Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Resident finds Nov. 29th meeting positive, and productive!

On Tuesday, Nov. 29, the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FORUM was held at the CRESTWOOD GOVERNMENT CENTER. I attended the forum
and I am happy to report that it was one of the most POSITIVE and PRODUCTIVE meetings I have ever attended. APPLAUSE to ELLEN DAILEY... and FORREST MILLER
Chairman of the Commission. Many of us are so pleasantly surprised that someone
is listening to the RESIDENTS..who shop at the stores that pay the TAX that keeps us "vibrant" and safe!

Jacque Stock
Crestwood resident
(via E-mail) No.29

Sunday, November 27, 2005

What, pray tell is your wish for the holiday's? Well here is mine!

As a person who has lived in the fine community of Crestwood for over 35 year's, and one who believes in our town, I have decided to ask Santa for a few gifts for the city instead of me this year.

First of all Santa, could you bring us the wisdom to work with our newly elected Mayor, so we can move toward the fiscal responsibility, that has been lacking for so long in our community?

Second, I wish that you would bring us a beaker of "holiday spirit", so we can sprinkle a bit of it on our officials, (both elected,and appointed), thus stopping the petty political bickering so prevalent at our board meetings!

Third, Please dig down deep in your pack, and find us the wherewithal to properly fund our emergency services, park, public works, and staffers before the best and the brightest become discouraged, and leave us for another town.

Fourth, Santa please help our business community to have the best holiday season ever in crestwood! And may they know how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication to crestwood.

Fifth, Please bring the joy and hope of the holiday season to our city employees, and please let them know just how much all of us respect them, and how thankful we truly are to have such fine Ladies and Gentlemen working for us!

Last but not least Santa, Please look out for the less fortunate among us, and give us the wisdom to help them whenever possible.

Santa, I know that this is a very tall order, but maybe, just maybe, if you forget me this year, you will have room in you sleigh for the things we need in Crestwood!

No. 28

A great read from the South County Times, reference the holidays!

see the attached link to be re-directed to the site!

No 27

Thursday, November 24, 2005

While not in Crestwood yet, this is still worth noting, Jury duty scam!

While not in our area as of yet, this is something to pass on to your friends, and relatives (especially the older ones), who may be at risk for this type of fraud.

Jury Duty Scam Leads to Identity Theft

Here's a new twist scammers are using to commit identity theft: the jury duty scam. Here's how it works:

The scammer calls claiming to work for the local court and claims you've failed to report for jury duty. He tells you that a warrant has been issued for your arrest.

The victim will often rightly claim they never received the jury duty notification. The scammer then asks the victim for confidential information for "verification" purposes.

Specifically, the scammer asks for the victim's Social Security number, birth date, and sometimes even for credit card numbers and other private information -- exactly what the scammer needs to commit identity theft.

So far, this jury duty scam has been reported in Michigan, Ohio, Texas, Arizona, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Oregon and Washington state.

It's easy to see why this works. The victim is clearly caught off guard, and is understandably upset at the prospect of a warrant being issued for his or her arrest. So, the victim is much less likely to be vigilant about protecting their confidential information.

In reality, court workers will never call you to ask for social security numbers and other private information. In fact, most courts follow up via snail mail and rarely, if ever, call prospective jurors.

Action: Never give out your Social Security number, credit card numbers or other personal confidential information when you receive a telephone call.

(verified on


Saturday, November 19, 2005

How will your family spend Thanksgiving in Crestwood?

Please share with your fellow citizens your favorite memories, family recipe's, and what ever it is about Thanksgiving that makes it special to you, and yours.

If you would like, E-mail me with what you wish posted, sign it, and I will put it on the blog for you. In any case, this is your City forum, so, your thoughts please.

(please see this link for ideas )


Friday, November 18, 2005

Crestwood charter commission, partisan politics, or business at the same old political stand?

Well Ladies, and Gentlemen, we now have a handle on what the "shadow charter commission" has been looking into since being appointed by our defeated Mayor Fagan. In case you haven't heard about the meetings, or who is on the board, don't feel bad, they apparently don't want you, or I to know who they are, or what they are doing!

You know, if I were them, I wouldn't want you to know it either! We have a community in complete disarray due to fiscal mis- management, a BOA that is so divided by petty politics, and a City that will surely fail unless we all work together!

