Saturday, January 30, 2010

Our City Administrator Mr. Jim Eckrich is on extended medical leave!

Mr. Eckrige became ill last Tuesday and did not attend the Board Of Alderman meeting Tuesday night. At this time we have no further knowledge of what, or how serious the illness may be, but we wish him well.

Please join me in a silent prayer for Jim and his family as he is one of the finest Gentleman I know, and a first class Crestwood employee.

Get well soon sir, we look forward to your speedy return!

Tom Ford

NO. 721

Ms. Mary Wheat testifying to the animal control "ad hoc" committee.(please click here for the audio)

A few points to consider.

What three pools? She did not name the 3!!!! Public Pools supported buy our tax money. Please name them.

Ms. Wheat seems to forget the police officers, firemen, and other civil service employees we have lost and not replaced.

I assume that Ms. Wheat thinks these people are less important to our safety, property value, and desire to live and buy property here.

I will assure you that when I purchased a home in Crestwood the service??? of dog catcher was not on my check list for reasons to buy the house. No value added to my house.

Ms. Wheat admits in the testimony that the dog catcher is a tax payer funded adoption agency. In my opinion the dog catcher is an added expense which we cannot afford to have at this time.

One point I will give to Ms. Wheat and her group is the fact that the word duplicate appears to be redundant here as St. Louis County has us beat hands down, consider these facts.

St. Louis County: 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. (8736 hours, period.)

Crestwood" 7 1/2 to 8 hours a day, 5 days per week, 351 days per year. (2000 hours maybe.)

So you see Ms. Wheat your correct Crestwood Animal Control is not a "duplicate service," it's a much lesser, and much more expensive service for Crestwood than St. Louis County now provides (and we pay taxes for.)

Folks, I will soon have the cost of Vet. bills, and food that we pay out every year so that these animals can be "adopted." That's yet another expense we really do not need. You will be told that the "adopting family" pays those expenses, but that's not nearly always the case now is it? So when they don't pay, Crestwood Citizens do, and with monies much better earmarked for Police and Fire, no?

Tom Ford

NO, 720

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Excellent OP-ED by Mr. Mike Anthony of the CALL. (click here to read it.)

In his weekly editorial Mr, Anthony opines that the voter turn out in April may be slight due to the lack of races (especially Crestwood with only one contested seat.)

The very unfortunate thing here is that he is 100% correct! Crestwood is known for a light turn out anyway, and this is not going to help one bit.

May I please remind all of you that there will be underlying issues in this election that may well impact the way life in Crestwood (as we now know it) will continue in the next few years. How can that be you say? Well let's look at the existing Board for a minute here.

We are spending money like the Mayor has a "money tree" on his farm, we have people on the Board who seem to be more interested in Governing by emotions rather than hard dollar facts, and we cannot even seem to put a "work session" together to decide employee regulations for campaign work.

I live in Ward two, I will be there to vote for Mr. Schlink, opposed or not, and I pray that you too will also get out and vote in your Ward, contested or not. Please remember that we have people from Crestwood (who gave their lives) to insure that we have the right to vote, so please, please do not let them down, use it!

So that said, we have one contested race, and that's ward four. Both candidates are equal to the job, and both are dedicated to their constituents, and the City of Crestwood! How do you know whom to vote for? Well I suggest that a Ward Four debate on the issues your most interested in be arranged.

I call on Messrs. Foote and Nieder to make that happen, it's the American way, tried and true, and it's the best way to really get to know who is best for the position as you get to see their body language and reaction's to questions, not to mention sincerity, and honesty.

Tom Ford

NO. 718

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dog bites firefighter who rescued him from a river (click here for the story!)

Read the story and then you tell me why we should accept this sort of liability in Crestwood? I for one do not want our Police or firefighters injured because we failed to call St. Louis County Animal control.

Yes I said St. Louis County animal control! They have very well trained professionals, we have a "hobby group" dedicated to animal adoption that cost's us a fortune every year!

May we please face the fact that this is one of the most irresponsible things we have ever done in Crestwood ( possible litigation, possible personal injury,) or are our elected "leaders" more worried about votes than the safety of our first responders, as well as our budget?

