Friday, October 30, 2009

Another animal control person heard from, but now from Sunset Hills (click here)

Well now we have a resident of Sunset Hill's who is "deeply offended" by my remarks in the Times reference animal control! Ms. Gail Baird of Sunset Hills is so offended by my remarks she must be beside herself because she is telling us how to spend Crestwood Money!

Ms. Baird, while you were "blinded" by your Phony rage you missed a couple of salient points, one being that Ms. Sutton is not the "Director" of anything in Crestwood, she is an employee, period!Second, you are without portfolio as you are not a tax payer in Crestwood, nor do you contribute one dime to Crestwood's coffer's as such.

The problem we have here is that you, Ms. Baird have no business what so ever telling Crestwood residents what to do, and how to run our community. If your so interested in animal control why don't you go the a Sunset Hills BOA meeting and tell them to hire Ms. Sutton, and all her wonderful experience away from poor little old Crestwood? You won't do that of course because you know as well as I do that Your Town is very happy with the service it Get's from County and they have no intention to change!

Now one other small request if I may, and that is how about you and whomever else you can drum up in Sunset Hills write a check in the amount of $50,000.00 to cover Ms. Sutton's salary, and then you too can benefit from her wonderful services, because we don't want or need it!

In closing let me say that I find it appalling that you would have the nerve to intrude on a Crestwood decision, as I know of NO ONE from Crestwood who has ever felt the need to intrude on Sunset Hills decisions.

Tom Ford

NO. 688

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday night BOA meeting, and why it's necessary to ask questions with a F.O.I.A. form! (click here for Ms. Wagner's audio!)

From time to time little anomalies creep into the purchasing of item's, ad's and general things that we the taxpayer don't understand. Such an item cropped up not long ago when a FULL PAGE AD showed up on the back cover of the South County Times.

As citizens who believe in OPEN AND TRANSPARENT GOVERNMENT, a couple of us decided to ask why we were doing this, what it cost, and if we were paying for it. To be sure a simple request, but then we found the City telling us the had nothing to do with it (contrary to the page which said "sponsored by the City of Crestwood.")

Well, that didn't set well with us so a Freedom Of Information Act Form was filed to see to whom the bill was sent. It turned out that the Bill was sent to the City of Crestwood, C /O Ms. Connie Melching. Mr. Jim Eckrige said that the bill was to be paid by others, and I questioned why we have our name on it as if the "others" did not pay it we would be responsible for it, a very fair question, no?

Now we fast forward to Tuesday night's Board meeting where Ms. Carol Wagner become upset at the very thought of anyone filing a FOIA request for PUBLIC INFORMATION! How dare anyone question the validity of the bill, or what went on? Well, Ms. Wagner probably because the bill had the Cities name on it, and it was sent to the city, NOT YOUR GROUP!

I am also told that your up-set with the "wasted time" of our City employees in filling the request. Good for you, but that didn't seem to be an issue when the bill was sent to the City, and the Police secretary had to spend her time sorting out the responses did it.

I for one am amazed that as Chairman of the Civil service board you didn't seem to know that this type of second party billing was in direct violation of the City purchasing policy, and as such never should have been done in the first place! Why do I doubt that I could have anyone at City Hall order me a new Shotgun on the City account, and wait for me to bring in the check? Doesn't sound right when you look at it that way does it Ms. Wagner.

I really have a very simple solution to your dilemma Mam, and that is for your excellent group to start a 501 C-3 (Ms. Wheat can advise on those,) or register as a not for profit group with the State, or any other benevolent entity you can hook up with and all the questions will be moot, as you will be placing the order, and making the payment minus the City.

I can assure you that anytime anyone uses the City purchasing power, and purchase order numbers, some of us will question it to the hilt, and well we should! I can only wonder why the City Administrator, and the Board did not do it before we did.

In closing Ms. Wagner may I remind you that every citizen of Crestwood is a tax payer, we, as well as you, foot the bill for everything that goes on at City Hall, and we ALL have not only the right to question, we have the responsibility!

