Wow ! The old animal control officer retired some time ago, and to date we have seen not one feral cat, or water buffalo, or vicious elephant roaming the streets of Crestwood attempting to wreak havoc with the citizenry !
Oh wait, The new animal control officer has not yet started and yet were not being inundated with any feline or canine, or fowl problems, How can that be ? Were we not told that without the animal control officer we were one step away from appearing on wild kingdom ? Was it not the case that our Police Department would be shooting the animals as someone said Webster and Kirkwood did ?
Is it possible that we really do not need to spend the money we so sorely need elsewhere for a service that doesn't seem to matter (other than to special interest groups ?) Let's examine the facts here, your Vet. gives you the rabies tags, St. Louis County send you notification of the need for the vaccination, and they have an entire division devoted to animal control. No matter what the special interests say this is a duplication we can ill afford !
I believe it's time we revisited this position and if we have in fact hired someone to fill it look at other possible uses for that employee and save the vehicle insurance, gasoline costs, and costly maintenance.
Now what to do with that little house in White Cliff park that is not anywhere near meeting the BOCA 2010 code known as the animal shelter ? Again I would look to St. Louis County to take it over as a south county shelter and possibly man it with the volunteers we have in Crestwood.
Time to think about cutting spending and improving Crestwood's bottom line folks while we still have the chance. Unless you missed it there is a financial train wreck coming, and we must be ready to survive which translated to leaner and meaner.
Tom Ford
NO. 876