Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Have you been to "Anytime fittness" yet ? Great workout at a great value, and right here on Watson Rd.!

For the past seven months now Linda and I have been "going to the gym" on a regular basis. Now at first blush I would join you in saying ,"so what?"

Well the so what is that fact that my bride came with me to see if anything could be done for, or by her to ease the pain of 6 broken vertebrae. The day we joined last August she was only able to walk with a cane, and slowly at that. She tried a special exercise bike they have there and only made 5 minutes before she had to stop. Now, fast forward to today when she completer 60 minutes (and could have done 90) with no complaints! Folks, the stuff works!

Now I walked in thinking this entire regime would certainly cause me aches and pains in spots I never knew existed. After the first "workout," with the aid of a personal trainer by the name of Toni, I knew I had been right all along!

Well, the next few gave rise to the "every other day workout that I have been on for a while. Results? I have lost 22 pounds, the BMI index (fat) has dropped, and I am feeling much better about my ability to walk from "here to there" without being winded!

The beauty of this gym is that unlike others in the area, you can go anytime you wish, )yep, that's the old 24/7 people talk about,) consequently though they have many members it's never crowded because it's spread out.

At any rate we have met new friends there, have accomplished the "off the couch" mentality, and for a change we both feel much better!

Why not stop by the gym (in the Watson plaza center near Shop & Save and meet Patti and Dave, let them show you around, and who knows, maybe we will see you there.

Tom Ford

NO. 1095

Monday, February 25, 2013

Crestwood Courts, or what to do with an aged center and a Chicago developer?

The above is from a retail site on the web called and portrait at Crestwood Courts as "another bites the dust."

I remember the day's when you could hardly get out on Watson Rd, from Thanksgiving till January 2rd. due to the traffic coming and going from that mall. Remember the slogan, "Crestwood Plaza, where the big stores are,? I do.

And then the demographics started to change, we started seeing the decline of indoor malls, and we (in our collective infinite wisdom) decided that we needed all the department stores we could stuff into a small town.

Well, we got them (and somebody got a
pool to boot,) and now we have a dead duck on our hands and a developer who bought it at a fire sale not realizing that a land locked spot like that has it's limitations.

Our developer buddy is now in the throws of waiting for the other shoe to drop (second bubble from commercial property,) as well as the wonderful economic times created by the regime in Washington.

Interestingly enough he dosen't have the money to do much of anything, he has no committed tenant's, no real plan to do anything that makes sense, yet he wants us to pony up a TIF or two for at least 24 Million to cover his purchase and set up the middle of the night bug out (he will flip the property,)

I have asked my Ward Two Candidates to send me a mini "position paper" reference a TIF, TDD, CID for any project (but especially the Court's) and I will publish it here once I receive them.

This well may be the make or break project for Crestwood in my lifetime and I really don't want to see this decided on emotions or by people who have no negotiating skills, so be very careful who you vote for this April.

Now, as usual what's your line of thinking on this subject? We did a bang up job below, and like anything else there is much more to say. What say you ask your fellow Crestwoodians and family how they feel about government subsidies and the need for Crestwood to offer anything to ANY developer for ANY project?

Tom Ford

NO. 1094

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tax and spend crowd on the Crestwood Dias strikes again!

In an article by Mr. Mike Anthony (see above) we note that the old tax and spend OUR money is still alive and well in Crestwood!

The four horsemen of the ridiculous (Duncan, Foote, Tennison, and shockingly enough Miguel, have voted to spend $34,000.00 more of our money on a pool service company with (get this,) the same requirements, service, and training as the one not chosen for less money!

Well, why not right? After all it's only OUR MONEY these ultra distinguished financiers are tossing about. Why not "feel sorry" for the fact that their apparent favorite pool people came in high this time, why not "reward" them anyway?

I was reflecting on this and all in all the only thing I can see we may get for the extra cash is more flamboyant speedo swim suits, I mean chlorine is what it is, the cost of pool maintenance is what it is, and training is mandated by the State and County, so were back to the swim suit's, no?

