The Mayor, the Attorney, the Call, and the Citizens!
I, myself have called for the resignation of our City Attorney, not because I don't like him, but because I think this part of the law is not his forte. As I have stated before, we are entering into a whole new era with the Crestwood Court's, and other development's sure to come to Crestwood.
Some of us have looked at the Attorney Generals web site that covers the Sun Shine Laws, and while we are not lawyers (nor do we play one on TV,) we have come to the conclusion that the "closed door session" was, and is in direct violation of said law's! We know that he feels otherwise, but who is right? Wouldn't it be really ridiculous for two "non lawyers" to be right, and the City Attorney wrong? Well, we will find out as I will be requesting a ruling from the State on this the day after the election, and I will post it for all to see!
The Mayor has stated that he has complete confidence in our City Attorney, and I wonder why? I am not privy to anything at City Hall (and when they read this, it will be a lot less,) but I fail to understand the underpinnings of his belief.
The Sun Crest Call has contacted their attorney who said that we were in direct violation of the "Sun Shine law," but ours said we were not! I guess having two lawyers is like having two watches, you never know what time it is," but we can't have that in Crestwood!
In my humble opinion, as a citizen of this great community, I have lost all faith in the City Attorney, and I firmly believe he should resign to pursue other goals in life. There is no shame in turning over the reins to your successor, only in hanging on when your not wanted!
FLASH! Click on the header to see Missouri Law concerning ballot issues, ET AL. How do all of you interpret this? (The City Attorney has made his ruling.) HUMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!
Tom Ford
NO. 529