The Call editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony summs it up yet again.
As a very wise man once said, "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." (he should have added, stay out.)
And now we have those among us who have done just that, they have chosen to not run for re election when the time came for reasons known only to them, that is up until last Tuesday night.
Now you can read about and judge the event's for yourself, but I wonder why anyone who didn't like the "limelight" would choose to place themselves on front street, center stage ?
For anyone who is familiar with the Constitution of the United States of America to move to vacate the right to free and open meetings is concern to me, as it should be to all of us.
I am not going to "spin" this one way or the other, but I will say it does remind me of the Arthur Miller play, "Death of a salesman," the line where Willy Lowman said, "They loved me in Philadelphia."
(No personal insults or attacks without your real name attached will be allowed.)
Tom Ford
NO. 3033