Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The question here is, what if he's right?

The article is deemed to be a hoax so I have removed it from this Blog. Thank you to the reader who UN-covered it for us.

Tom Ford

NO. 891

Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Day 2011, To many it's a Holiday, to some a day to remember our fallen hero's. and to some of us to remember old friends we served with.

While you are attending or hosting the family and friends, or attending the opening day at the swimming pool, or whatever your plans may be. Please take a few moments for one last look around for those who are no longer with us, our Military Men and Women who made the supreme sacrifice to insure WE could be here and enjoy the day.

If you see an American service person this weekend, please thank them for their service to America and tell them your proud of them. Simple? Yes but it will mean a great deal to them to know that we all support them and appreciate their sacrifices.

(Please click on the header for WW2 carrier operatons, and turn up the sound!)

A blessed Memorial Day to each of you.

Tom Ford

NO. 890

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our "Sister City," Wildwood! It seems we share some of the same things. (click here for the story.)

Well it is what it is folks. This article speaks for itself and really requires no further explanation from me.

My only question is how long do we pay a rather exorbitant salary for..........?

Tom Ford

NO. 889

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Well here is a breath of fresh air! What say we look into the possibility of Mr. Cain being a candidate? (please click here for his site,)

I am serious about this man's chances as the Republican field is lame at best, and I really like this Gentleman's message.

If you read Mr. Cain's bio you will see that out of the chute he has more practical experience than Mr. Obama ever thought of having. I know that he is new on the scene and that his backing is limited so far, but his message, his fervent belief in America, and his background all serve him well.

Mr. Cain was a hit at the CPAC gathering in Washington, DC and he may well be a hit on the stump. In any case he bears watching as his message resonates with Joe six-pack and others who are tired of the socialistic regime were under now.

Tom Ford

NO. 888

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 24, 2011 (7:00 PM) Board Of Alderman meeting agenda (Please click here for the audio site per the City Web Site.)

Ladies and gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the City Web Site that has the Tuesday night Board Of Alderman meeting agenda.

There are several interesting items on the agenda so if you have the tine please try to attend and watch our leadership in action.

UPDATE! Well the four usual suspects have chosen to vote down a very fine up-standing Crestwood Citizen for no other reason than their own "group" would be threatened (or so they thought apparently.)

I am disgusted by the fact that these four Alderman have worked to stifle free speech in Crestwood! And as such I am calling for their collective resignations effective immediately,

Will this happen? No it won't, but I ask you is this what you wanted or expected when you went to the ballot box and voted for them? In not appointing a United States Coast Guard veteran, and decorated Police officer to fill the seat left vacant by Mayor Jeff Schlink a great dis-service has been done to ALL of Crestwood, and for what purpose?

I ask each of them as they celebrate Memorial Day next Monday to pause and thank Petty Officer Mosby (and all those before and after him) for his service to the Nation that allowed them to insure his voice would not be heard!

(click on the header for he audio of the meeting and prepare to be enraged!)

Tom Ford

NO. 887

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Health care costs to raise 8.5% in 2012 thanks to Obamacare (click here for the story from The Hill.)

One question that comes to mind is How is that hope and change working out for you ?

Were at the 14 TRILLION DOLLAR debt ceiling now, Obamacare does not even kick in until 2012, and already we are seeing reports of rising costs for our health care, marvelous !

Please tell me just how far this has to go (including gas and food pricing) before you say enough is enough and contact your Representative for relief ?

Tom Ford

NO. 886

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Obama administration approves 204 more "Obamacare" wavers ! (please click here for the story from "THE HILL" )

Please forgive me but this concerns ALL of us, Crestwood and beyond. When this was rammed down our throats it was PROMISED by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed that this was for ALL AMERICANS.

So far there have been at least 1372 wavers granted to company's (read contributors) that have requested them. Now as I see it this not only weakens the pot, but it puts us right back to where we were before this travesty was signed into law.

The only thing to do now to get the message across is to DE-FUND it thus forcing our so called Representatives to repeal and overhaul this foolishness before it's too late and we sink into the Communist health care system which clearly does not work.

If you agree please contact your Representative and tell them what you think, there is still time to fix this one way or the other.

Tom Ford

NO. 885

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Crestwood hosts "Pokemon tournament" (click here for the story by the Sun Set Hills Crestwood Patch.)

Another positive thing for Crestwood, When was the last time w hosted a regional tournament for anything ?

Please click on the header to be directed to the story by the "Patch." Also you may want to save the address for the Patch as they are a very good link to what's going on in the area.

Tom Ford

NO. 884

Sunday, May 08, 2011

A Blogger asked three important questions that we should be discussing here, so............

I moved them to their own thread so we can all make suggestions and comments. If were serious enough about our fair City maybe we can come up with some ideas that I will forward on to the Mayor and the Board of Alderman.

Please put your thinking cap on and give us your recommendations, you don't have to explain your suggestion, just post it and it will be read.

!.) What are the city assets?

2.) How do we use the assets to generate revenue?

3.) Where can we gain increased efficiency?

Tom Ford

NO. 883

Thursday, May 05, 2011

AN EDITORIAL BY MR. Mike Anthony that says it all ! (click here to view it please.)

"Vengeance is mine sayeth th Call !" Just like Mr. Obamas "finest hour" (so far) was the removal from the Gene pool of Mr. Bin laden, Mike Anthony makes what probably will be his final observance of EX Mayor Robinson's last meeting and The proclamation he received from the City.

There can be no doubt that Mr. Anthony and ALL the Citizens of Crestwood have a number of "issues" with EX Mayor Robinson for a variety of reasons, but as for me I am just going to say, Welcome Aboard Mayor Schlink, may success follow your flag !

I want to also tell you that Mayor Schlink has had the two ego driven "parking for...... only" signs removed from OUR parking lot, looks good doesn't it. Now if only we can persuade Mr. Eckrich to take home the "Bridge to Nowhere, oh well two out of three ain't bad as the song goes.

If you saw the new Crestwood Connections news letter you had the opportunity to see what a professional news letter should look like, business like, neat and to the point. Well done "Connections" staff !

Tom Ford

NO. 882