Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"The infamous memo," page two as promised!

Now as we delve further into who or whom "shoot family pets." We see here on page two that the memo is having a very hard time finding any municipality that does, or for that matter one that is not a fan of County animal control!

Webster Groves Police Department:
Sgt. Gary Klienkemper and Lt. Mike Lang were contacted concerning this issue. Sgt.
Klienkemper indicated that his officers will respond to animal related calls. Gary also
indicated that his officers take no action but will contact animal related agencies.
Webster GroveS' P.o. prohibits the transportation of any type of animal in their patrol
vehicles. They do not provide any equipment to handle animal related calls. If an animal
appears to be a threat to public safety it will be euthanized with a department firearm. A
supervisor must authorize this action. Lt. Lang indicated that the Webster Groves
Police Department was satisfied with the response from St. Louis County Animal
Kirkwood Police Department:
Lt. Kosyan of the Kirkwood Police Department was contacted regarding his officers
responding to animal related calls. Lt. Kosyan informed us that they will respond to
animal related calls. In the case of an injured or sick animal, Kirkwood Officers will not
get physically involved unless the animal is a threat to the public. In this case, the
animal will be euthanized with a department firearm. This action will be documented in
the form of a memorandum. Kirkwood Officers will attempt to secure dogs at large and
convey them to the police department. The dog will be kept in a kennel and attempts to
locate the owner are made. If this is unsuccessful, St. Louis County Animal Control is
contacted for pick up. In the case of sick raccoon$, the Kirkwood Police Department
informs the complainant that there is nothing they can do.
st. LouisCounty Animal Control:
Lt. Kevin Avery contacted St. Louis County Animal Control Officer Davis who informed
him that they would respond to a wildlife call if the animal is in a building or has bitten
somebody and the location of the animal is known. They will handle dog at large calls
when they are available between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. They will
respond to a dog bite call at any time. Vicious dog calls are assessed and prioritized to
determine their response. They will not respond to sick raccoon calls but will tell the
caller to contact the Missouri Department of Conservation or Wildlife Rescue. Officer
Davis indicated that these agencies tell the complainant to leave the animal alone.
St. Louis County Animal Control handles all animal related calls for the St. Louis County
Police Department with the exception of barking dog calls. In this case, a St. Louis
County Officer will be dispatched.
Wildlife Rescue was contacted by Lt. Avery. Wildlife Rescue indicated that they would
respond for a sick raccoon only if a volunteer was available. Wildlife Rescue further
indicated that they would not respond very often as volunteer resources are quite
Missouri Department of Conservation:
Lt. Avery contacted Mr. Tom Misner, a Wildlife Biologist for the M.D.C., who indicated
that sick raccoons are very dangerous and should not be engaged by humans. His
direction is to tell people to leave them alone. Misner indicated that there are almost no
instances where these animals are a threat to humans. (page three tomorrow.)

Tom Ford

NO. 677

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The internal memo, that said "other Cities shoot pets!" (part one!)

Internal Memorandum
Police Department
SUBJECT: Animal Calls. Police Response
Sir, regarding our recent conversations concerning police officers responding to animal
related calls; I would like to inform you of the following.
While researching this issue, Officer Paul Lacey contacted the following Law
Enforcement Agencies:
Webster Groves Police Department
Sunset Hills Police Department
Kirkwood Police Department
Sunset Hills Police Department:
Lt. Greg Zveitel of the Sunset Hills Police Department was interviewed on this topic. Lt.
Zveitel informed this Department that they do respond to animal related calls, however;
they provide no equipment or training to their officers. They will contact animal control
agencies and attempt to follow their instructions. They allow S1.Louis County Animal
Control to handle all animal calls if available. Lt. Zveitel indicated that his officers would
respond to dog at large calls if the location of the dog is known. If the dog is docile and
will get into a patrol car, they will transport it to the Police Department and attempt to
contact the owner. If this is not possible, they will contact S1.Louis County Animal
Control for pick up.
In the case of a sick raccoon, Sunset Hills Officers will respond and euthanize the
animal with a department firearm. A memorandum documenting the firearm discharge
is written. There is no written policy concerning this procedure.
TO: James A. Eckrich
FROM: Michael L. Paillou
DATE: May 14, 2009
Lt. Zveiteil stated that his agency was very happy with the response from St. Louis
County Animal Control and indicated that they are much better prepared to deal with all
animal related calls. He indicated that they are also better equipped to deal with
enforcement as the penalties at the county level are more severe and his officers are
not expending their efforts enforcing .animal regulations.

