Gee whiz kids, I took a couple of forms to the City Hall requesting documents on a variety of things, and all I received were two invoices pertaining to the cost of the July / August, Crestwood Connections Newsletter.
1. 6500 copies $3240.50
2. Mailing: $1015.69
All invoices directed to Ms. Helen Ingold, City of Crestwood.
The remaining 22 questions were denied under the following paragraph in the response letter from the City.
"Please note that under the provisions of the Sunshine Law, records requests only pertain to public records. Accordingly. the questions you have asked cannot be answered by the custodian of records."
I admit there were some biting questions in there, such as I wanted a copy of the police board minutes, but hey, who am I to be granted that knowledge?
One thing you should know it that our City Clerk, Ms. Tina Flowers is doing an outstanding job up there, and none of this "stone walling" can be laid at her feet! I thank her for providing what she can when I ask for it, so please do not blame her for this.
This is directly at the feet of the Mayor, the Board, and the City Attorney ( Mr. Rob Golterman, of Lewis Rice Fingersh.) Why I cannot as a citizen see the records I asked for escapes me, but believe me, I will not stop there!
How about it boy's, when do we stop the PYA, and coverup? What really happened?
By the way, why did Brian Gross resign, and why have we eliminated the "Management annalist" position? Can it be that this was one position we really didn't need, or is there something else at work here?
Tom Ford
NO. 556