News from the "front," or the BOA meeting and a "FOIA" request.

Once again we see the "forceful" hand (in this case mouth) of Alderwoman Duncan chastise the Alderman who dared to question a "special counsel" for the CID at Pulaski Bank's building venture! Ms. Duncan appears to be the new puppet of our leading ventriloquist, "His Honor," as she has been speaking up for a couple of meetings now.
Ms. Duncan, we elected the BOA members to actually debate the issues, ask questions, and get to the bottom of things, not to be a rubber stamp for the Mayor! I know this will disturb you in as much as you seem to be able to do nothing else but that, however, try thinking for yourself for a change. If that cannot be accomplished, well do what Ms. Beasley does and just sit there!
Pulaski Bank bought their ticket when they for-closed on the developer, they are big kids, let them take the consequences as I and a lot of others in Crestwood are sick of giving our support to a failed developer, or their bank!
Now to the F.O.I.A. form I submitted for the cell phone records of Mr. Eckrich's department. It seems that we provide a tax payer funded cell phone to "Nicky," who is an assistant of Mr. Eckrich's. Now when I asked for the cell phone records to see what our time was being used for I was told (after it was ran by Mr. Rob Golterman) that the City does not keep cell phone records! Gee, I wonder why not as the funding for said phone is paid for by US.
Petty? Small change? Perhaps but it does go to the lack of real accountability as to where our tax dollars are going.
MEMO to Alderman Foote: The next time you tell us we need a tax increase remember this! Also Alderman Foote, it would appear that your statements saying that we have cut everywhere are a bit of the Blarney, no?
PS: A tip of the hat to the committee in charge of "make a difference day" for having the good sense to not use the City as "collateral" this year for the newspaper layout billing (last year the City got the bill.) That's what we want to see it done from now on.
Tom Ford
NO. 822