My position paper on the proposed tax increase in Crestwood!
I have spent quite a bit of time looking at this City as if it were a business that I was running, and the BOA was my Board of Directors (the Mayor being the COO.) I will admit I have zero experience running a City, but I do run a business that grossed 2.4 Million last year with a very good gross margin.
So what say you? Well I will be glad to tell you my friends. In my opinion before we go to the Citizens (bank) for more operating capitol I believe we have many other avenues that must be explored first. Like what you say? Well please allow me to list them for you.
1. City animal control, this costs us well over $70 thousand per year! Give it to County.
2. Police Dept., Way too many command staff, traffic officers, and detectives. Do not
hire new officers until the budget is balanced.
3. At current gasoline prices no more "take home cars" for anyone, park police
vehicles for 15 min. (rotating) per hour in a neighborhood.
4. Privatise the Sappington House (this cost us a fortune every year.)
5. Privatize White cliff Aquatic center (bring in a company to run it for profit.)
6. Hold off on any unneeded repairs until budget improves.
These are just some of the ideas to cut the outgoing funds, small maybe but needed. Now a look at the balance sheet, I am told we have $4 million in the bank, and we pulled in $1 million more in the first quarter (between all three funds) than last year, so where is the problem so far (other than TIF, TDD, CID's we gave away for?)
Our problem is that the Crestwood Courts are not going to start renovation until next spring and we will face a shortfall there, so cuts will be the order of the day (not tax increases.)
Bottom line to this rant is I am firmly against any sort of TAX Increase until, and unless someone shows me where we have cut expenses, and we will not survive unless we have an increase!
I challenge the BOA to get moving on these cuts sooner rather than later, and if they do not feel they can do it, well save the $10,000 it will cost to put in on the ballot because I believe it will fail miserably.
UPDATE: Please click on the header for a story from the Post Dispatch reference a "TAX HOLIDAY," (of all things!) This takes the cake as far as I am concerned!
Tom Ford
NO. 506