That said, guess what our "Charter Commission" has come up with in the last year, ways to help the City? A proclamation to require the BOA to stop this Mickey Mouse in fighting? An idea as to how we can better the community? NO, NO, and NO!

What we get is a three fold recommendation to prop up the person who recommended that they be appointed to the commission (imagine that)! Preliminary reports have it that we will see three recommendations to the BOA at their next meeting, 1: Censure for our Mayor Roy Robinson! 2: Dropping term limits for the Aldermen who got us into this mess! And 3: Eliminate the tie breaking vote of the Mayor!

These are recommendations to become ordinances, if we allow them to be rammed down our throats, so may I suggest we all band together and put a stop to this "band of extremists" before this City goes completely down the tubes!

Who the heck runs this City? A bunch of doddering, failed, old has beens, or a new, and vibrant group of citizens who believe in Crestwood,(and the Mayor), and know that it can return to the greatness it once was before their so called leadership? I can't, and won't speak for any of you on this one, but by the almighty, you had better get out there and speak for yourselves before it's too late, or you will be seeing St. Louis County police cars on your street, as we will become an un-incorporated section of the county!

Folk's this is as serious as a heart attack! We have a great community here, we need to stand up and say no to people who would bring it down just because their boy lost the last election! I ask you, who will join me at the BOA meeting, and tell these leftovers that their fifteen minutes are up, previous Mayor Fagan lost, and were sick and tired of the imbecile, childish, and divisive politics being played by them! Boy's, and girl's, the citizens are sick and tired of your act, get it together. Or resign!

Residents, please join with me to vote out all these so called City leaders who oppose the City moving forward, and bring in some new voices for fiscal responsibility!!!

No 24

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Comments to the Crestwood Charter Commission November 15, 2005

Members of the Charter Review Commission Nov. 15th, 2005

My name is Faye Clark and I live at 1341 Trelane Avenue. I am proud to say that I am a member of the Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility. This is not an organized group of people, just residents who are aware of the fiscal irresponsibility that has been going on for too long and are trying to save what is left of their City.

The Charter is our creed to live by in Crestwood. It should be representative of all the citizens, not just a small group. Regarding the discussion about term limits, most citizens feel this would be a tragic mistake. If anything, there would be advantages to shortening terms for mayors and aldermen to two years rather than three. When aldermen have been in office too long, they tend to become complacent, forming very tight personal bonds with each other, and too often voting with their friends, rather than giving issues a complete and fair assessment as to deciding what is best for the City.

Looking at item 4 on tonight's agenda, I would like ask WHO it is that wants to review the Mayor's tie breaking power for votes on ordinances. I have heard of no one who has been asked anything about this. Considering the Charter represents almost 12,000 citizens, how is it that only a handful of folks, all of which were appointed at the same time, by our former Mayor, is to decide what is good for all these citizens. Wouldn't it have been a far more equitable approach to circulate a questionnaire such as the original Charter members did asking the opinions of the people?

I would ask the members of this committee to please consider what's best for all Crestwood citizens. We now have a mayor devoting full time to this office. Everyone who knows him agrees that is working for the good of our City and no other reason. In considering making changes to the Charter, please let the people of Crestwood feel that their opinions are important to you.

If you would decide to take away the tie breaking power of the mayor, maybe you would like to consider eliminating a mayor altogether and just let the aldermen be in office indefinitely and totally run Crestwood. It looks to most citizens as the Mayor has very little power and now the Charter would work to take away more power.

Faye Clark

Crestwood resident

No 21

GO bonds, taxes, and what Crestwood really needs!

Ladies, and gentlemen, I have just finished reading for the third time an article on the front page of the Suncrest Call, in which various statement's have been made, by various people. Mayor Robinson states that he is "optimistic, that with proper education, the voters would approve a well defined, and specific ballot measure to help alleviate the city's financial woes". I agree fully with the Mayor, in that I believe that the citizens of Crestwood are open to an increase, but they must know why, and they must know what it's for.

Alderman Trueblood states that "It's not my intention to ram it down anybodies throat"! I am happy to hear that Alderman Trueblood, because at the last few meetings you left the impression that it was a GO bond, or nothing. You voted against the "bridge loan", which not long ago was our only salvation, apparently in favor of this GO bond.

I fully agree with Alderman Trueblood's statement that the Crestwood citizens for fiscal responsibility must support this tax measure for it to pass. I am sure most of our citizens know little or nothing about the CCFFR group that opposed the renting of space at Crestwood plaza, and the new Police/ city hall complex, but, in my humble opinion, you should find out about them.