Tom Ford

NO. 687

Friday, October 23, 2009

Letter to the South Country Times says "we need animal control (click here)

In a letter to the Times Ms. Mary Wheat waxes on about how much we need animal control (read dog catcher!) I am posting it here for two reasons, one to show Ms. Wheat that I am really not a "mean spirited" person, or ignorant of the position as she suggests in her letter, but rather a resident who is tired of paying for a special interest group that we do not need!

She states that we do not "duplicate" County animal control, but rather ours does so much more. Let's just look into that for a second. Ms. Sutton is not a sworn officer in Crestwood, or the State, and thus cannot "bring offenders to court" or write tickets as Ms. Wheat contends. Nor is Ms. Sutton a veterinarian who can diagnose animal disease's or give shots legally. So those points go to St. Louis County animal control.

Ms. Wheat also states that our shelter holds animals "until they can be reunited with their owners, or adopted." Well that had best happen in side of seven days because after seven days the animals are transferred to County animal control for?

We have heard all about the "fund raising" programs that Ms. Wheat contends are in
the works to fund Crestwood animal control, so let's explore them now.

1. 501C3 fund: nothing done to date at all.

2. Fund raiser: complete failure.

3. Ability of Ms. Sutton to raise funds: Again not one dime!

Ms. Wheat, I for one think you either have to fund you animal control volunteer group by your selves, or give it up. The problem here is Crestwood does not have the time or the money to pay for what we have seen is "DUPLICATE SERVICES!" I think your group should have been attached to the charitable groups on "Make a difference day." but you weren't. I believe more than 90% (recent poll by the Call) wants to end animal control, and I am one of them.

You See the problem with being liberal thinker is that sooner or later you run out of other peoples money, and your group is at rock bottom here in Crestwood in My opinion.

Now I hope that you understand that this is not, repeat not personal, but just good business, and a needed cut (along with other's) to maintain security for our family, kids, and grand kids. If there ever again comes a time when we can afford our own animal control, it can be revisited, but for now it has to end by December 31,2009.

Tom Ford

NO. 686

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mike Anthony (Call Newspapers) on Roy Robinson (Please click here!)

Once again mr. Anthony has nailed it my friends. How long can Crestwood put up with this "Napoleon complex?" We deserve better than this, and we deserve it sooner rather than later! Roy, I don't know what has happened to you since your second term election, but it's not a good thing believe me.

You have made statements on the Dias reference business not wanting to locate in Crestwood due to all the negative publicity, and for once I agree with you. However have you ever considered that YOU may be the major source of "negative publicity" for Crestwood? I fear you remarks from the Dias have rendered us a laughing stock in S. Louis County, and you have become an ineffective, and tainted leader at best, and at worst a yammering buffoon only concerned with hearing himself talk.Alderman Miguel asked you to apologize, I will take it a step further and ask that you consider resigning.

Tom Ford

NO. 685

Monday, October 19, 2009

In 1948 this cartoon seemed far fetched, not today! (CLICK HERE PLEASE!)

The second I saw this on U-tube I knew it had to go on this blog. This speaks for itself, but I do see a very strong resemblance between the "snake oil salesman" and one or two of our local leaders.

Tom Ford


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"His Honor" refuses to apologize to Webster and Kirkwood for his ridiculous remarks! ( CLICK HERE FOR THE AUDIO!))

Alderman Jerry Miguel requested an apology to our neighbors from "His Honor" only to be rebuked again! Not to be out done, Alderman Miguel quoted from the "internal memo" (posted here, on this blog) showing the Mayors statement to be erroneous at best! Well, that didn't set to well with "himself," so he also launched into an attack on St. Louis Counties animal control, saying they were (being polite here,) sub-standard!

Well "your honor," I will be glad to tell you what is "sub-standard" and it's not St. Louis County animal control! In fact if we have anything that is "sub-standard" in this County, it's your lack of ability to recognize the truth when it's presented to you.

"Your Honor," you have been unable to see the writing on the wall from six inches out. This is Crestwood, not the "kingdom of Roy" as you seem to wish it was. You have lost any semblance of self control when it comes to running a meeting, and that is not what a really good Mayor is all about!

