Interesting email fron our "nineth" Alderman to recient elected officials in Crestwood!

Yes indeed, I filed a FOIA form for ALL emails from and to elected officials here in Crestwood from the date of election to last Friday.
Guess what, a Gentleman named Vic Pildes, (Consultant to Centrum Properties,) has seen fit to advise our new Alderman on what to do, and how to do it when it comes to agenda items reference Crestwood Courts and the TIF they desire.
" Please place the approval of the consultant contracts and the status of the TIF commission on the agenda for the next Board meeting on May 14th."
(I would like to suggest that YOU file a FOIA form at the City Clerks office for these emails and find out what YOUR Alderman is doing.)
If Mr. Pildes is so adamant about the need to place things on OUR agenda, may I suggest that he move to Crestwood, run for office, and THEN do it?
At this time it's a bit of a moot point as the BOA showed a great deal of common sense and voted down the "prospectus" at the last meeting on Tuesday night.
Speaking of that meeting, I am told by several who were there that the decorum was less than one would expect from what I had hoped were Ladies and Gentlemen! One resident was BOOED by another as she spoke, and yet another resident attempted to stop the conversation by shouting "Time up!"
Is this what we have become here in the community where I have resided for 44 years? Do we now expect that just because a vote does not go their way, people will act like a five year old who has all the red licked off their candy, and now feels the need to throw a tantrum?
Crestwood Court will be developed or it will be sold, we have no burning need to acquiesce to the demands of a developer (no matter who they are) who will not negotiate with us, but rather TELLS us what they will do, or not do! They want it their way, fine and dandy, but do it without financial assistance! You want to act like the big dog, great, SHOW US and build it yourself!
Tom Ford
NO. 2008