Friday, May 29, 2009

"Kitty kenneled at Crestwood facility, or where oh where is animal control?

Please click on the header to view a letter (scroll down) from a Crestwood resident reference the state of Crestwood's animal control kennel, and the fact that the writer does not like our police picking up animals!

Well I agree with the latter comment about our police having to "pick up animals" completely! I as well as you are paying a rather exorbitant salary to an animal control officer who, I am told is "out of position" quite a lot (on or off vacation) thus making it necessary for the police to do the job.

I have stated many times before that we are paying two salaries to "animal control" personnel (Crestwood, and St. Louis county!) Why do we need both? Who in heavens name can explain that?

Your Honor, and the Board, please remember we are looking for ways to CUT EXPENSES as were loosing tax revenue, why not start by saving a salary, a car expense, gasoline, insurance, and eliminate the Crestwood animal control position for once and for all? Face it, the letter writer isn't happy, and I dare say she speaks for 90% of Crestwood who also cannot understand why we have an animal control officer in the first place!

Tom Ford

NO. 636

Friday, May 22, 2009

What to do on Memorial day weekend?(Click here for ideas from the Post Dispatch.)

One again we are on the verge of another memorial day. My wish for all in Crestwood is that all of you and your families have a safe and happy weekend enjoying friends and family.

I ask but one small favor of you as you enjoy the time off. That is to remember all the men and women who have, and continue to sacrifice for all of us to enjoy the freedom we have today.

Please give them a moment of your time, and thank them. And when you leave the party, festivities, or the relitives, please take one last look behind for thoes who can no longer do so.

Tom Ford

NO. 635

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mayor Roy Robinson has heart by-pass surgery!!!

Mayor Robinson was absent from the last Tuesday Board Of Alderman meeting with no prior notification. What none of us could have known at the time was that on that day he underwent a heart by-pass operation!

As of this writing I am very glad to tell you that he is in good spirits, and resting comfortably. His Doctor is not allowing visitors for at least 30 days, and at this time Roy needs all the rest he can get, so please no phone calls.

I am sure he would like all the cards and letters we can send him, so let's get on that program.

Please join me in wishing Roy all the best, a speedy recovery, and we wish to see him back soon!

Tom Ford


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Staff reporter Burke Wasson departing the Call (click here for the story.)

I am saddened to report to you that Mr. Burke Wasson is departing the Suncrest Call to take a teaching job(not that anything is wrong with that.)

Over the past three years I got to know Burke, and I found him to be honest and fair in his dealings when reporting on Crestwood.

I know the Call will miss his wit and humor, as will all of us who read his remarks in the Call. I hope he can get a few "guest editorials" in from time to time, as I believe it would be a benefit to the paper.

Good luck Burke, and may the "Gods of the copy book headings" be kind to you!

Tom Ford

NO. 633

Wildwood nix's City Hall and Target plans (click here for the story!)

Wildwood residents want their community to stay as it was when they first incorporated in 1995. I think they are on to something here, after all they have a very good handle on spending, and they really don't need a new City Hall, do they.

I would respectfully request that our mayor and Aldermanic representative's take a page from this group, and wait until we can get the right deal without the TIF, TDD, CID programs that deplete the coffers via extra tax at P.O.P.

What's your take on this?

Tom Ford

NO. 632

Monday, May 11, 2009

Board of Alderman meeting, May 12, 2009, 7:00 PM. Please click here.

Ladies and Gentlemen, attached please find the agenda for the up-coming BOA meeting.

One item on this agenda is of interest, and that is a revision to the Police salary program. As it stands now the BOA must approve any increases in salary, but there is a proposal to change that.

The new plan would tie the salaries to the budget (which can change,) thus removing an important check and balance step. I see no reason for the change, but I am open to discussion.

Tom Ford

NO. 631

Saturday, May 09, 2009

We may be in "fiscal" hot water in Crestwood, but it could be worse (click here!)

It will be a bleak your for sure here in Crestwood, but no where near as bad as some other places. When you click on the header you will see what I am getting at.

In my opinion we will survive this year, and then 2010 should see an easing of the budget problems we have faced as a couple of expenditures will be reduced to the point where we should be out of the woods.

Hang in there, hold down the spending, and all will improve next year.

Tom Ford

NO. 630

Friday, May 08, 2009

12 Billion dollar US taxpayer bail out plan, and Chrysler want's to move a plant to Mexico!

"Be glad you live in interesting times." An old Chinese "thinly veiled threat" that seems to be more true as we go along! I am just going to allow you to read this with no further comment from me!

Chrysler Engine Plant Moving To Mexico???
Say it ain't so after 12 BILLION DOLLAR BAILOUT!

Gov. Jim Doyle on Monday sent a letter to President Barack Obama saying Chrysler LLC should amend its bankruptcy plan to keep the Kenosha engine plant in operation.

Doyle said he has been working on an incentive plan with Chrysler and continues to push to keep the plant, which has about 800 employees, in operation.

“Taxpayers understand being asked to loan Chrysler $12 billion to help them survive this economic downturn,” Doyle wrote. “But Wisconsin workers will not understand having to sacrifice their jobs to a foreign plant.”

Chrysler has filed bankruptcy as part of a reorganization that will include a partnership with European automaker Fiat, along with taxpayer-financed backing from the U.S. government.

Chrysler’s restructuring plan gives priority to a plant in Saltillo, Mexico, over the Kenosha engine plant, Doyle wrote.

“We recognize that Chrysler must make difficult decisions, but these decisions must be balanced and fair,” he stated in the letter.

Given the role that the U.S. government and taxpayers are playing in supporting Chrysler, the auto manufacturer should prioritize its U.S. plants over any foreign factories, according to the letter, which is co-signed by Kenosha County Executive Jim Kreuser and Kenosha Mayor Keith Bosman.

Auburn Hills, Mich.-based Chrysler should amend its bankruptcy plan to include Kenosha as a manufacturing site for the Phoenix/Pentastar engine, Doyle wrote.

The letter said that state officials have had several meetings with Chrysler management and have put together a “very competitive incentive package” to keep work in Kenosha.

Tom Ford

NO. 629

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Gas prices on the rise again! Click here for the best place to buy!

Crude oil is up to $54.00 a barrel as of today, so you may wish to find the best place to buy your gas again. This site will give you an up-date every 24 hours so you can save a buck or two when you fill up!

Good luck, and drive safely please!

Tom Ford

NO. 628

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Lindburgh board OK's teacher salaries for 2009 / 10! LNEA not happy! Click here for the Call report.

Imagine that, the LNEA is not happy with the new contract that has been brought forth by the Board Of Education!

Well Ladies and Gentlemen of the LNEA, please allow me to toss my two cents in this discussion. First of all, while it may well have escaped you the Country is in a bit of a financial mess right now. Second, your position as a teacher is very secure (if you do your job right,)and thus you have no fear of experiencing the layoff's the rest of us do.

There are many workers in the Country today who have taken a pay cut to remain in their job's, and there are many more who really don't know how long they will be employed.So I am having a very hard time finding any empathy for your so called plight what so ever.

I am told that at a recent "parents" meeting one or two of you said you " felt intimidated " by the Boards actions. That is blatantly ridiculous as your union has staged every sort of action to do just that to the Board.

May I suggest you wake up to the reality that there is no more "golden goose" and do the job you signed on to do, after all you said you would, and could teach, so lets get to it.

Tom Ford

NO. 627