Well, I know that some of you have been termed out, and some of you are just leaving (thank God,) but what have you done to the people who will replace you? Think about the fact that NO TAX INCREASE will be allowed to people who have demonstrated that they have no idea how to handle the peoples funds, NONE!

You four should be really proud of yourselves, in fact you ALL deserve the Everett Dirksen award for financial excellence, you know the one that says, "a billion here, a billion there, before you know it, it's real money!"

Tom Ford

NO. 1093

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Xtreme Paint Ball Park has new and fun family outings.

New games and fun times at Extreme Paint Ball Park for the entire family. Why no give it a try and see just how much fun it can be to be outdoors with the kiddies.

3-Man Airball

Beginner's Tournament

Sunday March 3

3-Man Beginner's Tournament
These tournaments are open to anyone relatively new to the sport of paintball. Grab a couple friends and form a team -- no jerseys or anything needed. We can even rent equipment! This is the perfect introduction into tournament style play -- limited to players with two years of experience or less, or those who have played two or less tournaments. This will be held on one of our airball fields, and we will have several referees on the field to ensure fair and safe play.

Tournament is Round Robin format. Points will be assessed for flag pulls, flag hangs, as well as eliminations and live bodies. Center flag format, top four teams will move on to Finals. Teams are guaranteed at least 6 - 8 games in the preliminary rounds.

Tom Ford


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Are we, or have we become a Nation of 'softies?'

If you read the above you will note that the first law suit (imagine that) has been filed reference the Cruse Ship M.V. Destiny, and her loss of power in the Gulf.

Now while this is not the vacation they would have hoped for, it was a perfect demonstration of the training of the Carnival crew to suppress the fire, and hold the damage to a minimum, not to mention no loss of life or passenger injuries.

It should be noted here that I have taken 8 cruses over the years on Carnival cruse lines, and I will tell you that ALL of them have been outstanding, but as we all know, things will happen, and this time they did.

However back to the theme of the thread. You may wonder why I included a photo of U.S. Navy ships here. Well the fact is that while I was "cruising" off DA Nang, and Haiphong the temperatures were well in excess of 100, and yet we had NO AIR CONDITIONING, no, in fact we had salt tablets like candy, and if you were very lucky a chance to sleep in the cat walk (we took turns to make sure no one went overboard.) All the while being on guard in case we were attacked.

So, have we in fact become so soft that it's necessary to sue over the loss of A/C, or are we just a bunch of sheeple waiting to win the mini lawsuit lottery?

I was born on the day that the Japanese took Wake Island, and I am proud to say that I knew the "greatest generation" first hand. I am extremely sorry to say that it seems that most of America has deteriorated into the " greediest generation!"

Tom Ford

NO. 1091

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

No question that the Call has some of the best "letters to the editor" around, but this one is outstanding!


"Letter writer says he gives up, finally surrenders to the liberals"

February 13, 2013 - To the editor:

"There has been so much rhetoric on opposing views on what is good and right for our country.

I respectively submit to the liberals that perhaps I have been misguided and obviously, blatantly wrong.

We should outlaw:

• Traditional marriage and all opposition to abortion.

• Freedom to choose your own health insurance.

• Being an American-born citizen to be-come a U.S. president.

• Christians and Jews and buffets and obesity.

• The U.S. Constitution and the American blood-stained flag.

• High-capped magazines and all guns.

• The death penalty for heinous crimes and mass murders.

• Republicans and God-fearing values.

• Natural gas and coal.

• High school football and wrestling.

• A balanced U.S. budget and Fox News.

• Waterboarding, but more drone strikes.

• Photo identification cards for voting.

• Yard sales and flea markets.

• U.S. manufacturing and beer drinkers.

• Flannel shirts and denim blue jeans.

• The investigations on the Benghazi cover-up.

If you believe this, I'd like to sell you the Jefferson Barracks Bridge.