We now know that the "ad hoc" committee on animal control plans to make no recommendation to the full board, so why waste the time, and further exposure? Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board, please do what you were elected to do and VOTE on this wasteful expense and useless exposure NOW!

Tom Ford

NO. 717

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Crestwood will pay THREE times more for pool repairs! (click here for the Call story.)

"Instead of reducing work on our streets for these kinds of activities, we should be drawing off of this money that we've laid aside. That's what it's for," Robinson said. "Now we're suggesting that we put off our street repairs or not have adequate chairs for our (community center) when we have the money laying there that can take care of this difference that we need on this project."

Wait one second "your Honor" haven't we cut up that pie before? It seems to me this is at least the third or fourth time we have used that money for........

"Your Honor" and Board members Piclel, Foote, Duncan, and Beezley, wasn't it but a short time ago you all couldn't live without a tax increase? What happened, surly it wasn't Crestwood Court's or all the new retail brought in by the economic development commission (Oh wait, they never meet.)

Well what ever it was I for one am glad to see your off the tax wagon for at least ten minutes! By the way, I know where you can save a whole bunch of cash for ALL YOUR NEEDS, TERMINATE THE ANIMAL ADOPTION CLUB! There is at least $130,000.00 to pay for the pool repairs, and the new chairs!

What's more important, pool repairs, new chairs, street repairs, Police and Fire retention or the ANIMAL ADOPTION CLUB? You tell us because we can't afford both can we.

Tom Ford

NO. 716

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Mayor retracts his "Crestwood Court's" statement. (click here for the audio.)

Well after all the blustering and promises his Honor is sort of forced to retract his statements and admit the C/C is a dead issue for now! To bad as he was on a roll for a while there, it's just that the OWNERS have a different plan (Darn them anyway!)

Tom Ford

NO. 715

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Animal control should be re-named "Crestwood animal adoption!" (click here for the story,)

The new name was suggested to me in a post below but I hesitated to do that until I saw this in the "TIMES" yesterday. Now I am all for assisting in the placement of lost or unwanted animals (I have had several over the years,) but not with any tax money!

I requested the call report's of the animal control officer and received two recap. reports with nothing to substantiate them at all. From what I was given (vs what I asked for,)it seems animal control works from memory when she fills out the monthly (one to two weeks after month's end.) Also there are no vehicle reports, nor are any report's for mileage, fuel, or repairs given.

From what I can tell from what I have requested animal control operates with NO supervision, and in the "NRN" (no report necessary) mode, and we are budgeting $150,000.00 for this duplicate service (don't we deserve a call report after each call for the money we pay her!) I have no idea why daily report's are not required. nor do I see the need for 129 hours of "overtime" as it is reported that 23 calls were handled by our Police department!

Clearly we must DE-FUND this "hobby group," and use the money where it will be more effective, as we can no longer afford to pay for an "animal adoption service" or the related Vet, bills that go with it.

The Nation is on the verge of a depression and full blown hyper inflation and if Crestwood is to survive we must start using common sense in our budgeting! I challenge the Board of Alderman to make the right decision for Crestwood (don't Wait till the election is over,) and cut this from the budget now!

Tom Ford

NO. 714

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fourth Ward Alderwoman D. Beezley coughs and hacks her way through a meeting!

Ms. Beezley. I commend your spirit and your tenacious will to attend ALL the BOA meetings you possibly can, but do you really think you should have attended the last one?(you has to have your ordnance read by someone else.)

You see, you were seated next to Fourth Ward Alderman Mr. John Foote who has undergone a kidney transplant in the not to distant past (and cannot afford to become ill,) as well as Alderman Jerry Miguel of the Third Ward. I understand that you feel that "I am not contagious," but what if you in fact are? I think if these malady's plague you in the future you may wish to consider a surgical mask to prevent infecting your fellow Alderpersons.

Ms. Beezley we can ill afford to have three Alderpersons out at this juncture, so may I suggest you re-think your participation while you are so obviously ill?

Tom Ford

NO. 713

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Local "not for profit groups" in a snit over the license office award in South County! (click here for the story)

As you all may be aware by now the Murphy family of Crestwood has been awarded to License office in Ronnie's Plaza by Gov, Nixon (D)starting this Month! I wish to congratulate the Murphy's for their diligence, and the outstanding presentation that won the office for them!