This group has some very knowledgeable people in it's ranks, both retired, and active business, and community minded, who can be a great asset to Crestwood! They live in Crestwood, and have a vested interest in seeing the City re-vitalized.

We did not get to this sad state of affairs over night, and we will not get out of it over night either. However with the advent of a new City administrator coming on board, the Board of Alderman willing to work with the citizens, as well as THEMSELVES (forget the petty politics), and a full disclosure of how our money is being spent (no more $1500.00 chairs, and by the way where is that chair, I understand it's "missing"), we can, and will have our City back where it was before the "spending spree", of the past administrations.

To the Board of Alderman, these are serious times, they call for serious people who have the courage to put aside these ridiculous, and childish arguments at the board meetings, and do what you were elected to do, run the City Of Crestwood like the business it is, quit trying to spend funds on needless projects, work with Mayor Robinson (we elected him you know), and get us back on track now!

The years I spent in the U.S. Navy, as well as a sergeant on the police force taught me a very valuable lesson "Lead, follow, or, get out of the way", Ladies, and gentlemen of the Board, may I strongly suggest that you pick you place from the above, and do it!

No 20

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Charter commission meeting, 11/15/05 (7:00 PM)

Ladies, and Gentlemen, we have a very important meeting of the Crestwood charter commission on November 15, 2005 at 7:00 PM. On the agenda in the number 4 slot is a review of the Mayor's tie breaking vote power for any vote or ordanance!

If you ask me this is another way for the anti Roy Robinson faction to repeal some of the Mayor's powers! Please explain to me like I am a three year old who better to break the tie? The city administrator, the city attorney, the city finance director, or, hey, what about we pick someone from the audience? (note, none of these people were elected by us, or anyone else for that matter).

Folk's we elected the Mayor to do a very difficult job, and he is doing his level best to do it! So, may I suggest that he be given the tools to do it! For once, and for all, can we just stop the petty politics, and think about Crestwood for a change?

Please join me, and your neighbors at this meeting! Let's tell them what we think of this "idea"! I hope to see you all there.

No 19

Crestwood delays vote on bond issue (from the Post Dispatch)

Crestwood delays vote on proposal for a bond issue
By Sterling Levy


Decisions made by Crestwood voters in Tuesday's election have prompted the Board of Aldermen to delay a vote on placing a bond proposal to ease budget problems on next April's ballot.

A bond proposal of $4.7 million was rejected last April.

Crestwood will be facing up to a $2 million deficit in 2006. Proposals to raise license fees and utility taxes for businesses were approved in Tuesday's election, but a proposal for an increase in the residential utility tax was rejected. As a result of the vote and some spending reductions, the expected spending gap might be down to about $1.2 million, Mayor Roy Robinson said.

Crestwood has a $3.5 million line of credit from Southwest Bank through November 2006. City Hall and its real estate are the collateral.

(click on the hedder to be directed to the Post Dispatch web site)

No 19

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Citizen requests "ward" meetings!

ATTENTION ALL CONCERNED CITIZENS...Let us ALL pull together for the benefit of our City by organizing EACH WARD with a meeting place where THAT wards residents can join together with questions and concerns about the current issues. We need to get the word out as to the issues and what if anything can be done by the average resident. Tell all the computer friendly people to remember those who are NOT on computers to start a phone chain or handouts. Ideally we would meet as all four WARDS every so often and provide contacts for each area to interact. LET TOM hear from YOU.....( signed ) SEO

Jacqueline Stock 1536 Sappington Road since October 1952

No 17

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Cartoon? In the SunCrest call

Well, folks the Suncrest Call has outdone themselves this week with their Cartoon? on the Letter's to the editor page. Here we see two caractures of the Mayor put forth in a fashion that my Grandson could eclipse!

I guess these lad's at the call have taken up a drawing class offered on TV. Why else would we see such childish drawing's by a grown adult? I will be the first to admit I am no artist, but these drawings are so childish as to defy reason!

Boy's, if you like. I can suggest something like "etch a sketch" for your artistic longing's, as what you have now just isn't making it!

Or to paraphrase William Shakespeare's "Mac Beth", "These cartoon's are a tale told by idiot's, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing!