Tomorrow I will post the response from Webster Groves, and on Thursday, Kirkwood. I believe when you have read all their responses, you will come to the same conclusion as I did, that being NOTHING IN THE INTERNAL MEMO states that "family pet's" are shot in any of those City's! So what "memo" are you referring to "your honor?" I think you owe this City an apology!

Tom Ford

NO. 676

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Alderwoman Beezley audio on "animal control" at the last BOA Meeting. (click here for the audio.)

Ms. Beezley has lived a nightmare here in Crestwood! First she has the misfortune to have a raccoon fall out of a tree in her yard, and then she has a coyote on her door step, and then a bat in her house!
Now I have lived in Crestwood (park behind me) for 40 years, and I have NEVER experienced the saga she reports!

I really love the part when she says that she has the animal control at her home at 10:30 PM! Why do I doubt that? Well Ms. Sutton is off the clock at 5:00 PM, and if you had anyone it would have been the police department!

Ms. Beezley, I am wondering if you would like to correct the record here, as I find your statements difficult to accept!

Tom Ford

NO. 675

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Here is the audio of "his honor" at the BOA meeting reference "animal control!"

Please click on the header for the report by Mr. Jim Eckrich to the BOA, and the diatribe by the mayor that followed. All we have missing here is for "himself" to beg for the votes he so desperately needs if he is to run again (that will come soon the way it's going.)

Pandering, pandering, pandering, and then some! He will allow this City to flounder before his ego can be bruised, so he Say's the most outlandish thing's, and I fear he believes them!

An open message to the Board and "his honor," look at the blog, ask your constituents, take a poll for goodness sake, WE WANT COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL! What is so difficult about understanding the will of the people? If you were to answer the emails your constituents have sent you, you just might get the real message.

Crestwood wants and needs, and deserves fiscal responsibility, not a "sacred cow," a "bridge over the river WHY," but cold hard fiscal responsibility, and that means cutting everything except Police, Fire and the street department!

If any of you have a problem understanding that, email me (the address is at the top of the page,) and I will endeavor to explain it.

Tom Ford

NO. 674

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Call nails the "town hall meeting!" (Click here for the excellent story in the call!)

Ah yes my friends, "His Honor" once again makes the negative news! What is it with the lad that he must spend all his waking hours making the City leadership, and by extension, us look like fools?

Once again he makes remarks that are blatantly un-substantiated, and silly (show us the proof!) at the drop of a hat! Read the editorial and I believe you will see that the allegations by "His Honor" cannot possibly be true, but he says them anyway as though no one would ever verify them!

Wow you say? well it Get's better. Last night at the BOA meeting he is said to have slammed his fist on the desk, and said that no matter what the papers and others said, it's true that Kirkwood, and Webster Groves shoot pets! (again show us the reports!)

Well that got my attention so I contacted the community service officer in Kirkwood, a man with 29 years service to the community as a Police Officer, and guess what? THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED IN KIRKWOOD! The Officers there have dispatched deer on the the park road, but shoot pet's, NEVER!

Moving on to the remainder of the meeting,Our Aldermen tabled the "animal control" issue (why I don't know,) and moved on to bigger and better things?

By the way did you know that while the general fund has been balanced by using "reserve funds," Did you know that the 2010 preliminary budget is out of balance by $300,000.00 Well it is, and Mr. Eckrich had to admit that to Alderman Miguel (Great job Jerry!) last night! Now Mr. Eckrich, check with your assistant, are we into deficit spending yet, or are we getting mana from heaven?

We will soon have the audio portion,and when we do, it will post here with further comments. In the interim may I suggest we pass the hat for the City, and see if we can "help" with the short fall? Oh wait, they will want a TAX INCREASE, and as far as I am concerned until the animal control position position is eliminated, and the wasteful spending (bridge) is reined in, well FORGET IT KID'S!!!

Tom Ford

NO. 673

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Police in Kirkwood and Webster shoot animals according to the Mayor (click here for the audio.)

As usual click on the header for the audio of "his honors" remarks at the town hall meeting where he stated that our good neighbors, Kirkwood, and Webster Groves shoot pets instead of having their own animal control. (DO WHAT?)

This is nor part of the audio, but if you read the story in the Call you will notice the sly way the parks director puts in for another employee (part time ranger.) Here we are with no income to speak of in the middle if what well may be another depression, and she wants a new employee!

