Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Mayor, the Attorney, the Call, and the Citizens!

Scattered out on this blog there are comments both for and against our current City Attorney placed by local Citizens.

I, myself have called for the resignation of our City Attorney, not because I don't like him, but because I think this part of the law is not his forte. As I have stated before, we are entering into a whole new era with the Crestwood Court's, and other development's sure to come to Crestwood.

Some of us have looked at the Attorney Generals web site that covers the Sun Shine Laws, and while we are not lawyers (nor do we play one on TV,) we have come to the conclusion that the "closed door session" was, and is in direct violation of said law's! We know that he feels otherwise, but who is right? Wouldn't it be really ridiculous for two "non lawyers" to be right, and the City Attorney wrong? Well, we will find out as I will be requesting a ruling from the State on this the day after the election, and I will post it for all to see!

The Mayor has stated that he has complete confidence in our City Attorney, and I wonder why? I am not privy to anything at City Hall (and when they read this, it will be a lot less,) but I fail to understand the underpinnings of his belief.

The Sun Crest Call has contacted their attorney who said that we were in direct violation of the "Sun Shine law," but ours said we were not! I guess having two lawyers is like having two watches, you never know what time it is," but we can't have that in Crestwood!

In my humble opinion, as a citizen of this great community, I have lost all faith in the City Attorney, and I firmly believe he should resign to pursue other goals in life. There is no shame in turning over the reins to your successor, only in hanging on when your not wanted!

FLASH! Click on the header to see Missouri Law concerning ballot issues, ET AL. How do all of you interpret this? (The City Attorney has made his ruling.) HUMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!

Tom Ford

NO. 529

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A little old time Catskill Mountain humor to lighten us up a bit!

Folks, if you can read these and not laugh, your wrapped entirely too tight for society!

These were the old time (40's, and 50's) Jewish comedians that came up on the old vaudeville circuit in the Catskill's. These were people who never felt the need for nasty words, never used ethnic slurs, but had such impeccable timing that they could draw a laugh with a look.

I hope all of you enjoy them, and if you too young to know the names, Google them.

"Some of you may remember the old Jewish Catskill comics of Vaudeville days, Shecky Green, Red Buttons, Totie Fields, Milton Berle, Henny Youngman, and others.
Don't you miss their humor? Not one single swear word in their comedy.
Here are some examples:"

There was a beautiful young woman knocking on my hotel room door all night! .....
I finally had to let her out.

A car hit an elderly Jewish man.
The paramedic says, "Are you comfortable?" The man says, "I make a good living."

I just got back from a pleasure trip.
I took my mother-in-law to the airport.

I've been in love with the same woman for 49 years. If my wife ever finds out, she'll kill me!

Someone stole all my credit cards, but I won't be reporting it. The thief spends less than my wife did. We always hold hands.
If I let go, she shops.

My wife and I went back to the hotel where we spent our wedding night, only this time I stayed in the bathroom and cried. She was at the beauty shop for two hours. That was only for the estimate.
She got a mudpack and looked great for two days. Then the mud fell off.

I was just in London - there is a 6-hour time difference. I'm still confused. When I go to dinner, I feel sexy. When I go to bed, I feel hungry.

The doctor gave a man six months to live. The man couldn't pay his bill, so the doctor gave him another six months.

The Doctor called Mrs. Cohen saying, "Mrs. Cohen, your check came back."
Mrs. Cohen answered, "So did my arthritis!"

Doctor: "You'll live to be 60!" Patient: "I AM 60!" Doctor: "See! What did I tell you?"

A doctor held a stethoscope up to a man's chest. The man asks, "Doc, how do I stand?"
The doctor answers "That 's what puzzles me!"

Patient: "I have a ringing in my ears."
Doctor: "Don't answer!"

A drunk was in front of a judge.
The judge says, "You've been brought here for drinking." The drunk says "Okay, let's get started."

A bum asked a fellow, "Give me $10 till payday." The fellow responded, "Whens payday?" The bum said, "I don't know!
You're the one that's working!"

I wish my brother would learn a trade, so I would know what kind of work he's out of.

The Harvard School of Medicine did a study of why women like Chinese food so much.
The study revealed that this is due to the fact that Won Ton spelled backward is Not Now.

A Jewish boy comes home from school and tells his mother he has a part in the play.
She asks, "What part is it?
The boy says, "I play the part of the Jewish husband." The mother scowls and says, "Go back and tell the teacher you want a speaking part."

Tom Ford

NO. 528

Friday, July 25, 2008

We lost a very great man today, Dr. Randy Pausch at 47!

When you think that "all is lost," or things in Crestwood are way out of whack, or your life is a mess, please look at this "Last Lecture," and gain some perspective!

May God bless his family, and take him to his bosom! Randy, you taught me what is really important in life, and what's not! We shall miss you!