No 15

Long time Crestwood resident feel's the City is in "Crisis"


Well it's almost that time again, when candidates for aldermen will be running for office in the City of Crestwood. Judging from the antics of some members of the board, the qualifications seem similar to that of a Chimpanzee.

Speaking of qualifications - I remember at a board of aldermen meeting several weeks ago when Alderman Kelleher and others on the board questioned Mayor Robinson regarding the qualifications of Martha Duchild, a crestwood resident, to be appointed to the Civil Service Board. Had they been judged by their actions and how they posture themselves on the board of aldermen, the question should be asked "what qualifications do they have to be aldermen? Further, I would also like to state that it has always been a rule that board of aldermen members are not to get involved in personnel matters. Therefore, I feel that it should be against policy to have them vote for members of the Civil Service Board, which is set up specifically for “personnel matters”.

Here we are in crisis in our city and the board of aldermen members sit up there and play politics. With the exception of Alderman Jerry Miquel, I don’t hear anyone asking the so- called financial wizards for accountability.

The residents are given a bunch of numbers that make no sense that change all the time. The Director of Finance makes $70,500 per year; and her full-time accountant makes $41,500 per year. We also have an Economic Development person who makes $58,000 per year, and an Assistant City Administrator who makes $46,500. Then we have a secretary who makes $36,900. Add them up folks and do your arithmetic! They were all hired by the previous city administrator, who said we had a hiring freeze but lifted it every time he wanted to add one more female to his pack. Makes sense to me – after all – we are broke.

People have nerve enough to chastise the previous administration for not doing their jobs. Alderman Miquel stated at a board meeting that he has been waiting for answers from the Finance Department since LAST APRIL! HELLO IS ANYBODY HOME!

The audit! What good is it to have one, if the suggestions are never followed. Mr. Greer still drives his $50,000 BMW. He changed everything including the civil service rules and regulations. Of course we needed all this new computer software to the tune of $100,000 plus for financial purposes. And we still can’t get the numbers right! And I challenge any of the Fagan Five to tell me we are better off now. But they still pay “homage” to the previous city administrator as if he saved the city. And while he was flexing his self-serving muscles and showing the board of aldermen how wonderful he is – who was taking care of us, the citizens?

One minute the finances are X amount of dollars and then it changes and changes again and again and again. And what do most the board members do? Some suck up to him through osmosis or a drug cause it makes them feel powerful, some turn the other way and pretend nothing is wrong and others fight the mayor because they say he doesn’t have a plan. Listen Up Puppets! The mayor has a plan – but you’re not listening. If you listened, you might be able to pull this city out of the muck and work as a team. But some of the board members are having much too much fun playing politics to worry about the people who voted for them.

Nero danced and Rome burned!

Sandy Grave`
Crestwood Resident
(via E-mail)

No 14

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Crestwood passes two of three tax increases

Crestwood raises business tax but not residential: MISSOURI ELECTIONS
By Phil Sutin

Voters in Crestwood agreed to tax businesses but not themselves to help the city out of a financial jam. They approved a fee increase and a boost of utilities taxes on businesses but rejected increases of utilities taxes on residences.

The votes were among several special elections Tuesday in the city of St. Louis and in Jefferson, Lincoln and St. Louis counties.

Voters approved tax increases in the Community Fire Protection District in north central St. Louis County and the Rock Community Fire District in the Arnold area.

St. Louis city voters approved a $13 million bond issue that would provide the local share of money to match federal funds for radios for police, fire and emergency medical personnel, bridge repairs and Mississippi flood wall improvements.

With all precincts counted plus absentee ballots, the vote was 10,762 yes to 2,763 no. The proposal needed a two-thirds favorable vote to pass.

Crestwood would have obtained $300,000 a year if all three proposals had passed. Officials also plan to save $500,000 a year by eliminating up to eight staff positions. The city is using a $3.5 million line of credit to keep afloat.

Voters in the Rock fire district approved a half-cent sales tax that would raise about $1.5 million a year. Half the new money would go to build and staff a fifth firehouse. The district would use the rest of the money to lower its property-tax rate next year.

On their third try, officials persuaded voters in the Community fire district to raise the district's tax rate for ambulance service by 25 cents for each $100 of assessed valuation. The increase is expected to generate $1.2 million a year. The district will use the money to improve its medical service and ease financial pressure on the general fund.

Moline Acres and St. George won approval of half-cent capital-improvements sales taxes.

