Have you been to "Anytime fittness" yet ? Great workout at a great value, and right here on Watson Rd.!

For the past seven months now Linda and I have been "going to the gym" on a regular basis. Now at first blush I would join you in saying ,"so what?"
Well the so what is that fact that my bride came with me to see if anything could be done for, or by her to ease the pain of 6 broken vertebrae. The day we joined last August she was only able to walk with a cane, and slowly at that. She tried a special exercise bike they have there and only made 5 minutes before she had to stop. Now, fast forward to today when she completer 60 minutes (and could have done 90) with no complaints! Folks, the stuff works!
Now I walked in thinking this entire regime would certainly cause me aches and pains in spots I never knew existed. After the first "workout," with the aid of a personal trainer by the name of Toni, I knew I had been right all along!
Well, the next few gave rise to the "every other day workout that I have been on for a while. Results? I have lost 22 pounds, the BMI index (fat) has dropped, and I am feeling much better about my ability to walk from "here to there" without being winded!
The beauty of this gym is that unlike others in the area, you can go anytime you wish, )yep, that's the old 24/7 people talk about,) consequently though they have many members it's never crowded because it's spread out.
At any rate we have met new friends there, have accomplished the "off the couch" mentality, and for a change we both feel much better!
Why not stop by the gym (in the Watson plaza center near Shop & Save and meet Patti and Dave, let them show you around, and who knows, maybe we will see you there.
Tom Ford
NO. 1095