Well if were to believe "his honor" we can't possibly live without animal control due to the vicious, marauding beasts that roam the street's of Crestwood un-abated! Horse feathers, sir! It's very simple, cut the budget, stop the spending, forget the bridge until we have the funds to do it without worry!

When will that be, well I heard a simple explanation of the economy which I shall share with you here.

Rescission: When your neighbor's out of a job.

Depression: When your out of a job.

Recovery: When Barrack Obama is out of a job.

Tom Ford

NO. 672

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Robinson says Kirkwood and Webster Groves "shoot pets!" (click here for the Call story!)

Folks I have been to a couple of rodeos and and a goat roping in my time but I have never ever heard anything as silly as this!

Do you have any idea the furor that would ensue in either town if this were ever allowed to happen? I do, believe me! I personally like the part where he says that because they use "City weapons" that it's OK. Well, I have friends in both community's who are Police Officers, and this is news to them, so maybe it's a Mayor thing? You will note that when contacted the spokespersons for both Cities deny that happens except in the case of a rabid, or vicious animal that is uncontrollable (does that sound like a family pet?)

I understand also (from people who were there) that because we are in the proximity of Grant's Farm we suffer from "wild animals" and coyotes who attack our pets wantonly. I guess I am lucky because I live on a Crestwood park and have for 40 years now and I have never seen a "marauding coyote, or vicious animal" in all that time, wow! Now that said I have two African dangerous game rifles (375HH, and a 416 Rigby) for a trip that I was going to take that never happened, but I will volunteer my time to rid Crestwood of these "vicious animals" (if we ever find one) for gratis! Oh wait I would have to sell them to the City to make it OK, so forget it!

Your Honor, I have a suggestion from your humble serf here in Ward Two, cut the bravo sierra, forget the votes you think you will get from the animal control people and CUT THE POSITION! Your own City Administrator has recommended it, the greater part of Crestwood wants County, and we must save the money somewhere, so why not in DUPLICATE SERVICES?

By the way I see you want another $81,000.00 above the salary to renovate the dog pound. What part of were broke cant you get anyway? Oops there it is in your last statement, "I don't care were unique" and the I don't care Sums it all up, doesn't it!

Tom Ford

NO. 671

Friday, September 11, 2009

Alderman Duchilds presentation prior to the bridge vote, and what's he get for his work?

"One of the most attractive features of grant money is its ability to allow municipalities to take on projects without footing the entire bill. It is often referred to as “free money.” But there is no such thing as free money; anyone who pays federal, state, or local taxes provides funds for the grants.
As a member of this Board, I am entrusted with making sure this project is a good use of all taxpayer funds. Not only does this include a fiduciary responsibility for City of Crestwood funds, it also includes the same responsibilities for the federal grant dollars. Unfortunately, this project does not appear to be a good use of nearly ¾ of a million dollars of taxpayer money. For the following reasons, I cannot vote to continue this project in its current form:
1. The city has never provided cheaper alternatives for the replacement or rehabilitation of the current bridge. It is prudent for any budgeting entity to always consider less costly options.
2. To date, no structural study has been performed to determine how long the bridge, in its current use as a pedestrian crossing, will last or what the cost will be to rehabilitate the bridge for future pedestrian use.
3. The original bridge was built so that those who occupied the house in the lowland area had access to their property. That house has been torn down.
4. While the grant application states that the bridge is the “only manner in which emergency and maintenance vehicles can access” the area, it is a fact that adequate vehicular access to the area is currently available from behind the community center. Maintenance to the park has continued without interruption since the service bridge was closed in 2007.
5. There are other areas of Whitecliff Park that are inaccessible to fire trucks and other large vehicles. I doubt we intend to build bridges and roads to access those areas.
6. There is no debating the fact that the main function of this bridge is to allow pedestrians to cross the creek. However, to adhere to the grant, the bridge must be built by MODOT standards as if it were a highway or major roadway bridge. Consequently, the city will end up with a bridge that is overbuilt for it's major purpose. Not a very responsible use of tax dollars.
7. According to the MODOT Practical Design document, which is a document MODOT provided to the City as part of the grant process, states that for a low use rural bridge, a bridge width of 12’ per lane is desirable. According to the grant application, not only are we asking to replace the bridge, we are proposing that the new bridge be even bigger than the current bridge. The width of the current structure 12.5’ and the new bridge, as proposed, will have a width of 16’. The fact that we are exceeding MODOT recommendations by 33% is further proof that this project is over designed and will probably be over built.
8. In my opinion, the bridge estimate to obtain the grant was too high and some of the costs exaggerated. For example, the cost estimate lists $150,000 for materials and labor for creosote treated timber bridge decking. One could purchase a modest home in Crestwood for the price of the decking alone. It also lists $5,000 for temporary traffic control. With all due respect, I can install signs in about 30 minutes to instruct people in order to indicate the job site is closed. When asked to explain the cost estimates, the City Administrator indicated that the person who submitted the cost estimates was no longer with the city. The city administrator further stated he did not know how these estimates were calculated, yet, along with our current Mayor, signed off on the grant application and continues to support the grant application. An inflated estimate can lead to the acceptance of higher costs and an overbuilt structure. While the final cost of the bridge may come in under this estimate, we must assume for budgeting purposes that the entire cost will be incurred.
9. The decision to apply for this grant was made not long after the city asked citizens to help pay off the $2.5 million in debt the city accumulated from overspending. Knowing the financial condition of the city at the time, and faced with declining sales tax revenue, the Board still authorized acceptance of the grant and committed the city to an expense of up to $144,000. A decision, I believe, to be imprudent.
10. Finally, tonight, this board is being asked to commit to a 2010 budget item, yet we haven’t even seen the proposed 2010 budget. We still have time to thoughtfully reconsider this expenditure and a cheaper alternative. Please remember, the grant allows for one extension on this project.

