Wednesday, June 30, 2010

From the Call. Please note the part where "His Honor" states "I don't care about the Civil Service Rules !" (click here for the story.)

Please click on the header for the story as reported by the Call. I am amazed that any public official would have the nerve to say "I don't care about the Civil Service Rules," much less at a recorded meeting !

"Your Honor" I do not believe your the type of person that we, or any other City needs at the helm if you feel that way, (and you said it twice so you must !) You seem to be no better than the person you fired (C/A.) Remember, he too cast aside the CSR'S, and now your doing it ?

I do not presume to speak for our employees, but I will tell you that I for one am completely disgusted with your lack of leadership, and total disdain for our fine employees, you should be ashamed to the point of resignation !

Tom Ford

NO. 769

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Highlights of the BOA Meeting last night !

Interesting night on many fronts folks. The usual four (Foote, Pickel, Beasley, and Duncan) voted in lock step with King Roy as usual, but why when other Alderman asked for the City Attorney to provide guidelines to the Board on Civil Service rules did they vote it down ? I thought that's what Rob Golterman (of Lewis rice and Fingerish) got the big bucks for, to keep them out of trouble.

It seems that a certain group wants the Civil Service rules changed to read it's OK for employees to engage in political campaigns (The Charter forbids it now) and the apparent idea is to pull a fast one with the Charter, or at least it looks that way.

Please tell us that this is not so as the Charter should be held inviolate as should the Constitution of the United States ! We already have enough trouble keeping the current regime's hands off the Constitution, so please don't tell me we have to watch you too !

Memo to Jim Eckrich : the recent past you have asked Chris Pickel to meet with you ( two times) privately after the meeting. In case you forgot the Board President is Darrel Walleck, so wouldn't it make more sense to meet with him ?

Tom Ford

NO. 768

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tuesday BOA meeting, 7:00 PM, Board chambers, City Hall.

The agenda for the June 22, 2010 session of the Board of Alderman meeting. Sorry I had to cut and paste it as it would not come up for me. (What do you expect for 7 grand anyway ?)

Board of Aldermen Meeting Date 06/22/2010
Type Meetings
Category Board of Aldermen
Time 7:00 PM
Location Board of Aldermen Chambers
Description Meeting
Attachments Notice of Closed Session
Meeting Agenda
FD Memo of Understanding
Memo for BA for Fire Dept. Grant
Memo for FD Grant
Memo re FD Union Negotiations
Memo re Alcorn Liquor License Request
Ordinance Approving FD Purchase
Ordinance re Health Insurance
Ordinance re FD Budget Amendment
Proclamation for Parks and Recreation Month

Had we been able to see the agenda you would see that there is another idea to change the Civil Service rules so that employees can conduct political campaign's for ?

Also we have a "closed session" to discuss the fire contracts for the new period. This is fully understandable as this type of negation should be closed.

I am wondering when we get the numbers for health care, and the fact that our tax revenue is going to be much lower if the BOA Will react and make a course correction before we hit the rocks ?

Time will tell, and I see were putting a new roof on the animal adoption club. Will the remainder of the building be brought into code compliance including, but not limited to electrical, ventilation, ADA access, life safety, and BOCA codes ?

Will our code enforcement officer verify that all that is done (in writing) before an "occupancy permit" is issued to return to use, or will we find this under the well known "rug ?"

Tom Ford

NO. 767

Friday, June 18, 2010

The new Crestwood $7000.00 web site that is down more than it's up. (click here)

Interesting to say the least, we spent a nice chunk of change for a site that no one seems to like and is down quite a bit. I am told for-instance that each department head is responsible for up grading their section of the site, however they can't seem to log on to do it !

Naturally I went to the animal control portion only to find a "404" error message there. Now I am also told that there are no pets to be adopted so the point is moot, but what if there were ?

I wonder why no pets are available, after all the City is over run with feral cats (Susie and the Doctor's words, not mine) so are we to believe they (the cat's) are all on vacation, and Susie has nothing to do ?

Oh well if she get's bored she can always go to the park, pick up a shovel, and pitch in on the "bridge to no where."

Maybe the folks that ordered this new web site can find a job with better pay at BP as it doesn't seem to matter if results are gained, only that the money is spent !

Tom Ford

NO. 766

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Have you ever wondered how our "accounting department" comes up with the budget that allows for keeping "duplicate services ?" (click here.)

Please click on the header to be directed to a "budget planning session" just prior to the new budget for 2010 !

I can't wait to see the "mid course correction" meeting they will soon have to schedule as revenue s mighty low !

Tom Ford

NO. 765

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Mr. Mike Anthony opines on "term limits" for Crestwood Alderman. (click here.)

Again another fine piece by Mr. Anthony, and one with which I mostly agree ! I agree all the way down to the part where he states that the Mayor "Bullies" the Alderman. What's that you say ? Well, he does Bully the Alderman, but he now has four willing minions that will do his bidding minus the "bullying !" Mr. Anthony was kind enough to leave the four compadries out of his missive, but I will remind you of who they are.

Ward 1. Mimi Duncan

Ward 2. Chris Pickel

Ward 4. John Foote, and D. Beasley

If you check their voting records you will find them in lock step with the "King." This may well be one place that "term limit's" are a plus for Crestwood !

Tom Ford

NO. 765

Friday, June 04, 2010

Letter to the editor (South County Times) reference the TIF, TDD, CID (click here)

Martha Duchild has nailed this one completely folks ! She knows where of she speaks, and this is but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this "deal." If your at all interested in where the money goes may I suggest you read this, and then have a conversation with your Alderman before they do anything like this again !

Well done Martha, were proud of you !

Tom Ford

NO. 764

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Mr. Mike Anthony of the Call praises our City Attorney ! (click here !)

Another very good editorial by Mr. Anthony who believes Mr. Golterman (of Lewis, Rice Fingerish) has done a 4.0 job of informing the mayor and the Board of what the "Sunshine law" requires. While I was not there, if Mr. Anthony said it was good, I believe him as he has not been a rabid fan of Mr. Golterman's decisions in the past.

Now there is only one very small "issue" with this and that is compliance by "King Roy," and the four dwarfs (the Aldermen who vote with him constantly.) If you remember The King has said it's his Meeting, and other such comment's that lead me to believe that he will do what he wants to do, Golterman or no Golterman !

Time will tell of course, but my money is on the King to do as he pleases, after all his pleasure is the most important thing in Crestwood, No ?

Tom Ford

NO. 763