Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The November 29, 2006 edition of the Call !!!

Please click on the header to be directed to this weeks edition of the Call. There sure is a lot of ink on the P & Z board meeting, I had no idea we were important enough to rate that much space!

At any rate, Mr. Wasson has done a very good job of reporting the meeting, and I think it's about time we started asking some "tough questions" of our economic development director as to why she seems to be for a TIF, when, if you ask me, none is needed.

There is only so much money to go around folks, and I think we have reached the bottom of the pot. What say we attract new business to Crestwood the old fashioned way, we go out and ask for it!

Tom Ford


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Holiday lights ceremony at City Hall!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, last year the holiday lights remained off due to budget cut's, Etc. This year what say we celebrate the re-lighting of Crestwood!

Please see below for the date and time, I hope we can get as many folks out as possible!

Tom Ford


What: Holiday Lights Ceremony @ City Hall
Date: Wednesday December 6, 2006
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Description: Mayor Robinson will kick off the Holiday season by turning on the Holiday lights at City Hall (Crestwood Government Center) on December 6th at 6:00 p.m. Please come enjoy and celebrate. It has been a very productive and joyful year here at the heart of the City and we want you to celebrate with us. Sperreng Middle School's show choir “Synchronicity” will be here to perform. Please join in the joy of the season.

Where: Crestwood government Center
1 Detjen Dr.
Crestwood, MO 63126
Contact Info: City Hall

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

FLASH! The Suncrest Call praises Crestwood Aldermen!

In what can only be described as a startling epiphany Mr. Burke Wasson has written an editorial in favor of Crestwood, and two of our Aldermen! This is rare that an editorial in the Call comes out in favor of Crestwood in any way, shape or form.

Now in all fairness, Mr. Wasson, as I have stated before has been forthright in his reporting, but still he does work for (you know who,) and I would never have believed that the management would have allowed such a thing! Still I have lingering doubts that the person in the "granny" outfit is not in fact the wolf.

I know, I am just an old curmudgeon who dis-trusts everything, and everybody, and some will call me paranoid (they have,) but I seem to remember a man named Nevil Chamberlin standing on the top step of his aircraft waving a document, and proclaiming "peace in our time, Heir Hitler has signed a peace accord."

I hope and pray that we shall see some more civil reporting by the Call reference Crestwood, but as for me, well "show me!"

Please click on the header to be directed to this weeks edition of the Call, and the stories therein.

Tom Ford

NO. 251

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Thanksgiving remembrance, happy Thanksgiving Crestwood!

Please click on the header for a Thanksgiving remembrance! May you and yours enjoy a blessed, and joyous Thanksgiving!

Tom Ford

NO. 250

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

This weeks issue of the Suncrest Call is out!

Well this week there is not much on Crestwood for a change, but still there are, as always some interesting articles to read!

As usual, please click on the header to be directed to the papers web site.

Tom Ford


Monday, November 13, 2006

New on line Social Security scam alert!

For those of us in Crestwood who are on Social Security, or who deal with the Social security system, please read this alert on a new scam!

We at TSCL just became aware of a vicious fraud that is targeting seniors via email, and we wanted you to know about it right away.

A series of emails has been circulating, usually with the subject line: "Cost of Living for 2007 Update" and purporting to be from the Social Security Administration (SSA). It requests that readers click a link to "update your personal information." Once you click, you go to a site that looks like the official Social Security site, and you're asked to type your Social Security number.

The Social Security Administration issued a press release about this which we have reproduced in total on our web site. (

In general, you should NEVER put your Social Security number into a web site, and in general you should be very careful about web sites that are linked from emails. You should bookmark sites like ours so you know that you're always getting to the real McCoy.

We urge you to circulate this email to your friends who are also on Social Security to make sure they aren't duped by this fraud. If anyone is suspicious about an email, there's a web site where they can report it to the SSA.