I believe in the teachings of our Lord God Jesus Christ, the U.S. Constitution and the preservation of all the ideals and principles upon which the United States of America was built.

Our flag is no symbol. It is a monument to the blood of the patriots who shed blood and sacrificed so much blood and love and even death for the freedom so many have taken for granted.

God bless the USA."

Mike "Grassroots" Povich


Mr. Povich is in the top three when it comes to providing us with the "tongue in cheek" description of the liberal mentality, and I for one love it!

Mr. Povich has, in one column explained to us why our modern day liberalism is imbecilic at best, and socialist at worst, (actually it's socialist, but whose counting?)

Now as for you flaming liberals out there, remember the one thing you must do here if you wish to insult (and you will because you have no facts,) and that is spell his (and my) name Correctly, and sign your real name, or it's the trash can with your drivel!

Well done Mr. Mike Povich, may you pen many more realism's, and may each liberal that reads them take twelve swollows to get their morning tofu down!

Tom Ford

NO. 1090

Friday, February 08, 2013

Interesting letter to the South County Times by a Cresatwood citizen.

Read more:

"Cities Should Welcome New Retail With Open Arms"

"Martha Duchild (Crestwood alderwoman) and Forrest Miller (banquet operator), both residents of Crestwood, have injected themselves into the Shrewsbury Walmart matter with their letters of Feb. 1.

Shrewsbury's vacant business property problem pales in comparison with the huge white elephant formerly known as Crestwood Plaza.

Mr. Miller tells us Walmart kills off businesses and therefore they should not receive assistance. I would suggest the poor economy is causing more closings than Walmart locating somewhere. An example: the Baker Shoes bankruptcy and total closings of hundreds of shoe stores. Drive around and there are vacant store spaces everywhere. Did Walmart kill off all those businesses ... really?

Anyone - I repeat, anyone - who is interested in opening some retail business should be welcomed with open arms and afforded help to locate in vacant spaces.

This is no time to get picky or lay down barriers, or you can expect to be left holding the bag while other areas offer better deals. You don't want Walmart, fine. But then who else is knocking at your door ... no one?"

Bill Keller
February 06, 2013

I am not sure where to go with this one folks, first Mr. Keller gets it wrong (he lives here remember,) when he states that Mrs. Duchild is a Crestwood Alderman (her husband is.) Next he launches into what he claims is the fact that She and Mr. Miller have "injected themselves" into the Shrewsbury Walmart proposal (they haven't.)

When last I looked this is still America where one has the right to comment on what they wish (he certainly has, no?) That said I see no reason to tell the letter writers that they have no dog in the fight. Mr. Keller, please note that I nor anyone else have told you that you shouldn't comment, and I think you owe that same courtesy to Mrs. Duchild and Mr. Miller.

By the way, are you going to drive down there and pay the increased taxes it will take to fund this project? The community wonders.

Tom Ford

NO. 1089

Saturday, February 02, 2013

obama regime delays Keystone pipeline decision another 6 months.

That's right folks the obama folks are in their delay, obfuscate, delay mode again! The Nation has a net loss in jobs as reported yesterday (159K created-170K lost) last month (8.5 million in the last 4 years!) The economy is stagnant to net loss in everything, and yet, they continue to do nothing.

If you have been following this you will note that the Dakotas are having a boom economy (Governor signed it into law there,), more jobs available that workers (Walmart paying $17.00 per hour to start,) and yet obama does nothing, why is that?

If you look on the right side of the main page here you will find a link to gasoline prices in the area, Please note that it went up by .32 cents a gallon last week, why was that?

The Keystone pipeline would bring low cost (by comparison) oil to America from Canada, thus helping both our economy's, why would Barack Husein Obama want to stop that?

I don't know about all of you, but I smell a very big rat here, or as the old saw goes, the oil crisis is due to the oil being in Canada and Mexico, however the dip sticks are in Washington!

Tom Ford

NO. 1089