations. I am sure they know about it by now, and I am just as sure that it must perplex them to realize the fact that they have signs in place that do not conform to the election rules and regulations.

What bothers me more that that is the fact that two of our elected officials have the signs in their front yards! They, of all people should know better, no?

Well, so be it, they must have their reasons, However I will not be voting for them if they can't do it better than that. I wonder, how can we trust them to follow the Crestwood Charter, or Codes if they failed to do the most basic of things required of them.

Tom Ford

NO. 617

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Missouri campaign finance laws and requirements.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have listed below the requirements of a candidate for public office in the State of Missouri, and St, Louis County.

While you out and about, take a close look at the campaign signs that have sprouted up in the wards, and see if in fact the candidate whose name appears on the sign has followed ALL the rules.

My feeling is that I would not vote for anyone who could not follow the most basic of rules (every candidate gets a packet with the rules completely spelled out,) since if these rules are not followed, how can we trust them to follow the Charter?

Missouri, St. Louis County rules and regulations:

Campaign Material Identification Requirements

Any person publishing, circulating, or distributing any printed material about a candidate for public office or ballot measure must identify, on the printed material’s face, “Paid for by” with the sponsor’s name in the following manner (Show/Hide List)

Paid For By Printed Material Required Sponsor Information
Candidate from Personal Funds First name, last name by which the candidate is known
Committee Committee name as required to be registered by Missouri campaign finance law, committee treasurer name and title serving when the material was paid for
Corporation/Business Entity/Labor Org/Other Org (Not a Committee or Organized for Influencing Election(s)) Entity’s principal officer’s name, known title, and mailing address
Individual(s) Individual(s) name, mailing address(s); if more than 5 may print "for a list of sponsors contact (name, address of one individual responsible for having material printed). That individual must keep the names and amounts paid by all other individuals.

Printed material does not include items:

* Of personal use given away or sold such as campaign buttons, pins, pens, pencils, book matches, campaign jewelry, or clothing and
* That are paid for by a candidate/committee supporting or opposing a ballot issue/candidate and
* That are obvious in its identification with a specific candidate/committee and
* Where the cost is reported as required by law

Tom Ford

NO. 616

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The SunCrest Call list's Alderman endorsements for Crestwood!

Please click on the header to be directed to the opinion's as posted by Mr. Mike Anthony.

Agree, or dis-agree, that is your choice in America! Never forget that your right to vote was secured by men and women who fought for you to have the right to use it, SO PLEASE GET OUT AND VOTE!

Tom Ford

NO. 615