Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The imperial Presedency of BHO.

Please read this and tell me why we are moving toward full blown socialism, if in fact not communism?

What pray tell was wrong with the America we grew up in that caused this?

Tom Ford

NO. 3044

Monday, January 27, 2014

How cold is it going to be this week? Interesting weather maps for you.

Well folks it's going to be another of those "three dog nights," and like it or not, were stuck right in the middle of the Artic drop!

Last night the wind was interesting to say the least, and I did see a piece of building material go by the window during the initial gust (I will investigate when the dawn breaks.)

I am sure we all know this but in case someone doesn't, it's too cold for any pet's to be outside in an un insulated dog house. So unless you can provide heat and want to go out every hour with fresh water that's not frozen please bring them in.

While your at it, please provide some suit for the bird's as they need it to build a bit of fat to keep warm as well.

Tom Ford

NO. 3043

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Real UN-employment is 37.2%! Wall Street advisor says government is lying!


Well this is interesting no matter which side of the political spectrum your on.

What this advisor is saying, (and what is no doubt the truth,) when you factor in the people who have stopped looking for work, and the people who will not be in the labor force (retirees, disabled, and those on the welfare rolls who have no plans to get off) the Nation is in real trouble!

Add to this the fact that a record 20% of American's were and are drawing food stamp's in 2013, and we have a recipe for total disaster.

We have a problem that MUST be remedied very soon (if it's not already too late,) or the America we knew and loved will deteriorate into a third world country.

What to do? What can the average "Joe six pack" do? Well I recommend that in the November elections we vote out of office EVERY incumbent who have fostered this, or allowed it to happen! In case your wondering who they may be, ALL OF THEM, BE THEY DEMOCRAST, REPUBLICAN, OR INDEPENDENT!

By the way, there is nothing that can be done Plaza wise under these circumstances no matter who runs for Mayor. The economy is what it is, and no candidate can change that, so I suggest we batten down the hatches, and pray for better times ahead.

Your comment's please, and remember no personal insults, or stories that are not backed up with facts, and your real name signed to them.

Tom Ford

NO. 3042

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Former Ward Two Alderman takes issue with the BOA. Could he do it better?

Well I guess that once you become a former Alderman (elder statesman?) the light becomes brighter and your able to see ALL the answers, right?

The EX Alderman from Ward Two had a perfect opportunity to "stay the course" by remaining on the Board as he was not yet termed out, but he (like three others) decided not to run again. Now that's all fine and dandy, but does that make him an expert in City planning?

The BOA did issue an RFP for a "planner" and there were no takers. The planner that was of record resigned from the position, so what else would he have us do to find one? By the way, the last one, after the one that resigned recommended a park be built, so why look any further?

I noticed that he also said that " I believe it's the former elected officials you mentioned and the hundreds of Crestwood residents who staged rallies and attended meetings demonstrated their wishes that the Mall be re developed." Again does he mean the MCU group (most of whom do not live here,) as I don't remember seeing anywhere near "hundreds" demonstrating" anywhere in Crestwood. If so, there were not "hundreds." by anyone's count (unless one count's as the DNC chair does, 1=5,000.)

Do we ALL want something done with the old Mall? You bet we do, but we (I) do not want to give up a TIF, TDD, or CID to get something that will fail in lass time that it takes to sunset the give away.

A poor business decision by Centrum is not our fault, nor is it our responsibility to bail them out of THEIR "elephant in the living room." The property is for sale, someone will buy it and all the posturing, complaining, and 10 person demonstrations will come to an end.

Now as we do not own that part of Crestwood, let's wait and see what the next offering is, who knows, we may yet see a thriving retail grouping that will please everybody, but somehow, I doubt it, and so it goes.

Tom Ford

NO. 3041

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

St/ Louis Snow fall contains double the amount of radiation ! Never a dull moment, A?

Well the Japanese nuke plant is still on the rampage according to this report that states were being bombarded with twice the levels of radiation in the recent snow storm, and here I thought it was pretty.

As it is quite certain that there is nothing we can do about it (other than to assure the children that were going to be ok,) we may as well just get out and enjoy the snow while it's here.

One thing about Missouri is the old saw, "If you don't like the weather wait a minute, it will change.

Tom Ford

NO. 3040

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Facebook page concerning Crestwood and South County as it was "back in the day."

Crestwood/South County MO... back in the day.

The above is a really nice Facebook page that the President (Mr. Steven Hampeter) of the Sappingtonj / Concord Historical Society told me about. I think it's a great repository of photo's and stories of our area, and I highly recommend you take a look and possibly post some photo's of your own.
SappingtonConcordHistoricalSociety(Page for the Sappington / Concord Society.)

This can be fun for the entire family and I expect a great source of information for the student in your family' ENJOY!

Tom Ford

NO. 2039

Friday, January 03, 2014

Local group want's to take over animal control shelter.

Now if this is done correctly (lease on the property, insurance by the group, proper animal control training, and a hold harmless agreement between the two parties) I have no problem with the idea at all.

In fact this is what I have said all along, if the volunteers really want it to continue, pay for it and get it off the tax rolls.

I hope this can be agreed on by the Board, and the volunteers can be up and running in the very near future, as this is the way it should have been done from the beginning.

What do you think, and remember the rules, no insults, accusations, or comments reference anyone that are not verifiable are allowed on this Blog. As in the past those type of posts will be removed by me when I am notified of, or see them.

Tom Ford

NO. 3038

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Public transparency, and why it's so very important to any community.

Please read the editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony who sums up the attempt to block the name of the person reference the revelation that one of our citizens has cost US over $5,000.00 in tax money for a witch hunt that showed nothing!

In the not to distant past we have seen the MCU brought into our community (most of them didn't even live here,) by a faction who support a candidate other than Mayor Jeff Schlink in the coming election.

As we all know the newly appointed (by Mayor Schlink) C / A has cut some positions, and moved some to other departments in order to maximize the revenue that we have coming in.

It seems that the above mentioned group is less than happy with the changes and have decided to try to go back to the duplicate expenditures that were cut from next years budget.

In so doing one of them managed to cost us some hard earned tax monies for what turned out to be nothing! Now that's bad enough, but for a candidate to stand up at a board meeting and try to block the Board from reveling the name of that person is not what I would expect from a person who would be Mayor!

One thing in Crestwood is a constant, and that is the fact that Crestwood politics is not a game for the faint of heart my friends. And, just think, the full roster of candidates for the position has yet to be filed.

Who or what else will we be treated to before the silly season ends in April?

Tom Ford

NO. 3037