I am convinced more than ever, that there is a cheaper solution than the one and only solution proposed by the city.

Respectfully submitted,
Paul Duchild, Alderman – Ward 3"

"At this time, I would like to put forth a motion:
I move that we table the 2nd reading of the engineering contract between The City of Crestwood and CDG Engineering, until such time as the city can hire a qualified structural engineer to conduct a structural study of the Whitecliff Service Bridge to help determine a (minimum and maximum) time frame the bridge will last in its current form and use as a pedestrian bridge. Included in this study or through alternative means, will be a cost estimate and/or bid(s) for the modest rehabilitation of the bridge to continue its use as a structurally sound pedestrian bridge."

For all of this hard work which could not be refuted by Jim Eckrich, or public works, he got NOTHING, not even the courtesy of time to study the expense! You call it what you will but for me it's disgusting!

By the way do you know that "his honor" held the "town hall" last night and didn't introduce the Board, City employees, or the City Administrator? Well he did, and not to be out done by that he told the masses that if we didn't have animal control it would be like Webster Groves where the Police "shoot family pets!" That is the most ridiculous statement he has ever made (and he has made quite a few.) I will be calling the Webster Groves Police Chief Monday to ask him if they really do that, and if so (they don't) if the officers have to fill out a "firearm discharge report?

The meeting? Well another venture into "King Roy's) realm where the sky is DEFINITELY a very different color (ROYAL!)

PS: Please click on the header for the statement of Alderman Duchild as it was presented to the Mayor and the BOA!

Tom Ford

NO. 670

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The BOA met on Sept. 8, 2009, and guess what, they bought us a bridge!

You bet folks, we bought a "bridge" that will never, ever be used by the people it is intended for, namely the Fire Department! You see this bridge is in White Cliff Park, and goes into a section of the park that, well is hardly ever used. But should we ever experience a "canopy fire" in the trees there we can send in a truck or two!

The Fire Chief was asked if he could extinguish a "canopy fire," and he said "no, no one in St. Louis County could with out areal support," but forget that he can now try with our new bridge!

I called a couple of Alderman reference the idea and was roundly criticized for not realizing that "we asked for a grant, and it was FREE MONEY!" You got that right, FREE MONEY! Well is it me or do we pay taxes to the Federal Government to provide that "FREE MONEY?"

Now just how much is this foolishness going to cost? Well let's just say that you could buy and pay for a modest house in Crestwood for just the cost of the treated timber alone! Add in engineering fees, the cost of peering (wonder who will get that bid?) and we have a rather substantial expenditure even before we get to the Federal monies!

At this point I must give credit to two Aldermen who had the courage and foresight to vote no, and that would be Messrs. Duchild and Schlink! Gentlemen, I applaud your fiscal responsibility, and your willingness to stand up to people like Mr Pickle who railed against your "Questioning of our employees!" It would appear that Mr. Pickle is too ingrained in the "everything for everybody" line of thinking to do the right thing for the City!

