Monday, March 31, 2008

Off duty Crestwood police officer AIDS County officer under attack!

On Sunday night While off duty, and getting gas, with his wife in the vehicle officer Mike Ford witnessed a St. Louis County police officer at the 7-11 station, corner of Rt.21 and Gravois become involved in a physical altercation while attempting to effect an arrest of a wanted subject.

Officer Ford came to the aid of the County officer, and after a short but very physical altercation assisted in subduing the suspect and completed the arrest in conjunction with the County officer.

Why do I tell you this? Well, we have had some posts about how we need St. Louis County to patrol our streets, but in this case (as it would be in Crestwood,) there was no other County officer to help the officer in question. That is not a good thing by any stretch of the imagination!

I think we should be very proud of the men and women who put our (and others) safety above theirs, for without them to guard us the enemy would surely be at the gates in no time flat!

Tom Ford

NO. 484

Sunday, March 30, 2008

For the entire family, a scale model B-29 and Bell X-15 in flight!

Click on the header to see the video. Just imagine the time and money the builder must have put into this model!

I thought we all needed a break, so this is for the whole family to enjoy, so turn up the sound, sit back, and watch!

Tom Ford

NO. 483

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rumors abound that the Mall is sold, but is it? (update! IT"S SOLD!)

Several bloggers have written to tell me that the Mall has been sold, but I wonder, has it indeed been finalized?

It seems there is some reference to the sale in the "paper" but they have been wrong in the past so I remain on the side of the skeptics. I called an Alderman to ask for his in-put and was told he had a call saying it would close on Thursday, and it was sold. That said however, he also told me that he has no concrete proof that it sold, or it will close, so..........

Watch this site for further developments as the do, or do not occur.

UPDATE ON THE MALL SALE!: I just received a phone call to tell me that the packets were delivered to the Aldermen late this morning, and they contain information from legal representatives from two companies, (one in New York, and one in Chicago)that have combined to purchase the Mall. I drove past there, and all but one Westfield signs have been removed, so I now believe it's a "done deal!"

I have no information at this time as to what will be going in there, but the stores have been told it will remain open at this time, and possibly through the renovation period, so this is good news.

Tom Ford

NO. 482

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fellow blogger has questions on clothing donations, and taxes!

Do we have anyone who can help out here? These are very interesting questions indeed.

Tom Ford

NO. 481

"Tom, below is an idea for the blog, if you want to put it on there. Have been getting lots of calls from "Charity Clothing" and "Children's Home Society" - same people. However, I finally got curious and asked them who they were. The lady was flabbergasted and had to go get someone who read me a bunch of stuff which made no sense and was unable to tell me where the clothes, go or any other info which would identify them. Kinda got my curiosity up... I then went to a web site about Clothing Donation Funds which really got my curiosity up, and did not list the above, nor the clothing drop boxes sitting all over the place, usually 2 on each site.

Also, my tax person told me there is a form one can fill out by the end of April about your property taxes being so exorbitant (mine went up 549.00) and that is exorbitant. She did not know the name of form or where to get it. Do you know?

Well, I do not know, but I bet someone on here will have an answer!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

One of the finest messages on life, and living I believe I have ever heard!

Folks, please click on the header for the lecture by a PHD that will be leaving us very soon!

There is nothing I can add to this, so...........

(PS: if you cant see this video, here is the link.

Tom Ford

NO. 480

Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter Crestwood!

If you will click on the header you will find a fun Easter Egg Hunt game for the kids! For that matter, try it yourself, and see how long it takes you to find all the eggs!

May all of you enjoy the blessings on our saviour on this most holiest of days, and may you all enjoy prosperity, and good health for the year. For our sick and distressed neighbors, may the Lord bless you and return you to full health and harmony!

Tom Ford

NO. 479

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fuel prices are through the roof and climbing!

Ladies and gentlemen there really is nothing we can do to change this mess, but there are a couple of things we can do while at the pump to save some money!

You may have heard or seen these before, buy I think that bear repeating as we slide to the four and five dollar a gallon pricing they have on the west coast! So on to the tips.

"Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the gasoline, when it gets warmer gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening..... your gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role. A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.

When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode. If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. In slow mode you should be pumping on low speed, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money..

One of the most important tips is to fill up when your gas tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is, the more gas you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the gas and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every gallon is actually the exact amount.

Another reminder, if there is a gasoline truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT fill up--most likely the gasoline is being stirred up as the gas is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom. Hope this will help you get the most value for your money"

Please click on the header, place your zip code in the box, and it will direct you to the best gas pricing in the area! I know this is a difficult time, and I hope this helps somewhat.

Tom Ford

NO. 478

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's day Crestwood!

If you would please be so kind as to click on the header you will find a card and a game for the kids to play!

St. Patties day has a long and fine tradition here in Crestwood, as well as St. Louis! No doubt there will be plenty of green beer flowing (Arch Bishop Burk's edict not withstanding.)

May you all have a blessed and safe day, and my the wind be always at your back, the ground rise up to meet you, and pleasure and fortune follow you!

Tom Ford

NO. 477

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Que Pasa Restaurant closes on Watson Rd. in Sunset Hills!

