Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wed. 2/28/07 edition of the call newspapers!

Folks, we have some interesting articles on the "animal control" issue from the meeting on 2/22/07! If, you as I, did not make it to the meeting this will bring you up to speed on this issue.

There are other articles, as well as an editorial by Mr. Burke Wasson that create food for thought, so please read, and enjoy.

Tom Ford

NO. 292

Saturday, February 24, 2007

"If you were running Crestwood what would you do to make life better for our community?"

"Tom, how about a thread that gets people to brainstorm the top ten things Crestwood needs to do to be a successful City?"

"If you were running Crestwood what would you do to make life better for our community?"

This idea came from one of our gentle blogger's, and it's a very good one! So what say we all take a look at where we live, and come forth with some positive ideas that we can take to the Mayor, and the BOA.

I am going to take "editorial license" on this topic, and advise you now that I will delete any remarks made that slam any board member, the Mayor, and City employees.

This thread is for ideas, and ideas only! Were going to leave off the petty bickering (one way or the other,) so post away!

Tom Ford

NO. 291

Thursday, February 22, 2007

This weeks edition of the Sun Crest call, direct from Houston, Texas

Interesting as usual, but more so as the Big Bend Crossing project approved by the P & Z board on February 14, 2007 was tabled with a no vote on a second reading by Alderman Jerry Miguel!

Time will tell if this was a mistake or not.

Tom Ford

NO. 290

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Trolls, do we have any on the Crestwood Independent?

Click on the headder to be directed to a site that will answer a lot of questions as to why some of the inane comment's we get on this blog are there.

The "troll's" (they know who they are,) are are to be pittied, as they do not wish to join a group to be of any help, only to disrupt it.

Take a look, and see if you think we have any here.

Tom Ford

NO. 289

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Would anyone like to suggest a title for a thread?

If you have a topic to post, please send it to me via E-mail, and I will put iy on the blog for you. This blog is for all of us, so please let us hear from you!

Tom Ford
NO. 288

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This weeks edition of the Suncrest Call on line paper.

Not very much on Crestwood this week, but we are mentioned on the front page for the civil service board meeting. Interesting read none the less.

Tom Ford

NO. 287

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Crestwood Connections newsletter.

Just a reminder that a "Town Hall" meeting to discuss the proposed animal ordinance is on tap for February 22, 2007 at Whitecliff Park. We are all very interested in the out come of this project, so I ask as many of you as can attend, please do so.

I would also like input from an attendee as I will be in Houston, Texas for a Meeting on the night of the forum.

Tom Ford

NO. 286

Thursday, February 08, 2007

State representative Patrick James Murphy (ret.) in hospital!

Mr. Murphy has suffered a broken left hip in a fall two days ago. The operation to repair the damage was very successful, and he may be moved to St. Mary's (Ortho. rehab,) on Saturday, or Sunday if the progress continues!

For now you can call his room (966-1500, St. Joseph's Hospital, Kirkwood, room 3116.) I would call before you visit as he is still somewhat sedated from the operation, and you don't want to miss seeing, and talking to him.

Please join my family, and I in a prayer for his speedy recovery.

Tom Ford

NO. 285

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Feb. 7, 2007 issue of the Suncrestcall, or why your glad you aren't on the Civil Service Board!

Please click on the header to be directed to this week's issue of the call. The City took a triple hit this week that even brought Mike Anthony back to the editors pulpit for some well chosen remarks!

First we have the Civil Service Board followed by the comments reference the "City Spokesman" by Mr. Anthony, and last a look into the Crestwood Point, TDD issues. This is great reading folk's, and food for thought (not to mention blogging!)


Tom Ford

NO. 284

Sunday, February 04, 2007

A very interesting article pertaining to, well-------------Liberalism!

From the start please let me assure you that this is not a reflection of any readers of this blog, living or dead! Nor is it a reflection on Crestwood, or prior leaders, current leaders, wanna be leaders, ETC! I present this only as a study for your edification and enjoyment. Let's see who comes down on the side of this, should be lively!.

Radical Liberal Psychosis
By Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr, MD
Sunday, February 4, 2007

Certain neurotic themes are dominant in the radical liberal minds perceptions of the world. All of them portray the citizen as a suffering child who is victimized, helpless and in need of rescue. All are evident in various liberal platforms. They represent the liberal minds transference of childhood dynamics into the world of adult relationships. As expressed in his most passionate political pronouncements, the radical liberal mind believes that:

A very large portion of the population is suffering; they are suffering because they are deprived, neglected, exploited or abused.
They are suffering because of certain injustices inflicted upon them.

They are helpless to stop their suffering.
Bad people, such as capitalists and the rich, cause the victims to suffer by depriving, neglecting, exploiting and abusing them.
These bad people are villains who must be stopped from preying on their victims.

The villains are ruthless, powerful, selfish, cruel and mean spirited.

The bad institutions supported by the villains are economic, social and political in nature; they include free market capitalism, basic property rights, strict moral and ethical accountability, reasonable social decorum, personal and financial responsibility, individual sovereignty, and justice based on merit and desert.

These bad institutions promote economic enslavement, social discrimination, political disenfranchisement, exploitation of minorities, forced pregnancies, and coercive advertising, among other things.

The people are innocent victims; they have no important role in causing their suffering.
Modern liberals see themselves as heroes whose mission is to rescue the victims from the villains.

