Here we have another Crestwood resident who rises in support of Mr. Jeff Schlink for mayor of Crestwood in the coming April election.
Mr. Trueblood served Ward Two in Crestwood for thirteen years, he served under different Mayors, and knows the value of leadership when he sees it. As you read his letter you will see that he states his reasons for backing Jeff Schlink extremely well.
There are a lot of Crestwood residents (including me) who fully agree with Mr. Trueblood's assessment of the current situation, and his solution offered. If you haven't seen it yet, Alderman Foote, Ward Four has come out with a piece that attacks Dr. Brophy's letter of last week. I find that interesting as he can't seem to find a reason why we should vote for his choice, but rather he expends valuable print trying to make Dr. Brophy look bad, why is that ?
Well if you haven't figured it out for yourself yet, I will tell you. It's because while he spins his version of the last six years we citizens have the audio, print, and recollection of his candidates mistakes, ridiculous comments, turning off Alderman's microphones, yelling at Citizens to "sit down and be quiet," ET AL.
I can't believe anyone could back a candidate who has more negative baggage than a train depot in 1933 Germany, but hey to each his own. Please make sure your out to vote in the coming Mayoral election, cast your ballot for the man of your choice because we owe that much to the brave men and women in our armed forces.
Oh, and by the way, I am joining Dr. Brophy and Tim Trueblood in voting for Jeff Schlink for Mayor of Crestwood this April. Won't you join us ?
Tom Ford
NO. 864