The meetings are called the "Board of Alderman" meetings for a reason, we really don't want to hear from you unless you need to break a tie, or make an announcement. Please consider just sitting there, and allowing the Alderman to do their job!

You and I both know that an apology is needed to our neighbors, and now to Mr. Charlie Dooley, and I can only hope and pray you can find the humility to do it, and soon!

UPDATE TO MY POST HERE ON THE NEED FOR AN APOLOGY TO MR. CHARLIE DOOLEY: As of the last Board meeting Crestwood voted to accept a St. Louis County grant in the amount of $164,496.00 to supply "recycling carts" to 90% of our residents! I guess "his dis-honor" is willing to take the County monies while ridiculing their services! This is a sad day in Crestwood when we have to watch a man too egotistical to admit he is wrong!

Wake up Mayor, we really don't like your "one trick pony" act anymore, and besides were all stocked up with "so called leaders" who are out of their depth in a car park puddle anyway!

Tom Ford

NO. 683

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No need for animal control now! Congress debates a tax credit to pet owners (click Here!)

Excellent news for pet owners out of Washington DC! If this bill should pass (and what doesn't) you will have a $3500.00 tax credit to take care of "Fluffy. This means that no matter how often your pet "goes to jail" in the County you will be able to afford the gas to retrieve it!

Of course you could always keep an eye on your pet and be a responsible pet owner and forget the gas bill, but that might be too much to ask, no?

Memo to the Board Of Alderman: OK people let's get to the vote on this, remove it, and you can move on to much more pressing things, like what your going to do on "make a difference day."

By the way, reference that I have the bill from the Times for the ad, and the letter to Ms. Wagner advising her that it is in, and to pick it up for payment. I do hope it Get's paid as the bill is in the Cities name (you and I,) and I really don't wish to pay out $1407.00 FOR AN AD I DIDN'T ORDER.

Tom Ford

NO. 682

Friday, October 09, 2009

The usual suspects are back begging to save animal control (click here)

Nice article but the fact still remains that this is a duplicate service which is silly for us to pay for! Yes, Mary we are all animal lovers, and love to view the flora and fauna, but 90% of us realize that we do not need to pay twice for a dog catcher!

To those who complain that they will have to drive 10-27 miles to bail out their stray animal, the answer is very simple, KEEP YOUR PET ON A LEASH, INDOORS, OR IN A FENCED IN YARD! If that doesn't work, well you should have to waste your time and gasoline to get "fluffy" back, that's reality!

I call on the Board to do the right thing and remove this extra expense at their earliest convince!

Tom Ford

NO. 681

Friday, October 02, 2009

BOA meeting on the 2010 budget (click here for the audio.)

While you listen to just how we plan to be in deficit spending again in 2010, oops, I meant to say "balanced with cash reserves spending," please look at the back page of the South County Times. The entire back page today is all Crestwood, and the plans for October 24, 2009, and where we can volunteer to work or send cash!

I looked up the current rate card for the paper, and I found out that it cost's $1274.00 to rent that space for one time only. I see Ms. carol Wagner's name as well as the Police department secretary on the page, but no "paid for by," so does that mean WE ARE PAYING FOR IT? I hope not, but just in case a FOIA form was sent in today for a copy of the bill, and I shall post the results here.

Interestingly enough one of the charities listed has two Crestwood folks connected to it, (Messrs. Golterman, and Kelleher) which is neither here nor there but worth the mention as it's a very good cause for kids.

Now all that said, I am the first to champion these causes, and I appreciate those who come out to work, but I am dead set against my tax monies being spent for this sort of thing when were broke! $1274.00 is a lot of money to spend on a full page ad when there was a feature story in the same paper about our plans!

I will reserve judgment here until we see just who did pay for this FULL PAGE in the paper, and again, I pray it was not us!

Tom Ford

NO.. 680

Thursday, October 01, 2009

"His Honor" and Alderman Miguel confrontation at the last BOA meeting! (click here.)

