Saturday, August 25, 2012

Who really is Paul Ryan, this may help you understand the man.

Who is Paul Ryan? Well let's see if this helps a bit, (from a friend via email.)

"Who Is Paul Ryan?

You asked, who is Paul Ryan? Well, here's a response.

Well, early Saturday morning we learned that Congressman Paul Ryan, Republican from Wisconsin, is to be Mitt Romney's pick for the next Vice President of The United States.

What are we to think of this selection? He's not a graduate of Columbia University. He's not a graduate of Harvard. He wasn't selected as the President of the Harvard Law Review. He didn't get a special free quota scholarship ride to any prestigious university and, instead, had to work his way through Miami University of Ohio. For God's sake the man drove the Oscar Mayer Wiener Truck one summer and waited tables another!

One morning when Paul Ryan was sixteen years old he went in to wake his father up and found him dead of a heart attack. He didn't write two books about that experience (like Obama did). Instead, he assumed the role of adult at an early age, never having the luxury to pursue youthful drug use and the art of socialist revolution.

Instead, Paul Ryan and his mother took his grandmother, suffering from Alzheimer's, into the household and served as the primary care provider for his grandma. His grandma wasn't the Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii (like Obama's) so she could offer nothing in return, except the element of "need".

Once Paul Ryan got his BA in Economics from Miami University of Ohio he was hired as a staff economist in Wisconsin Senator Kastin's office. The job must have not paid well because young Ryan moonlighted as a waiter and fitness trainer. No one offered him a "token honor" position at the University of Chicago and a $200,000 dollar a year salary.

When a still young Paul Ryan returned to Wisconsin to run for Congress he didn't demonize his opponent and dig up dirt to shovel against him. He waited until the standing Congressman vacated the office before seeking the office. In Janesville, Wisconsin they don't have a big political machine to promote you, to criminalize your opponent; instead Paul Ryan had to go door to door and sit at kitchen tables and listen to his future constituents.

After getting elected to Congress Paul Ryan didn't triumphantly march into Washington, buy himself a Georgetown townhouse and proceed over to K Street to rub elbows with lobbyists. He bunked in his Congressional office and used the house gym for showers and a fresh change of clothes.

Paul Ryan then married and took his bride back to Janesville. He lives on the same street he lived on as a kid and shares the neighborhood with eight other members of the Ryan clan. He hunts with the local Janesville hunt club and attends PTA meetings and other civic functions.

For those who can't make those public functions, Paul Ryan bought an old bread truck, converted it into a "mobile constituent office" and drives around to meet with those who need his help and attention.

No, I don't know if we can vote for a guy like this. He doesn't have a regal pedigree; he's Irish for God's sake! No one awarded him a Nobel Peace Prize two months after getting elected. No one threw flowers or got "chills down their leg" as a he took his seat in Congress.

What is most despicable about Paul Ryan is that he has had the nerve to write the House Budget for three years in a row. He's is brazen and heartless in advocating in that budget for a $5 trillion dollar reduction in federal spending over the next ten years! The House passed his budget three years in a row and three years in a row the Democratically controlled Senate has let it die in the upper house, without ever proposing a budget of their own. What is wrong with this guy? If Congress were to cut $5 trillion dollars from the budget where would the President get the money to give $500 million dollars to a bankrupt Solyndra? Or $200 million dollars for bankrupt Energy 1? Or $11 billion dollars to illegal aliens filing INIT, non-resident tax returns to claim $11 billion big ones in child tax credits, even for their children living in Mexico?

I don't know. Paul Ryan seems heartless to me. He keeps wanting to cut government waste, he keeps wanting to put a halt to those big GSA conventions in Vegas and, worse, he keeps trying to make people look at that $16.7 trillion dollar deficit! The guy's no fun at all!

Who wants a numbers cruncher? Who wants someone spoiling the party by showing folks the bill? Nothing will spoil a party quicker than sending the host the bill before the party's over."

Tom Ford

NO. 1047

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The real truth about who pays the most in taxes.

Please read all of this unbiased report from the Manhattan Institute reference the tax code in the Nation today and then we can all discuss the validity of the politicians rants on taxes.

Tom Ford

No. 1046

Monday, August 20, 2012

Have you seen he new Newsweek Magazine cover yet? Wow, this is interesting!

I have been asked to "get something new" on the Blog so I thought this Magazine cover in the midst of the political fray was interesting to say the least, no to mention a "NEW" tack for that publication.

Prat tell is the newness worn off of the Obama regime so much that their ardent supporter Newsweek is leaving them?