Bel-Ridge voters approved a $615,000 bond issue for street improvements. Voters in Calverton Park, St. Ann and Town and Country approved fee proposals. Bella Villa voters turned down a lateral sewer insurance program with a $50 annual fee.

St. Ann voters adopted a half-cent sales tax for economic development.

Voters in the small municipalities of Foley and Whiteside in Lincoln County overwhelmingly approved revenue bond issues to pay for sewer systems.

On its fourth try, Troy officials persuaded voters to allow the city to appoint a police chief and eliminate the elected marshal-collector position.

Also, the Locust Central Special Business District in St. Louis extended its 85-cent tax rate.

No elections were held in Franklin, St. Charles and Warren counties.

Greg Jonsson of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this report.

No 13

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Election day, Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Ladies and gentlemen. I hope we all recognize the importance of the tax increase on the ballot today. The City cannot afford to continue to loose personnel, as we need all the fire, police, emt, parks, ETC that we have now! I know many of you look at a tax increase as a vehicle to cut more of your spendable income, but in this case, believe me, it's needed!

I have worked in communities where we were short handed at the police department, as well as fire rescue, and I will tell you that you never want to experience that sort of "public service". I have seen calls "stacked" (taking the most urgent first), because we were out of responders, and if your the one with the emergency, it seems like a "lifetime" before your help arrives!

No matter what the intentions of some on the B.O.A., we still need a full force to protect us from what ever, and to be there with paramedic's when we need them, no more, no less!

I have lived in Crestwood since March of 1970, raised two son's (both police officers). I am a past commander of the Crestwood VFW, as well as a member of The fraternal order of police, (Ret), a U.S. Navy veteran, and I have two grand children!

Why do I tell you this? Because I wish to stay in Crestwood, a City which was vibrant when we moved here, and a City that will be that way again!

I ask for your help in making it happen!

No 12

Crestwood Information by St. Louis County

Please click on the hedder to be re-directed to a site with some very good information about the City of Crestwood.

No 11

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Letter to the editor

Please click on this hedder, or go to our link to the South County Times for two very interesting letter's to the editor from Mr. Roger Anderson, and Mr. Don Maddox, Alderman, ward three.

No 10

"The power of one" As shown by a Crestwood resident!

When it comes to teamwork on Crestwood’s BOA, the residents are being shortchanged. In times when this town needs life support, we are seeing divisiveness and petty politics. The meetings have been reduced to a game divided into two teams. This game I have named "Despicable." The rules include disrupting, discouraging and disputing chances to unite for the greater good. The teams are 5 on one side (Team 1), and 2 or 3 on the other (Team 2). No handicap. The object of the game is for the loud majority to reduce logic to dust and try to out mayor the new duly elected mayor. The previous administration, with tentacles into the new one, is so pathetically vindictive that despite an unfathomable debt load, which happened on their watch, and a projected need for a $3.5 M. dollar LOC, with 2 of our city buildings used as collateral – they simply refuse to join hands. Obviously this game is for age 10 and under.
Since the "mismanagement of funds" allegations and the replacement of the alleged perpetrators, the city has not made a noticeable turnaround nor has it thrived. The State Audit found non-compliance with standard procedure and lack of accountability. Yet replacement staff has avoided providing us with the comfort of evidence of compliance with the recommendations. Further, this staff has not provided the sound or timely or persistent advice necessary to implement the drastic measures needed while we were staring at bankruptcy. Rather, against these odds and fierce citizen opposition, they and Team 1 continued to force plans for the $14 M Dollar City Hall Rehab down our throats. Residents voted no on Prop 1 because of the trust factor and a need for facts pertaining to the use of the funds.
Knowing full well that lost revenue was a serious problem, why would Team 1 and replacement staff look the other way when the cupboard was bare? Why did they chose to ignore an Alderman on Team 2 who wisely suggested defeasing bonds 2 years ago and then do an about face when the bank came looking for explanations and collateral. Why are the winners the bank, contractors, architects, bondsmen, lawyers, and office furniture stores? Why didn’t reducing personnel and combining services become an idea SOONER? Why did they vote to lease a suite at Westfield Plaza? Why can’t these grown men use the "Power of One" to bring this city back? Why did they disguise themselves as public servants when they weren’t even close? Why are they belligerent, rude, disruptive and unproductive? What is the incentive? Who benefits? Why did over 2000 residents have to grind the ground breaking of the $14 Million Dollar "Bricks of Nonsense" to a halt?
Team 1 has been wasting our time and our money for how long now; more recently making issue of the Mayor representing the city with the media? You bet there are "Bigger Fish To Fry." They shout the Mayor down at every opportunity, needlessly challenge his authority and demean people appointed to citizen boards who support Crestwood in its effort to make the changes that should have been made while Rome was burning. Newly appointed board members deserve better than the flap they have had to endure. Rather than assume there are solutions presented by Team 2, which have merit, Team 1 has chosen drama and brimstone. They deny the politics of reason in order to hold together their little power club, which as we now know was asleep at the wheel while revenues dipped and expenses soared unchallenged. Thank heavens for Term Limits!
BOA Watch is going on. It is time for a new game, new rules, and the new City Administrator. Actually, time to consider completely removing from the scene those whose managing style, lack of direction, scruples and qualifications proved a detriment to our community. We have a new Mayor, who held an enlightening, appreciated and well-attended Town Hall Meeting recently. Team 2 Aldermen, despite being the minority vote, are applying their considerable knowledge and expertise diligently to matters at hand; their agenda clear and positive. Progress is starting to rear its head in Crestwood as we watch these few good men supported by constituancy represent us in spite of political hindrance. Visit a meeting, watch the clowns, you will know right away who they are. Then join Team 2 and help replace the stigma of the past administration and its leftovers with the best PLAN yet. The one where we can once again see the light of day and recognize the wonderful town in which we chose to make our home. How about that for an "Idea Whose Time Has Come?"
Carol Casey
Crestwood Resident (published with concent of the auther)