This exchange occurred at the last BOARD OF ALDERMAN meeting. Notice I said BOARD OF ALDERMAN MEETING? Well that's just what it is, it is not, repeat, not the MAYOR'S MEETING, but rater the BOA meeting!

Alderman Jerry Miguel is a tried and true public servant with many years service to Crestwood, and to think that he, or anyone else for that matter should be shouted down at HIS meeting is a disgrace!

The Mayor seems to think all the citizens who show for a BOA meeting are there to hear him! Well sir, they are not, trust me! Just how long do you think you can continue this arrogant attitude forth before the good citizens of Crestwood demand your resignation? Mr. mayor, this is a Charter City, you have certain duties, and your restricted from others, so may I strongly suggest you read the Charter, and follow it for a change?

Tom Ford

NO. 679

"The memo," Page three as promised!

When you have read all three pages please explain to me like I am a three year old how "His Honor" came up with the "shoot pets" guarantee! Your "Honor" your own police department conducted this investigation at the behest of your City Administrator, so what now? Next I expect you to be saying your the victim of "Constantly disloyal officers," while twirling ball bearings in your right hand! Sorry sir, but you were wrong, so why not come out and say so!

st. LouisCounty Animal Control:
Lt. Kevin Avery contacted St. Louis County Animal Control Officer Davis who informed
him that they would respond to a wildlife call if the animal is in a building or has bitten
somebody and the location of the animal is known. They will handle dog at large calls
when they are available between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. They will
respond to a dog bite call at any time. Vicious dog calls are assessed and prioritized to
determine their response. They will not respond to sick raccoon calls but will tell the
caller to contact the Missouri Department of Conservation or Wildlife Rescue. Officer
Davis indicated that these agencies tell the complainant to leave the animal alone.
St. Louis County Animal Control handles all animal related calls for the St. Louis County
Police Department with the exception of barking dog calls. In this case, a St. Louis
County Officer will be dispatched.
Wildlife Rescue was contacted by Lt. Avery. Wildlife Rescue indicated that they would
respond for a sick raccoon only if a volunteer was available. Wildlife Rescue further
indicated that they would not respond very often as volunteer resources are quite
Missouri Department of Conservation:
Lt. Avery contacted Mr. Tom Misner, a Wildlife Biologist for the M.D.C., who indicated
that sick raccoons are very dangerous and should not be engaged by humans. His
direction is to tell people to leave them alone. Misner indicated that there are almost no
instances where these animals are a threat to humans. He did indicate that attempting
to handle these animals is very dangerous and that their saliva, blood, and feces can
cause illness. He provided an example of his supervisor being scratched by a sick
raccoon and was hospitalized for one week. Mr. Misner was very hesitant when asked if
he could provide proper training to our officers and stated he would have to get specific
authorization to do so. Misner stated that traps are available to citizens who are advised
after trapping a sick raccoon they should fill a trash can with water and drown the
In closing, I would like to recommend that we provide information to our citizens through
our newsletter and website that these sick raccoons are not the threat that people think
they are. They should be left alone and they will leave the area and pass away as part
of their natural process. Citizens should be informed that if a police response is
requested, the animal will be euthanized on site and the body removed by the officer.
We have made arrangements with the emergency animal clinic on Big Bend who will
either euthanize a captured animal for us or dispose of the body. There is no charge
associated for this service at this time.
As we know, this topic was raised by one of my officers who looked into the safety
concerns involved to humans engaging with these sick animals. Although we have
captured several raccoons with the equipment provided by our Animal Control Officer, I
feel that this is putting our officers at risk. This risk is not worth the effort to only have
the animal destroyed minutes later at the emergency clinic. Considering our current
number of commissioned officers and our targeted number, we can not risk an officer
spending a week in hospital over a dying raccoon. I therefore would like to recommend
that we modify our response to destroying the animal on site as other agencies do. We
should engage in a public safety information program as stated as it appears that this is
truly the correct answer to the problem and will reduce the number of times we would be
placed in a situation to dispatch these animals.

Tom Ford

NO. 678