My sentiments are not shared by a Mr. Thomas who has accused the Governor of "cronyism" of the first order in the Call this week! It appearers that Mr. Thomas has determined that his "NOT FOR PROFIT" groups should have been chosen because ? Now to me. "NOT FOR PROFIT" means just that, it does not mean that you get to run a "FOR PROFIT" business (tax free) for your group.

The real hoot here if you ask me is that the Murphy family are all staunch Republicans, and of course Mr. Nixon is a Democrat! Cronyism Mr. Thomas, since when in the annals of politics have you ever seen a Republican get a "cronyism" job from a Democrat, or visa versa?

Mr. Thomas, your group was not successful (it happens,) so may I suggest you try again next time and give up the "woe is us" routine as we are all stocked up with that from the Federal level.

Tom Ford\\

NO. 712

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Very good advise for the coming census count, please pass it on!

This was sent to me by Ms. Jacque Stock (our resident historian,) and it's very good advise for ALL of us, but especially the Seniors among us (Hey, that's me!)

With the upcoming CENSUS to begin shortly we can expect every conceivable type of scam possible to get your identity and your money.

The first phase of the 2010 U.S. Census is under way and US Census Bureau (USCB) workers have begun verifying the addresses of households across the country.

Eventually, more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count every person in the United States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race, and other relevant data.

Be Cautious About Giving Info for the US Census. Think before you respond and use common sense.

Be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft.

So how do you tell the difference between a U.S. Census worker and a con artist? If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a handheld device, a Census Bureau canvas bag, and a confidentiality notice.

· DO - Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering any questions. However, you should never invite anyone you don't know into your home. An invite inside your home could be used to evaluate your home for valuables for a future burglary.

· Census workers are currently only knocking on doors to "verify address information".

· Do not - give your Social Security number. The Census Bureau will not ask for Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers, nor will employees solicit donations. Any one asking for that information is NOT with the Census Bureau.

· DO NOT - give credit card or banking information to anyone, such information is not needed by the USCB.

· DO NOT - answer anything about your financial situation. The USCB should only ask for basic financial information, such as a salary range.


· DO NOT - respond to inquiries from anyone associated with ACORN. THE CENSUS BUREAU HAS DECIDED NOT TO WORK WITH ACORN ON GATHERING THIS INFORMATION. No Acorn worker should approach you saying he/she is with the Census Bureau.

· DO NOT - respond to emails from that claim to be from the USCB. Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone, mail, or in person at home. However, the USCB WILL NOT contact you by Email, so be on the lookout for Email scams impersonating the Census.

· DO NOT - open internet links that claim to be from the USCB. Never click on a link or open any attachments in an Email that are supposedly from the U.S. Census Bureau.

· DO NOT - allow and advise your children about never engaging a USCB canvasser in discussions. Children, even teenagers do not look at the same concerns or potential threats as adults and are easily manipulated. USCB personnel should not engage anyone but the adult in the home.

Remember, the information you provide will be available to the person collecting it but also to the general public for all intentional purposes. With the downturn in the economy there will be those out there that are trying to make the fast buck whether it be by burglarizing your home an selling contents at a pawn shop or stealing your identity and stealing your life savings. So use caution and DO NOT hesitate to contact the local Police Department or the USCB before you cooperate with these people if you have concerns.


Tom Ford

NO. 711

The new Crestwood news letter (it's up to the Board)

Call or write your Alderman and tell them if you want it or not, it's up to us to tell them what we want, so please do it.

(click on the letter to enlarge it.)

Tom Ford

NO. 710

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Call summarizes the best "mis-guided quotes" of 2009 (please click here for the story!)

Well the awards for the best mis-guided quotes by an "elected official" are out, and Crestwood has two, count them two who made the list!

What eloquence, what great orator's we have in our community to be able to gain such notoriety for our humble City. It would appear that we have two individuals who are either doing a wonderful job of imitating Norm Crosby and Gracie Allen, or we have two individuals who should consider engaging their brain before they put their mouth in gear, you tell me.

In any event, please take the time to thank these two fine community leaders the next time you see them as it's not often we can put two up there on that lofty perch (Thank God!)

Tom Ford

NO. 709