While driving past the fairly new Mexican Restaurant (Que Pasa,) I noticed a for sale / for lease sign in the front, and the business shuttered!

I for one am sorry they couldn't make the business go, but given the option, I am very happy that "Las Margarita's" in Crestwood has endured! I confess that I have never been to the Sunset Hills establishment, but I will tell you that ours has very good Mexican food, and it's a fun place to be!

Again my condolences to the owners of Que Pasa, and my congratulations to Las Margarita's for staying the course.

Please join me in patronising "our" Mexican Restaurant, and may the prosper in the future! And by the way, please click on the header for reviews, and other local restaurants!

Tom Ford

NO. 476

Monday, March 10, 2008

Benefit pool tournament to be held on Saturday, march 29th. for the fallen Kirkwood officers families!

A benefit pool tournament will be held noon Saturday, March 29th at The Phoenix ( on Lemay Ferry, just north of Lindbergh). All proceeds will benefit the families of the two fallen Kirkwood police officers, Officer Ballman and Sgt. Biggs.
The entrance fee is just $20 and they'll be a bunch of prizes. This will be a two out of three, single elimination tournament.
This should be a good time and a great way to help these families out. Hope to see you there.
Mike Heins

As you can see I received this from Mike Heins, a south county fellow blogger. This sounds like a great way to donate, and have a good time with fellow pool players. I admit, I am probably one of the worst pool players on the planet, but I will enter this one to help the families defray some of their expenses.

Why not come out and "shoot your best stick" as they say.

Tom Ford

NO. 475

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Mayor Roy Robinson, what has he done for Crestwood, right or wrong?

Well quite a few of you have posted both plus and minus items reference Mayor Robinson, so I thought I would start an AD HOC thread.

I will start this off by saying that anything that is extremely derogatory that you will not sign your name to will be removed by me! If you feel that you must "save Crestwood by telling all" you are required to have the courage of your convictions by telling us who you are!
If you cant, or wont do that, save your fingertips because it will be gone.

That said, I have been around this City for some time myself, and I believe Mayor Robinson really does care about Crestwood, why? Well look at the time he spends working with developers, and prospective business people. I have personally called him to set up meetings with businesses that wanted to move to Crestwood, and not once was I told he was unavailable.

Some have stated that he ran off two of the three City Administrators we have ever had. Well he did one, and the second was the choice of the C/A, and not the Mayor. I believe when the dust settles on this latest move you will find that it was a conflict of personalities between some on the Board, and the C/A. People do come and go for a variety of reasons, and not all of them can be attributed to one person, just look at your work, and you will see what I mean.

The Mayor found himself in a rather poor position when he took over from the previous regime, and I firmly believe he did the best he could with the hand he was dealt. Now, one does not step into a job knowing everything there is to be known about it, the very nature of the job requires OJT! I believe he has grown into the position very well indeed.

Think of yourself being placed in a position where you really don't know the whole story, and then finding out some rather disturbing things, What would you do? And that folks is the real crux of this discussion, what would you and I do? We all had a chance to pick up our banner and run for Mayor, but none of us did that now did we. So, in my humble opinion, I will stay with the guy that brought me this far as I see no-one else in this town who even wants the job enough to put up five bucks and the signatures to challenge him!

Tom Ford


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Do you, or one of your kids recognise these two?

Photo removed due to capture and only one suspect being charged.

What we have here is a surveillance camera photo of the two suspects in the Crestwood Starbucks robbery / and now murder! Folks we are the eyes and ears of our police, and if this sort of behavior is to ever stop they need our help!

If you have any information on either one of these please call our detectives and give it to them, you never know what little item will lead to the arrest, so make the call.

Tom Ford


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

C/A Frank Myers resigns effective March 28, 2008!

City Administrator Mr. Frank Myers has resigned effective march 28th and will assume the position of City Administrator in Glendale, MO.

Frank came to us in rather troubling times, and has assisted in the turn around that Crestwood is experiencing now.

We wish Frank and his family all the best as he assumes his new position in Glendale.

Now, what do we do at City hall? I am thinking that a couple of positions can be shifted around and that should give the City the funds it needs to hire a professional accountant to fill the C/A job, as it seems to me we need a numbers person in that slot.

Time is not on our side as the Mall project as well as other projects will be moving forward soon, and we need a C/A in place to help the Mayor, and the BOA secure the best deal for Crestwood.

Tom Ford


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Crestwood news from the South County Times.

Please click on the header to be directed to the articles on the kids Easter Egg hunt as well as the street repair program for 2008.

I hope you had a chance to get outdoors today as it was magnificent weather to enjoy. I am starting to believe that spring is not all that far off, and with spring comes the rejuvenation of our grass, trees, and City.

Folks, please don't forget to vote in the April election's! A great many people fought and died to insure you have that right, so please do not let them down!

Tom Ford

NO. 471

Saturday, March 01, 2008

For our WW 2 vet's and family members!

Before you click on the header to hear the music please take some time to read the story below.

In the early morning hours of a summer evening in 2002, Dr. Sam Bierstock was returning from a cross-country trip.