I hope to have in the near future the comments read into the minutes of the meeting by Mr. Duchild who obviously did more than his share of homework on this as to why it should have been postponed. When I do, I will post the here for all to read and understand!

Lastly, I think by now all of you can understand why these "elected officials" can no longer be trusted with one red cent of our tax money ever again! Please join your neighbors who are fed up with this travesty, and the next time a tax increase comes up for a vote, well, just say no!

Tom Ford

NO. 669

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Time for a bit of levity, so for ALL my friends and detractors, I thank you very much!

To all my friends as well as detractors!

I just want to thank all of you for your educational e-mails over the past year. I am totally screwed up now and have little chance of recovery.

I no longer open a public bathroom door without using a paper towel or have them put lemon slices in my ice water without worrying about the bacteria on the lemon peel.

I can't use the remote in a hotel room because I don't know what the last person was doing while flipping through the adult movie channels.

I can't sit down on the hotel bedspread because I can only imagine what has happened on it since it was last washed.

I have trouble shaking hands with someone who has been driving because the number one pastime while driving alone is picking ones nose.

Eating a little snack sends me on a guilt trip because I can only imagine how many gallons of Trans fats I have consumed over the years...

I can't touch any woman's purse for fear she has placed it on the floor of a public bathroom.

I MUST SEND MY SPECIAL THANKS to whoever sent me the one about poop in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet sponge with every envelope that needs sealing.

ALSO, now I have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.

I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick girl (Penny Brown) who is about to die in the hospital for the 1,387,258th time.

I no longer have any money at all, but that will change once I receive the $15,000 that Bill Gates/Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special e-mail program.

I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214 angels looking out for me, and St. Theresa's Novena has granted my every wish.

I no longer eat KFC because their chickens are actually horrible mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers.

I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.

THANKS TO YOU I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I forward an e-mail to seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes.

BECAUSE OF YOUR CONCERN, I no longer drink Coca Cola because it can remove toilet stains.

I no longer can buy gasoline without taking someone along to watch the car so a serial killer won't crawl in my back seat when I'm pumping gas.

I no longer drink Pepsi or Dr. Pepper since the people who make these products are atheists who refuse to put 'Under God' on their cans.

I no longer use Saran Wrap in the microwave because it causes cancer.

AND THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW I can't boil a cup of water in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face... Disfiguring me for life.

I no longer check the coin return on pay phones because I could be pricked with a needle infected with AIDS.

I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.

I no longer receive packages from UPS or Fed Ex since they are actually Al Qaeda in disguise.

I no longer shop at Target since they are French and don't support our American troops or the Salvation Army.

I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for which I will get a phone bill with calls to Jamaica , Uganda , Singapore , and Uzbekistan .

I no longer buy expensive cookies from Neiman Marcus since I now have their recipe.

THANKS TO YOU I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because a big brown African spider is lurking under the seat to cause me instant death when it bites my butt.

AND THANKS TO YOUR GREAT ADVICE I can't ever pick up $5.00 dropped in the parking lot because it probably was placed there by a sex molester waiting underneath my car to grab my leg.

I can no longer drive my car because I can't buy gas from certain gas companies!

I can't do any gardening because I'm afraid I'll get bitten by the brown recluse and my hand will fall off.

If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhoea will land on your head at 5:00 p.m. Tomorrow afternoon and the fleas from 12 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump. I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbour's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's beautician . . .

Oh, by the way.....

A German scientist from Argentina , after a lengthy study, has discovered that people with insufficient brain activity read their e-mail with their hand on the mouse.

Don't bother taking it off now, it's too late.

Tom Ford

NO. 668

Monday, September 07, 2009

Congress ratings in the tank (click here for the story.)

This is very interesting as it has been said right on this blog that "all politics is local," and as you read this you will understand.

Folks we have a group in Washington (both parties) who are more interested in their reelection then what's good for America. Right here in Crestwood we see the very same thing in the form of "special interest groups" (the Sappington House, the animal control group, and the bridge to nowhere) attempting to get a piece of the pie and thus insuring a voting block for the ones who support them.

What we need from Washington and Crestwood is a complete autonomy from these groups, and an elected body who will do the right thing to insure our recovery! One thing is very sure, we can't afford all these items that everyone wants, and we must put our funds where they will do the most good, and that's not animal control or the Sappington House!

Will we see our elected officials stand up to these special interests, or will we see the same old "politics as usual" in Crestwood? You tell me!

Tom Ford

NO. 667

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Here is a conference worth attending, and it's right here in St. Louis!