Please, read the full information at our web site and forward this to all your friends who may be on Social Security. Remind them that they can get important news like this if they sign up for a free email subscription to the Social Security and Medicare Advisor. (


Shannon Benton
Executive Director
TREA Senior Citizens League

Tom Ford

NO. 248

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Happy veterans day Ladies and Gentlemen!

Please click on the header for one of my favorite renditions.

May God bless and keep our young men and women fighting for us today, and for those who protected us in the past, THANK YOU!

Tom Ford, (USN)


Friday, November 10, 2006

Board of Aldermen meetings for November.

Please click on the header for the dates and times of the BOA meetings to be held this month.

Looks as though there will be some interesting subjects, so why not try to attend. Who knows, with luck we may even see one of our "missing" Aldermen come back!

Tom Ford

NO. 246

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

This weeks edition of the Suncrest Call, or how to bash the Mayor!

It seems that our old friend Mike Anthony is back in the editorial chair this week again, and is blasting Mayor Robinson for Leadership? I find this interesting as Mr. Anthony has always had his opinions on what to do in Crestwood, unfortunately, he never has any solutions!

He is waxing eloquently once again on the debt issue, and this time he has help from Mr. Trueblood who has also written a letter to the editor about the same thing. Now I don't have any problem with Mr. Trueblood stating his beliefs,as he has paid his dues over the years, and deserves the right to be heard. Mr. Trueblood and I have disagreed on many things, and agreed on others, but I have always respected him for speaking his mind and sticking by what he said!

Mr. Anthony on the other hand attempts to give the reader the impression that he, and only he knows what's best for Crestwood, not the people in the trenches every day at City hall, but the vaunted editor twice removed from the battle!

Mayor Robinson, like him or not, has worked very hard to bring us back from the brink, and he continues to put forth ideas for future success. That my friends is leadership. Leadership is moving forward making the tough decisions, and not worrying about whether your going to be invited for Christmas dinner by this or that group! By comparison, it seems to me that Mr. Anthony comes up short. In fact my friends in Texas have a saying "all hat and no cows!" Seems right to me!

By the way, click on the header for the stories!

Tom Ford

NO. 245

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

St. Louis County election results (after 7:05 PM)

Ladies and Gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the County election board mid day results. These will be available after the polls close at 7;00pm tonight.


Tom Ford


Friday, November 03, 2006

Reasons to vote no on the Crestwood Charter Nov. 7, 2008 !!!

On Tuesday November 7, 2006 I am voting NO on all five crestwood Charter propositions, here's why.

Proposition 1 is supposed to contain nothing more than housekeeping items, but read the fine print! Unfortunately it contains more than housekeeping, and here are a couple of examples.

Proposition 1 gives the BOA the option to remove the City clerk from the job protection of "civil service." Proposition 1 could find the City clerk coming under the unique influence of the City Administrator! Proposition also removes the current requirement that the C/A prepare a five year plan!

Proposition 2 removes "term limits." Crestwood's term limits are not very restrictive, they merely require that a Mayor, or Alderman not serve more than 3 three-year terms in a row. Do we have someone trying to get back into office?

Proposition 3 adds censure to the Charter. The problem with censure is that a simple majority of the board can use it as a club to quiet any desenting voice, by, by democracy!

Proposition 4 and 5 would reduce the numbers of signatures needed for a referendum or recall petition. Again do we have someone looking a re-calling the Mayor, or BOA member?

The current Charter is working. In the past two years we have had a new Mayor, a new C/A, and four new Alderman. The City is recovering, so won't you please join me on November 7th. And vote NO on the five charter propositions.

Tom Ford

NO. 243

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

This weeks copy of the Suncrest Call is out, and..............................

Guess what, Mike Anthony thinks the Charter change is ok! Imagine that, a liberal who wants to tear down out town thinks it's ok!

Well, there are some very good articles about Crestwood from Mr. Burke Wasson that will offset the liberal mind he works with, so jump right in and read up a storm. As you know if you click on the header, you will be directed to the call.

Tom Ford

NO. 242