Better known as "Dr. Sam" to millions of people, the doctor had just performed an engagement with his band, "Dr. Sam & the Managed Care Blues Band ®". A professional musician and entertainer as well as a physician.

On this particular evening, Dr. Sam was tired. He had parted with his band members and was headed home from a cross-country gig that had returned him to his home base in Florida at 1 AM. After retrieving his car from the parking lot, he handed his parking ticket to the elderly man in the collection booth. Retrieving his change, Dr. Sam wished the attendant a good evening. He was somewhat startled when he received an unexpected angry and resentful reply. " I took two bullets for this country," the attendant responded, "and look what I am doing now!"

Uncertain as to how to respond initially, Dr. Sam pocketed his change, rolled up his window and began to drive off. The time that it took to drive ten or fifteen feet from the toll booth was enough for him to digest what had just happened. With no one behind him, Dr. Sam backed up, rolled down his window and addressed the elderly attendant. "Sir", he said, " I have had a wonderful life in this country, and I want to thank you sincerely for what you did to preserve our way of life in this country." Saying nothing in response, the man began to cry.

As he drove home in those early morning hours, Dr. Sam was haunted by what had just occurred. As a 'Baby Boomer" his early years of life were within a decade of the end of the Second World War. His step-father had been wounded in Italy, and other family members had served in the armed forces. Distant relatives had perished in the holocaust. What would have happened, he thought, if we had lost World War Two to Hitler and his Nazi henchmen? He realized that not only would our entire way of life and system of freedom been destroyed, his parents and grandparent would have been killed, he would never have been born and his children would not exist. The same fate would have been met by virtually all other members of minorities, many religious groups, and the disabled. The personal freedoms that we take so much for granted would have disappeared. "How", he thought, "do you thank someone enough for the existence of your children, and for all of the freedoms and opportunities that we all take so much for granted?"

The next morning, Dr. Sam wrote the lyrics to "Before You Go". The lyrics came easily to him since they came so much from the heart. The challenge then came in setting them to music.

For months he struggled with finding just the right musical genre. Should it be a patriotic song resounding with majesty, or a country tune? He had consulted several well known and successful professional song writers who felt that his lyrics were more of a "poem" than song lyrics and suggested that he re-work them. But what he had written was what he felt, so he resisted a change in wording. He sent the lyrics to fellow musicians, and to authors of film scores. No one seemed to take interest or express a willingness to tackle the lyrics and the message.

During the summer of 2005, Dr. Sam was on his way to yet another gig with his band. The band had a new keyboard player, John Melnick. Classically trained as a pianist, and a seasoned singer and entertainer, John was on his first road trip with the band with scheduled stops in Philadelphia and Scottsdale. Walking through one of the airports, Dr. Sam casually mentioned to John that he had been struggling with putting some lyrics to music and couldn't seem to find the right fit. "Let me take a shot at it," john offered. The result was "Before You Go"

With the music provided by John Melnick, Dr. Sam went into the studio with John and his production team, John Catalano and Newell Bate. With Andy Russell on drums, John Catalano on guitar and bass, Dr. Sam on harmonica, and John Melnick providing both keyboard and vocals, and Peter White harmonizing, "Before you Go" became a reality at last.

Feeling that they had produced a very high quality "demo" recording, Dr. Sam and John began "shopping" the song in an effort to interest a well-known celebrity singer, certain that a highly recognizable and popular singer would assure that their message of thanks would be spread more quickly if it was recorded by someone of national stature as a recording artist. As negotiations continued, time continued to pass. Acutely aware that the veterans of World War Two were being lost to age and time at a rate of 1,000 to 2,000 per day, they made the decision to release their recording for free listening on the Internet, in the hope that the message would be spread by those who heard their tune and forwarded it on to others. To enhance the impact of the song, Dr. Sam created a visual presentation to accompany the display of his lyrics, attempting to include as many of the branches of service of the armed forces, the allies, both sexes, and as many ethnic groups as possible in order to fortify a recognition of all who had done so much to preserve our way of life - and our very lives.

Within one week, "Before You Go" was being downloaded at a rate of 400 to 500 downloads per day. By the end of the first six weeks, downloads totaled more than 450,000 peaking at 50,000 per day at one point.

Emails began to pour in, with profound expressions of gratitude for the recognition extended to World War Two veterans by the song - not just from veterans of that war themselves, but from veterans of all of the wars since, people in active service, and especially from the sons, daughters and grandchildren of the veterans of World War Two.

Sons and daughters told of their parents and grandparents never talking about what they had seen or experienced during the war. Just as "Before You Go" expressed;

"You never boasted, bragged or asked For adulation for your past You did the job you knew was right And quietly you cry at night."

Our thanks go to all of those who have listened to 'Before you Go" at, and passed it on to friends, family, radio and television stations, printed media, religious groups and organizations of all types.

Dr. Sam's and John Melnick's goal from the beginning has been to get this message to every surviving veteran of World War Two while we still have them, to their families and to their descendants. "Before You Go" has had its own life, thanks to all of you who have helped to spread this message of thanks.

Thank you to all of the "Greatest generation" who, by their sacrifices allow us to post here today, and God willing forever!

Tom Ford

NO. 470