Thursday, June 28, 2007

Crestwood BOA meeting on 6/25/07 (interesting.)

From what I gather from my "cub reporter's" the meeting had a few bumps in the road. One of the major ones was the THF Realty Co. coming back for an extra 42K for the Kohl's / swim club deal. It seems that Mr. Klarr feels that that if the TDD can't do it, let's go for the TIF!

Now that's a rather novel idea to have us tax payers cough up the loot, but due to the diligent work by a few, it failed the first reading! I believe Martha Duchild deserves a great deal of credit for explaining that while legal, it's still wrong!

Our City attorney said it was legal, Mr. Klarr said it was legal, but the board saw through the smoke to see what was in fact the right thing to do, and killed it for now! (write your Alderman, tell him how you feel about this travesty!)

The one thing that really bothers me in this entire mess is our new C/A pushing for this! Frank, why is that? The City has nothing to gain here, we have nothing to gain here, so what's your sudden interest in this fiasco all about?

While I am at it Frank, why are people telling me that your having meetings with the Alderman outside City hall? I just would like to point out that "lobbying" Aldermen is not part of the job description of any City Administrator I have ever heard of! I trust these "lunch's" are not on the City expense account!

Tom Ford


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"The local Paper" is upset that they didn't get an engraved invitation to meetings!

Once again the editor of the "local paper?" is up in arms that they were not personally notified of meeting dates in Crestwood! Why, he Even went so far as to invoke the name of a past City administrator (now deceased,) who would always let them know of meetings.

Is it me, or is it the job of a "newspaper editor" to do a bit of leg work to find out when a meeting is scheduled? My goodness Even a "one eyed old fat man" who writes a blog here in town knows when the meetings are! How you say, well I look on the Crestwood web site, that's how.

Mr. editor, take your self absorbed liberal bent somewhere else, were all stocked up here in Crestwood, and believe it or not, we couldn't care less how you feel about not being "invited!"

Tom Ford

NO. 347

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A quote from Ronald Reagan on God and this Nation!

This is a quote by what I think is one of our finest Presidents to date! Ronald Reagan, in my mind did more to save this great nation from the dark despair of communist rule than any man in history.

Is it any less important in 2007 than when he said it? No, not one bit, but I do think it bears another read before the country falls from within!

"Without God, there is no virtue, because there’s no prompting of the conscience. Without God, we’re mired in the material, that flat world that tells us only what the senses perceive. Without God, there is a coarsening of the society. And without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure. If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”
– Ronaldus Magnus (Ronald Reagan)

Reflect on this folks, it's the truth!

Tom Ford

NO. 346

Friday, June 22, 2007

Crestwood picks up a liquor license with the $1.00 dollar parking deal!

Well folks if you were wondering what "other considerations" meant in the land deal for the pool parking lot, I think we found it. It seems that a liquor license has been issued to the swim club (as it should have been,) but the license is issued for 904 Rayburn Av. Where is that you ask? Well that is the 54 space parking lot deeded to Crestwood for "$1.00 and other consideration" in the Kohl's TDD deal. Now that same 904 was the pool tennis courts, and all was well then, but now things have changed (the TDD.)

It seems that the holders of the licence forgot to transfer it to the pool address (1275 So. Sappington,) so I am not sure that it's valid, and if it is,what is the liability to the City as the property owner? In my opinion the City does not need the potential liability that goes with the license. It's their license, but it's our property! Will the owners of the licence please transfer it to the correct address ASAP so were off the hook? I hope so.

Tom Ford
NO. 345

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The "local paper" has "issues" with the recient audit!

In a stunning editorial that came out this week, a local "paper" asks the question reference the audit just announced. Now, I know they know the answer to the question, but I will lay it out for them.

Boy's, it's all a matter of trust, nothing more, nothing less. The Citizens of Crestwood are forming a trust in this administration that was sorely lacking in the previous two. You see, it's not a matter of who hires whom, but do we believe in the people who hired them?

You profess to be learned men with a proclivity for finding the truth, and yet you ask the obvious questions, the answers to which are known to most all here in Crestwood. Now just why would that be? I reject your premise that "politics's" is the answer, and put forth the hypothesis that your editorial was designed to create "readership" for your increasingly shrinking public!

Tom Ford

NO. 344

Monday, June 18, 2007

Crestwood independent back from vacation!

Ladies and Gentlemen, a great time was had by all! relaxing, fun in the sun, and wonderful walleye fishing! Now were home and ready to return to "most of the news." (click for web site of the Island, I am a lucky one, we have a place to stay there.)

What shall we take up now? The Crestwood day parade ( I understand that there will be at least 100 units, and the grand marshal (Mickey Carrol, from the "wizard of oz!) as well as great food and drink!

The on-going "pool" question? Nah, why bother.

The Watson Rd. corridor, or Crestwood businesses? Well, if one or all of these interest you, please jump in! The water is fine, and I paid for it!

Tom Ford

NO. 343

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Crestwood celebrates it's 60th. annniversary June 23, 2007!

Please click on the header to be directed to the Crestwood web site information page. This is shaping up to be a great celebration, so please mark your calender, and be sure to make it.

Tom Ford

NO. 342

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Great game for the young, and the "wannabe" young!

Please click on the header to be directed to the "Parachute game!" Please try not to spend all day on this (unless your a kid.)

Tom Ford

NO. 341

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Please click on the header to be directed to a video on U-tube. I warn you that this is a "Kleenex moment" so get it out before you view this.

It was done by a 15 year old girl who knew what she wanted to say!

Please thank a service person for their sacrifice in protecting this great Nation when you see one, and enjoy the video.

Tom Ford

NO. 340

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Which Star Treck charactor are you? a neat test!

This is a neat test from "Dales blog." Just click on the header to be directed to the site. By the way, I turned out to be "Worf!" imagine that! By the way, why not share your results with us, I did.

Have fun!

Tom Ford

NO. 339