No 9

Crestwood resident outraged by board's decision!

I am absolutely outraged by the board’s decision to overturn our Mayor’s ability to represent our city to the press. We did not elect Mr. Greer (or should I say “smear”) and I do not want him representing our city! Did you notice that while Mr. Greer was silenced, our city was no longer front page news to the press. With the SunCrest call reporting only what occurred during BOA meetings, the city of Crestwood’s image improved ten-fold. All they were reporting on were the facts. Residents, like myself, began feeling more positive about Crestwood. How could you not! There was an end to all the gossip and rumors, plus there was no negative slant to the facts in the SunCrest call. No longer overwhelmed with this weekly attack on our city, residents, like myself, and non-residents became quite a bit more encouraged regarding the city of Crestwood. I am shocked the majority of our Alderman failed to recognize this. Do they want our city run through the mud? The minute Greer opened his mouth, we are front page again with a story about how the Mayor has silenced city employees from speaking with the press. Oh, and surprise, surprise! problems arise and tempers flare from Greer’s statements to the press.

I personally think that Mr. Greer should be written up or removed from his position for talking to the press. Don’t mistake what he has done; he is no whistleblower. He is blowing his own tune and hurting our city. He simply should have referred the press to our Mayor and said nothing else. By outing to the press the details of a direct order from his boss, he basically did not perform as requested. I question whether Mr. Greer really has the best interest of Crestwood at heart. If he took issue with the Mayor’s request, he should have first discussed it with the Mayor directly. Secondly, he could contact the BOA individually or possibly even the city attorney. Instead, he went directly to the press. Personally, I’m tired of Mr. Greer’s stunts and, Mr. Trueblood, I question your loyalty to our city as well (that’s actually funny given your name)!

Aside from all of the above, just think about this: How well does a City Administrator who is driving an Alderman underwritten, city paid luxury car represent a financially strapped city? In any other city, corruption bells would ring!

Marilee Sauer
Crestwood Resident since 2003 (Via E-mail)

No 8

Friday, November 04, 2005

Our armed forces in Iraq

With reference to our armed forces in Iraq, I am reminded of the latin phrase which no doubt explains it better than I can it better than I can, and is still true today.

"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" -If you wish for peace, prepare for war.

No 7

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Red friday! Support our Men and Women overseas!!

RED FRIDAYS ----- Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority". We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions.

Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every red-blooded American who supports our men and women afar, will wear something red.

By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make the United States on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be long before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent" majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on.

The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is...We need your support and your prayers. Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear some thing red every Friday.

No 6

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Link to the on line Times Newspapers

With sincere thank's to the editor of the Times Newspapers (Mr. Dwight Bitikofer) we are very happy indeed to offer you this link to their fine on line paper!Please click on the "link" to the on line times newspaper to be re-directed to their publication.