Please click on the header to be introduced to Randy's philosophy! (from his "last lecture!")

Tom Ford

NO. 527

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mr. Mike Anthony's editorial in this weeks edition of the Sun Crest Call!

Finally, someone in the media has seen through this extremely thin veneer surrounding our City Attorney, and has brought it to light(bless you Mike!) I need not remind anyone who reads this blog that Mr. Anthony and I have had our differences in the past, but this time he is right on target, and I coulden't agree with him more!

For far too long we have witnessed our City Attorney say "I'll have to get back to you on that," or "I will need to talk to__________ (fill in the blank,) and all for a mere $275.00 per hour!

If we were to take a stroll down memory lane we would see some of the decisions made by him allowing what most believe was conflict of interest on certain issues. We would also see him skirt the "sunshine law" thus rendering it impossible for a private citizen to find out what was going on!

We will be entering into some very important negotiations on Crestwood Courts in the very near future, and we will need an attorney who KNOWS MUNICIPAL LAW to guide us through them else we loose our collective shirts!

I agree with the Call completely that we MUST go shopping for a new City attorney, and right now while we still have time! I have asked for permission to link to Mr. Anthony's editorial, and if he grants it, I will!

OK, who will be the first to agree (or disagree,) on this very important thread. If you agree, call you Alderman, the Mayor, and the City Administrator, and let's get this done!

Great news, I have received the OK to link, and I have. Please click on the header for the story from Mike Anthony and the call! And if you will look under "links" you will find the "I Call" listed so you can just click on it anytime for local news and information! I thank the publisher's for their kind permission to do this.

While your reading Call, please note a very good letter from Crestwood's own Dr. David Brophy who is against the tax increase also!

Tom Ford

NO. 526

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I read the Post Dispatch Sunday Paper today, ad's and all.

Boy now that's a big deal, so what? Well the "so what" can be rather interesting if you take a look at the retail ad's in THIS WEEKS Sunday paper!

The shopkeepers who are advertising this week all have the same theme, "BACK TO SCHOOL" with deep discounts to bring in the public to stock up now!

Here we are in July, the ad's are "back to school," and we have a scheduled "Back to school retail tax holiday" scheduled for August, 2008? Other than the fact that our timing is impeccable as usual, will the shoppers we end up with have any money to spend after the "big sales?" You know that to get the customers in this will be the theme from now on, so why, oh why, did we do this?

I have no idea in the world folks, but I do know we could have used that extra money for something. Reflecting on this "revoltin development," I would score this one, BOA 6, Mayor (and remaining BOA) 3. But the power of a veto, used properly (when you have the votes) trumps all else, so here we go again!

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself" (Franklin Deleno Roosevelt,) and you know what? I am getting worried, and nothing scares me!

Tom Ford


Friday, July 18, 2008

Two very excellent letters to the editor from Crestwood residents re: the tax increase.

Please click on the header to be directed to The South County Times "letters to the editor" section of this weeks paper.

Both Mrs. Duchild, and Mr. Anderson make excellent point's, and have hit the nail on the head as far as I am concerned.

As I have said in the past, please get the TRUTH from both sides of this issue, and vote the way you see it. Your vote is going to be the only way the nine people on the BOA will know what you want, please get to the polls, and vote!

Tom Ford

NO. 524

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Death taxes, and the "annual tax grab season!"

While not about Crestwood, it will give you some idea of just where the "Tax and spend" crowd is headed.

Have a family business? Want to see it evaporate into the coffers of the Feds? Well you may just be given that opportunity my friends.

It has been said that "all politics is local," and I believe it. Now with our City fathers looking for more money to spend, will it be long before the City comes up with a plan to tax the surviving family member?

Ridiculous you say? Well yes, for now, but take a very close look at proposition 1, and tell me if they are going for Real estate, and personal property, can death taxes be far behind? After all it may be the only place left to go when they drain the coffers dry!

Please click on the header for the story, and note it's about my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers!

Tom Ford

NO. 523

Friday, July 11, 2008

Our Governing body wants a .35 per hundred (assessed value) tax increase!

Now on the surface that is a rather daunting figure to say the least! Couple this with a school district that will be back for more money, and a very greedy County who continues to take and take in the form of property tax "re-assessments," and you soon see that we will have nothing left!

As we have not yet slipped into the Marxist state that some feel we should pursue ("To each according to their means, from each according to their means,") I think we must take a very close look at where we are as a City.

First of all, we have a report that was presented to the BOA at the last meeting that shows we have a checking account balance of $5,542,660.00 on hand, with almost all of this years bills paid. The general fund is now $121,959.00 (or 5.2% under last year,) but the good news is the fund is $96,962.00, (or 4.3% over budget.)