"Take back America" conference in St. Louis, MO.

Sept. 5, 2009

Reserve your hotel room by Sept.8Th deadline to get the "Take Back America" Conference rate. Ask for the "Take Back America" rate when you call the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac hotel at 314-993-1100 by Sept. 8 to get lowest rate! Space is extremely limited.

We've also decided to keep the early bird conference rate available to help make attending more affordable. Instead of moving the price up to $269, we're keeping it at $249.

What makes this conference different?

More than 20 exciting Workshops offering hands-on training and specific organizing skills, including:

How conservatives can win in 2010
How to deal with vote fraud, the Census, and ACORN
How to defend America vs. missile attack
How to lobby federal legislation & policy

How to bring youth into the conservative movement
How to defend traditional marriage and DOMA

How to understand Islam
How the media can help us take back America

How to defeat Con Con, National Popular Vote, and ERA
How to stop feminist and gay attacks on the military

How to counter the homosexual movement
How to recognize living under Nazis & Communists

How to stop the entry of illegal aliens and drugs
How to deal with global warming, cap and trade

How to stop the killings: pro-life solutions
How to use New Media technology

How to stop government attacks on parents' rights
How to deal with supremacist judges

How conservatives can use media to advance our cause
How to stop socialism in health care

How to defeat UN attacks on sovereignty
How to activate your church

How to lobby legislators
How to use the Internet effectively: Internet 101

Tentative Schedule available here showing a list of American heroes like Ret. General William Boykin, U.S. Representatives Michele Bachmann, Tom Price, Steve King, and Tom McClintock, Phyllis Schlafly, Janet Folger Porter, Pastor Rick Scarborough, and more.

"Take Back America Conference" will provide an incredible networking experience because my co-hosts for this event are a fantastic list of leaders: Janet Folger Porter of Faith2Action, Rick Scarborough, Dick Bott, Vic Eliason, Joseph Farah, Michael Farris, Don Feder, Mat Staver, Rick Green, Phillip Jauregui and Don Wildmon.

Now is the time to act.

Visit to learn how you can attend and promote a conference for such a time as this. Contact the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac at 1-314-993-1100 to reserve your room by Sept. 8.

Register Today! Groups rates available for 5 or more.


Phyllis Schlafly

Tom Ford

NO. 666

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Another great editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony of the SunCrest Call!

Please click on the header to be directed to the editorial that asks the simple question does the City know what "deficit" spending is?

If you ask this humble ward two resident, I would have to say no they do not! You see I requested via a FOIA form the bills, the vendors, and the payment receipts from July, 2008 to August, 2009, and got nothing!

That can't be you say? Well yes it can, you see Mr. Jim Eckrige didn't think it was "specific enough" in the form I asked for it in to provide any answers. Now this peaked my interest so I asked a couple of other's what I should do and they told me to ask for vendor numbers, payouts, check numbers, and specific bills! Now that's all fine and dandy but why take up the City Clerks time digging for all that when they knew (or should have known) what I wanted in the first place!

I then sent an email to ALL the Alderpersons asking why we were not following the Charter when it comes to spending $600,000.00 more than we have coming in, and got one answer (from Jim Eckrige again.! He told me we were not violating the Charter but rather using "UN-encumbered" funds to balance the budget (read cash reserves.)

Now we see this fine editorial from Mr. Anthony stating the same thing I did but in a different way (much more eloquently,) and we still don't have an answer from the City Administrator as to how he and the Board can square this with the chapter and verse of the Charter.

Is what they are doing legal? You bet it is, but it's still "smoke and mirrors," when it comes to the average "Joe six pack" in town. So, that said I have an explanation for you. If you remember the Popeye cartoon, there was a character named "Wimpy," and as he would say here, "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger I can have today!"

Bottom line folk's, it's still our money, call your Alder person (email apparently doesn't work) and tell them how you feel about this travesty!

Tom Ford

NO. 665

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Please tell me that this isn't our Crestwood in the early stages!

I received this in an email from "anonymous" who I guess was far to shy to tell us who he/she was. I seriously doubt that this was ever posted in "our Crestwood" but that said, these clowns sure could give us a bad name couldn't they.

Ah well, on to bigger and better fish to fry! I guess you have all seen or heard of the FBI probes into public corruption in Jefferson City, and I wonder who will be the next "shoe" to fall?

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to the next "perp walk" subject?

Tom Ford

NO. 664