A lot of discussion has been put forth on this site about who is more qualified to lead Crestwood for the next three years, and to that end I would like to put a couple of facts on the table for your consideration.
Education: Mayor Jeff Schlink, Masters degree in computer technology and business from Webster U.
opponent, Greg Roby: BA degree in criminal justice, Tarkio College
Work background: Mayor Schlink, Management at Edward Jones.
Greg Roby: St. Louis County Police officer, salesman for construction products.
Service to Crestwood: Both were Alderman, both have served on many boards as well.
Family: Both are married with children.
I am sure there is a lot more we could say about both men, but in light of the fact that both seem to be equally tenacious in their willingness to serve Crestwood.
I think I will stop there. So what is the difference that all voters must weigh come Tuesday?
Well on one hand we have a proven entity in Mayor Schlink, a person who has the education and management skills needed to do the job in the community today. His challenger has no prior experience in the day to day management of a business or a community. Yes, he could learn the job while he is in the position, but do we really have time to do that?
On his Facebook page he admits he (were he Mayor) could have done nothing to stop Gordman's from leaving, and truth be known, it's that way with ALL retail stores no matter who is the Mayor.
The Mall is the catch phrase most often seen here so let's take a close look at that. We have to face the fact that the Mall has been dying for some time, and WE, our Alderman or Mayor could do nothing to stop it (ask some of the former mayors.)
It was bought at a fire sale price by a Chicago firm who WOULD NOT NEGOATE with us but rather gave us one proposal (bad at that,) and then refused to move off it one way or the other. Several planning firms were involved one way or the other, but none were hired as a final vote by an Alderman closed the door on any further votes. The Chicago developer and his partner then pulled out, and it will be on the auction block later this month (as was Northwest Plaza.)
Now as I look at it, no amount of tax subsidies, begging or calls by sitting Alderman could have changed the outcome as they had no tenants lined up for a space that would tack on 10 1/4 % tax to everything sold there. They (potential tenants) knew as did I that people vote with their feet, they would have come once, found out how outrageous the tax was and gone somewhere else the next outing. Result for the space, FAILURE, and then what?
Looking at every angle I can I see but one person in this race that can (and will) serve me, my family, and Crestwood the best over the next three years, and that is our Mayor, Jeff Schlink.
Tom Ford
NO. 3053