Yes indeed, the more I look at Washington the more I see Crestwood albeit a microcosm. In Washington we have a group on ALL sides of the aisle only worried about their re-election. In Crestwood we have a Mayor also worried about his re-election.
In Washington we have people fighting over taxes (there are NO tax cuts, only taxes remaining at the same level,) and in Crestwood we have voices demanding a tax increase.
Now to connect the dot's, on BOTH accounts the answer is very simple, STOP THE SPENDING! Can we get these "children of a lesser God" to understand that? No we cannot, and why can't we, because they are only interested in special interest groups that will help in their re-election, that's why !(CLICK ON THE HEADER FOR ONE GUY'S IDEAS.)
We have a budget vote coming up very soon in the Board of Alderman chambers that will decide our services for 2011. Some say we must have more money, I say get rid of the excess expenditures (Sappington House, animal control, restaurant subsidy, excess office personnel,) and then talk to me about a tax increase! Oh by the way, the charter requires a balanced budget kid's, it doesn't say rob from Peter to pay Paul to do it!
"Your Honor" if you really want to be re-elected do the right thing, take the roll of leader and make the changes needed to keep us afloat until (and if) better times come to Crestwood, A tax increase will accomplish one thing for your run at a third term, and that is to guarantee you will be saying "you want fries with that" the day after the election's.
Tom Ford
NO. 835