As of June,08 we have 60.7% of budgeted general fund revenues. If historical patterns remain the same as in the past several years the general fund will come in at $4,009,798.00 or $160,400.00 over budget.

What the heck does all this mean? Well to me, it means we have the wherewithal to remain solvent this year, and into 2009 without a tax increase. That said we have leaders who will tell you that we cannot survive without one. As I see it, we can, and will survive if the needed cuts are made, if we stop ridiculous spending (a $15,000.00 web site,) and if we all agree to back this sort of thinking!

The Aquatic center will be paid off in 2011 (final payment is now in escrow for 2012,)the Kohl's TIF will be paid off, and unless were foolish enough to grant another ("stimulus package,") we will be back in the black!

What if? These is the tactics being given to us to vote yes, well, OK, what if? Let's say were in dire financial straits in 2009! Well there is still time to pass a tax increase at that time, no? Meanwhile we can always borrow the funds if needed (as we did on a failed police building project.)

I apologize for the length of this rant, but as I am sure you can see, I really do not believe this tax increase is needed at this time! Let's do what we must do at home, CUT THE SPENDING!

"A Crestwoodian voting for a tax increase is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders!"

Clarification: To clarify a couple of points...
The general fund revenues in paragraphs 3 and 4 are strictly general fund sales tax revenues. The Aquatic center is essentially paid off in 2011; most of the final 2012 payment is already in escrow.
The Kohl's TIF will be paid off in 2010.

I know there are many learned people in Crestwood who are for the tax increase, and I invite them to post their comments here. That is what this blog is about, not for smart remarks, but for honest reflections and comments on Crestwood events!

Tom Ford

NO. 522

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Please join me in welcoming our new City administrator, Mr Jim Eckrich!

This is one appointment I can say I fully agree with! I have known, and worked with Jim on several occasions, and I have always found him to be honest, hard working, a great family man, and just the type of person we need in these troubled times!

For once I must say I am impressed with the choice! Please join me in welcoming Mr. Eckrich to his new position, and may we find a replacement Director of Public Works who is as well qualified!

Tom Ford

NO. 521

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Board of Alderman meeting for July 8th, 2008 at 7:00 PM in the Board chambers.

Ladies and Gentlemen, due to the fact that the City web site has apparently been "hacked" I asked Mr. Burke Wasson of the Sun-Crest Call to provide me with a copy of the agenda for the meeting. I am very happy to say that he has done so, and I am going to re-print it here for your information.

7:00 Pm Regular meeting.

1. Call to order

2. roll call

3. Approval of minutes

June 24, 2008 regular meeting

4. Public hearings

5. Reports, presentations, communications and appointments

Proclamation: Sappington House 200th anniversary

Resolution: Karen Rainey

6. Public comment

7. Zoning board report

8. City Administrators report, and associated bills

East west Gateway council of governments agreement (starrs)

Nov 11th BOA meeting conflict date - Veterans day holiday

Discussion of pay plan

9. Perfection of bills

10, introduction of all other bills

11. Reports from Mayor, board members and City attorney

12. Introduction of future bills

13. Old business

14. New business

15. Adjournment

Posted July o3, 2008 at 4:00 PM. (at City Hall)

It should also be noted that there will be a closed door session for personnel matters.

Tom Ford


Thursday, July 03, 2008


Please click on the header for your card. By the way, I am sure the kiddies of the house will have a great time making the interactive celebration happen, so don't forget them!

And while we are remembering, please say a prayer for our men and women in harms way, that they may join us next Fourth of July, so mode it be!

Tom Ford

NO. 519

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Fenton Chrysler plant to close the Mini Van plant, and cut back on the truck plant!

This is very sad news indeed as I am sure we have employees of that facility living right here in Crestwood! The "ripple" effect of this closing in October will be far more reaching however.

There are many parts producing companies in this, and other areas that will be effected as well. While driving today I thought about the likely effect on the local economy, and I am afraid it will not be positive. Now there is no sense in dwelling on this, as it's a "done deal."

I am however struck by the fact that Fenton gave them over 44 Million dollars in tax incentives to stay (TIF, TDD, CID,) and they are willing to walk away from that as if it never happened!

This brings me to the forthcoming Crestwood court's project. I have been told by very knowledgeable sources that the developers of our project may ask for up to 100 Million in tax incentives to get this done! I believe the new buzz word is "phenomenal," well in this case it certainly would be!

We are on the proverbial "pins and needles" now, so how can we give up ANY tax monies for anything? Sorry, but in my humble opinion the developers are going to have to do this one on their own! I greatly appreciate their vision, foresight, and investment in Crestwood, but the well is dry at this point, and I am dead set against any tax incentives for anything not already approved until were back on our financial feet!

Your thoughts please.

Tom Ford

NO. 518