Modern liberals in their own minds are compassionate, wise, empathetic and nurturing.

Modern liberals are devoted to saving the victims from the villains just as nurturing parents protect their children from harm by others.

Like children, most citizens cannot adequately direct or manage their own lives.

Most citizens need a powerful liberal government to direct and manage their lives.

Because the villains and their institutions are ruthless and powerful, the people need a powerful liberal government, The Modern Parental State, to protect them from the villains and the institutions supported by the villains, and additionally, to protect the citizens from themselves by controlling objects and substances that could be harmful to the populace.

The Modern Parental Nanny-State is the answer to problems created by the villains as well as the probelms created by the citizens themselves.

The Modern Parental State will rescue the people and protect them from the villains and from other misfortunes brought about by the citizes doing things that are not in their own best interests.

The Modern Parental State will nurture the people by providing for all their needs and desires.

The Modern Parental State will blame and punish the villains for their deprivation, neglect, abuse and exploitation of the victims.

Much of the suffering of the victims comes from too much freedom in economic markets, which allows the villains to exploit the victims for unjust gain.

Proper controls instituted by The Modern Parental State to regulate the markets will prevent the villains from economically exploiting the victims.

The Modern Parental State will cure the deprivation, neglect, exploitation and abuse of the victims by taking the wealth, power and status of the villains away from them and redistributing it to the victims.

Some of the suffering of the victims comes from too much personal freedom but too little social freedom and too many restrictions on behavior in social situations.

The Modern Parental State will lower the standards of social conduct in order to free the victimized citizen from guilt and from adverse legal consequences when he acts criminally, irresponsibly or offensively. But those who tend to work hard an play by the rules need to have their activities closly restricted because by acting responsibly they forfeit their victim status.

By remaking the institutions of society, The Modern Parental State will liberate the victims from exploitation and oppression by the villains.

The libertarian structure of ordered liberty grounded in basic property and contract rights allows the villains to exploit the victims.
The Modern Parental State will eliminate these individual rights and create a new political architecture for a secure society modeled on the loving nurturing family.

These and related themes of deprivation and neglect, exploitation and abuse, domination and control, blaming and punishing, caring and caretaking, protection and security, rescuing and nurturing all are the radical liberal minds unconscious projections of early childhood dynamics transferred into the political arenas of adult life. These projections define the transference neurosis of the radical liberal mind:

They are the liberals projections of a painful neurotic disorder; they are the legacy of his childhood.

They represent his desperate longings for attachment, attention, affection, empathy, significance, esteem, adoration, recognition, indulgence, relatedness, guidance, direction, belonging and love.

They represent his desperate efforts to heal real emotional wounds that he suffered when he was, in fact, significantly deprived, neglected, exploited or abused.

They are his efforts to defend against his suffering by constructing an idealized world of loving care and exemption from responsibility; he seeks a world that will compensate him for the traumas of his childhood, relieve his neediness, indulge his impulses and heal the enduring wounds to his soul.

They are distorted perceptions of the real world of economic, social and political processes; the liberal agenda is based on these transference perceptions.

Unfortunately, all of the radical liberals efforts based on these perceptions are badly misguided.

Because he does not understand the childhood origins of his pain, he projects his neurosis into a contemporary world of imagined villains, victims and heroes. Once he locates himself in this world, he hopes to find in the ministrations of the Modern Parental State what he missed as a child. He may not admit to himself or others that he did, in fact, suffer early wounds. If he does admit this fact, he will not realize that his wounds drive his political views. If he realizes this causal connection, he will not admit it to others.

Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr, MD is the author of The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

Tom Ford


Saturday, February 03, 2007

40,000 hits on this little old blog! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who would have thought that we would reach a milestone like this! Good job Crestwood, we have,and will continue to share our thought's for the betterment of our City, and I thank you all for it!

Tom Ford

NO. 282

Thursday, February 01, 2007

The TDD meeting for Crestwood Point.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I attended the Crestwood point TDD meeting today, and I believe I came away with a better understanding of where this is going. There is a sense of urgency to move this thing forward, but as I see it, it can't be done until all the facts are in.

Comments made by the TDD board members showed me that they were no where near approval of this funding to THF in the amount of $850,000.00 for the two parcels of property know as the Rosebrook Realty/ swim club, and the City hall parking lot (deeded to the City by the swim club for $1.00!)

They have selected a new appraiser to re-think the $88,000.00 that originally was give by St. Louis County, and that appraiser has a clause in his bid that says the public may not be informed of the name of the appraiser, nor any of the contents of the appraisal! Mayor Robinson said that the clause would have to change for the City to accept their proposal, so we shall see.

All in all, the contract will have to be amended for us to accept the appraiser, the City will have to approve it, the BOA will have to approve it, and then if we are all in agreement the new appraisal will take place.

The next hurdle in this chess game is for THF, Armstrong Teasdale attorneys to prove to us that this is correct (to re-emburse the THF, Rosebrook Realty $850,000.00 to buy the parcel of land.) They didn't come close today believe me!

"Trust but verify" as Ronald Reagan said, so on to the next meeting! As I have said many times, explain to me like I'm a three year old how this is can stand the light of day!

Look for extensive reporting on this as Mr. Burke Wasson of the Suncrest Call was in attendance, so wait for next Wednesday's edition to be on your lawn, or on the blog!

Tom Ford