Tom Ford

NO. 1045

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Woman who rescued dogs is killed in dog attack!

This woman had over ten years experience in rescuing stray and unwanted dogs which would make her more knowledgeable than most who volunteer to work the animal shelters.

I present this to you as a reminder that ANY dog can regress to a feral state at any time. In fact two or more dogs in the same environment are more likely to do so than one.

A note to our animal control volunteer friends, please remember this when your working with dogs you really don't know as we would hate to see any tragedy like this anywhere much less Crestwood.

Tom Ford

NO. 1044

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Park Board meeting 8/21/12 in Spellman park at 6:30 PM (See below.)

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you live near, use, or have any interest in how Spellman Park is used, and the plans for same please see the above meeting date and times. You may attend and voice your opinion as to whether the new ideas meet with your approval, or not.

This is a good way to meet your Park Board members and tell them what you would like to see now and in the future.

Tom Ford

NO. 1043

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Crestwood BBQ cook off contest on 8/25/12 has been cancelled!

I regret to inform you that as of this date no one (outside of the committee) in Crestwood has shown the slightest bit of interest in a fun day at the Sappington House, ERGO the contest is officially cancelled.

I had planned an article in case this sort of thing happened, but why waste the band width, so I shall instead issue the regrets of the committee that it had to be cancelled.

Tom Ford

NO. 1042

Thursday, August 09, 2012

As of today we have had a zero response to the BBQ idea:

Ladies and gentlemen, the committee to put on a Ward BBQ contest is extremely sorry to report that as of this writing there are ZERO entrants, and if this remains true on Monday, August 13 2012 we shall cancel the planed festivities.

Tom Ford

NO. 1041

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

On this day in history General George Washington created the Purple Heart.

As you may know this award is for those who were wounded or killed in a military action in defence of this great Nation. Since it's inception those who were a prisoner of war, and were severely mistreated by the enemy have been added.

Please join me in thanking those brave young men and women who shed their blood for us, and in some cases gave the last full measure of devotion for America!

Tom Ford

NO. 1040

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Is your family dog afraid of thunderstorms? If so, this is from an old Navy friend, and it might work.

"Look guys...I know this isn't about the Navy,but if you have a dog who is afraid of storms and thunder you should know about this.Its called Thundershirt...and it works.My dog Petey means the world to me and for his entire 11 years has been very very afraid of thunder,so much so i have to give him a Benadryl and hold him and still he shakes and trembles and crawls into my lap....always.I was recommended by a friend to try this thing.I ordered it and it just came today.Luck has it a couple hours ago it started raining hard with thunder,wow and I just got it.I really didn't expect much but if there was a chance it would help my dog i was willing to spend the 40 bucks.The price is all the same at Petsmart,walmart etc etc but i ordered it online....Here is what happened.Two hours ago just before it started Petey comes to me and starts pawing me his sign to get in my lap with all his 95 lbs...and in a minute it started.I went and got the Thundershirt.
put it on him and he sat there and calmed down as I pet him,then he laid down then he fell fast asleep even snoring!!This is like a Miracle.He has Never ever ever ever slept during a storm....he is still sleeping and its been more than an hour.So,to those who do not have a dog,or a dog who is afraid of thunder,excuse this post.For those that do im sure you understand how important this is for you to know.I spoke to my ex wife who is a physician a bit ago to tell she has our husky who also is a bit fearful but no so much as Petey.She told me she never put the two together but in some hospitals they use for patients with severe anxiety something similar but fashioned as a blanket.Here is a link to it:"​?utm_source=bing%2Byahoo&utm_me​dium=cpc&utm_campaign=adcenter

I have no idea if this is a worthwhile idea, I only offer the story and link for you to do your own research. May I have your thoughts please?

Tom Ford

NO. 1039

Friday, August 03, 2012

Crestwood's first annual BBQ cook off is approaching!

Ladies and gentlemen, Were actively working on the First Annual Crestwood BBQ cook off slated for August 25, 2012. We will be at the John Sappington House from 10:00AM till 8:00PM for for a fun filled day of cooking and meeting the neighbors.

Below is the sign up sheet which is also available at City Hall and soon to be in Crestwood stores for your convenience.

Crestwood first annual BBQ cook-off contest entry form:

Name: ______________________________________________:

Address: ____________________________________________:

Ward number: _______________________________________:

Contact phone: _______________________________________:

Sign up sheets may be mailed to:

Tom Ford
569 Joshua Dr.
Crestwood, MO. 63126-1450

Or please drop them off at City Hall At Roseanne Shannon's office. We hope to see you there.

Tom Ford

NO. 1038
