Friday, November 29, 2013

Will someone please advise the Parks and recreation director that were in a budget crunch ?

Flash back to the Board meeting of November 26, 2013 when we saw and heard the Parks and recreation director tell the Board that HE needed at least two items to survive!

Now far be it from me to prevent anyone from surviving, but as we all know, in this day and age there is more than one way to survive (just look at your household budget.)

It seems that without a new dump truck we will ALL be buried in ___________ (you pick it) up to our ears (or so he would have us believe.) At last glance we had three square miles of street's to plow (State and County do some of them) and five trucks to do it.

This isn't Lambert where they need an oblique line to do it right, this is a town where five trucks should be more than adequate, so forget that purchase until one wears out (ever try to wear out a dump truck?)

As if that were not enough he has notified us that HE NEEDS a four wheel drive vehicle (a take home car no less) so HE can patrol the CONSTRUCTION SITES and view the plows in action! Really, REALLY?

The last guy in Public Works we gave a take home car to put 33,000 miles on it in one year (remember, were only three square miles) and racked up a stack of gas, oil, repair, and insurance bills (well over $6,000.00) for no good reason.

I could go on and on about why this idea of a "take home four wheel drive vehicle" is a very bad idea, but I think you get the picture.

Were three square miles, and I can traverse every construction site, snow covered street, every shopping center, and every other place where a vehicle is allowed to go with my Ford F-150 two wheel drive (possi-track,) and it has over 314.000 miles on it, so why the glaring need?

I guess he must live somewhere outside of Crestwood and thinks we should pay for his commute back and forth to work. My suggestion, move closer to your work or find another way to get here because Santa does not bring four wheel drive vehicles during a budget crunch.

If he want's a solution, it's simple. we could pay him mileage for the IN TOWN TRIPS (must be fully documented,) and he can claim the wear and tear to his truck on his tax return. Anything more than that is a wanton waste of our tax money at a time we can ill afford to do it!

Tom Ford

NO. 3030

Thursday, November 28, 2013

To TIF or not to TIF, that is the quwstion.

A fine piece by Mr. Elliott Davis reference dead and dying Malls in the St. Louis area is posted above for your viewing pleasure.

Mr. David is noted for being fair and honest in his reporting, and this is no exception, Now, those of you who believe that people like the MCU group (most of whom do not live here) were right to demand OUR money to prop up a wealthy developer, take a good look at this report.

It seems to me tat all the TIF folks believe is if we don't pony up the cash incentives (and thereby hurt our school district) there is no chance of a developer doing anything.

Well, I beg to differ here as the owner of the new storage shed on Big Bend asked for a TIF before he started to build and was denied.

Guess what? He did it the old fashioned way, he did it himself ! Are you listening MCU believers, and those who would be king?

Tom Ford

NO. 3029

Monday, November 25, 2013


The above short U TUBW video ( a supermarket ad for Publix Foods possibly,? he didn't say) was sent to me by a fellow Viet Nam Veteran. It conveys the meaning of the day very well, so I thought you might enjoy it.

We here in Crestwood have much to be thankful for, we have a wonderful place to live and raise children, a very low crime rete, good park's and recreation, an excellent fire department, and a public works division beyond compare.

Could things be better? Well of course "things" can always be better, and yes we will always disagree about what is needed and what is not, but that does not detour us from the fact that were "Crestwoodian's" and darn proud to say it.

So, to you and yours.a happy Thanksgiving, a long life, and in the word's of the Irish toast, "May you ne in heaven thirty minutes before the devil knows your dead!"

Tom Ford

NO. 3028

Friday, November 22, 2013

Why are we in a deficit spending crunch, and why are we trying to keep things that are duplication's? Guess waht the C/A IS DOING HIS JOB, Thank goodness!

Not to worry though we have a champion of EVERY tax on the market today, and no doubt ones that haven't even been thought of yet!

You wonder how we are out of balance do you? Well let's examine the day's when those on the Dias were waving papers and telling us that we must back our employees who were busy putting in for, and writing government grant's.

Well the majority of the BOA went along with it and now we find ourselves owing the 20% of the "free money" they touted as being the be all and end all for Crestwood!

So far were on the hook for at least two ill advised ideas that together with other poor planning on the part of a C/E, C/A from the past now leaves us with a deficit of over $700K!

Government grant's were not free then and they are not free now, but yet we went for a bridge to nowhere and a road resurfacing (Spellman Ave) that could have waited, period! Those two alone are near 2 million and counting, and yet, they were free!

The deficit is not the fault of the plaza (were it running it would have helped us) but rather the fault of "tax and spend" progressive people who wormed their way on to the Dias, and have cost us dearly ever since!

Now if you haven't yet read the Call story where a former Alderman speaks to the BOA reference the animal control group, you really need to!


This is the best illustration I can possibly give anyone as to why you really need to leave the emotions at home. Here we see a former Alderman making a plea to keep the animal adoption club (at our expense,)by relating a story and telling the Board that life itself is in grave danger without animal control!

Now I ask you, since only one other Muni besides Crestwood (out of 87 in St. Louis County,)has animal control, where are the stories of wholesale slaughter of out citizens, young and old?

We all know that the news media believes in the motto of "if it bleeds. it leads when it comes to TV and radio news, and yet, nothing! Why? Well it is not happening as some would have us believe!

Unless YOU can spot an animal from a distance, and without benefit of lab test's tell if it has distemper forget the stories. and stick to the cold hard fact that we can't afford a duplicate program!

But then again, that would not serve the agenda now would it.

Tom Ford

NO. 3027

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Crestwood courts are for sale, announced last night at the BO meeting.

It seems that a new owner will move that once proud mall forward in the future.

I will have more grist for the mill tomorrow, so stay tuned.

More on the reported sale of the Mall. It seems as though the partners and the owners have decided to put the property up for sale. Why, well we really don't care, do we ?

One thing that is interesting is that it has been told to me that the owners had a study done by a private firm that came to the following conclusions.

1. An entertainment center would not work as there is no major highway near the project.

2. The land is best suited for a park.

Now that said, it will be an extremely expensive project to raise the property to street height which will be needed for any out building retail shop's if they hope to be seen from the street. Then there is the EPA issues to deal with, so only time will tell where this is going.

As for me, I think a combination of a condo or apartment setting with a lake and park would be great. It is the least expensive option that I see, and we still get the tax revenue. What do you think ?

As always there will be no personal insults, or name calling without your real name attached, and please let's leave the emotion and politics out of our responses.

Tom Ford

NO. 3026

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11 photo's of the way it was Mall wise in the 80's.

11 Photos of 1980s Malls That Will Like Totally Blow Your Mind.

(sent in by a reader.)

The way it was in the 80's, and look Ma, no entertainment centers, just retail and more retail.

If you have been to one of these please tell us your experiences, and remember this is NOY a thread to bash anyone. Were here for a trip "down memory lane," not politicking, so...

Tom Ford

NO. 025

Monday, November 04, 2013

Veterans day honor's at Crestwood City Hall, Friday November 8,th, at 2:00 PM.

More to follow as the event's take shape.

Things took shape !

Crestwood City Hall – Friday November 8th at 2 PM

Opening Remarks: Mayor Schlink
> Post Colors Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1028
> Invocation: Chaplin Fred Dismer……………
> Recognition Korean War Veterans Chief Michael Paillou
> Freedom Flight Walter Crawford – World Bird Sanctuary
> Keynote Speaker: Judge Charles E. Berry
> Benediction: Chaplin Fred Dismer
> Closing Remarks: Chief Michael Paillou

Please join us for memorial

Tom Ford

