Thursday, January 31, 2013

Free obamacare for alieans as part of a "welcome" to America package!

Well now don't you all feel warm and fuzzy knowing that the extra tax money you send in will now fund obamacare for ALIEANS as a "welcome" package? (read the article below)

I guess this is set to go when obama tries to force the ILLEGAL amnesty act through Congress. Folks, were now at 200% spending against GDP, were broke, they want to abolish the debt ceiling, and NOW THIS?

Wow, I bet ALL the obama relatives from Kenya to Lord knows where will be coming over for the so called health care, after all, they have none now, right?

Tom Ford

NO. 1088

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

John Kerry is confirmed by the Senate for Sec. of State!

In case you missed it the noted treason expert and traitor to the United States was "confirmed" today for Secretary of State.

I wonder if this will 'allow' him the access he needs to up grade the medals he awarded himself? Do we see a Medal Of Honor in his future?

Folks, this guy is a stench in the nostrils of Vietnam Veterans everywhere, I for one despise his very existence, and I believe when all of you see him in "action" you will join me!

Tom Ford

NO. 1087

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Some new fun at the Xtreem paintball field in Milstadt, IL. (20m inute drive from Crestwood..)

This is a great way for the whole family to shake the winter blahs, get some exercise, and enjoy the outdoors no matter that the temperature!

If you have smaller children, or have never played before you might want to do the spring markers, for the more experienced they have the compressed air markers for you to use.

Come on over and rent what you need, or bring what you have and get involved! We have been int the sport for three years now, and ALL three of us, (grandson, son, and grandpa) can be found out there just about every weekend, be it Saturday or Sunday!

Whatever your choice, I know you will have a great time, and meet new friends while your at it. See you on the fields.

Tom Ford

NO. 1086

Friday, January 18, 2013

My toilet dosen't work, or how to tell a liberal where to get offf!

As you watch this video please think of all the things in YOUR home that have been foisted upon you by some third rate ward healer with a GS rating working in a dark basement in Washington!

I only wish I had the eloquence and presence of mind to do as well as this Gentlemen does as he "explained" reality to a (until now) nameless, faceless liberal who has no business being on a committee for anything more than a Girl Scout Bake sale!

This Folks is what were stuck with when we fill up the empty chairs with "empty suits and dresses," idiocy to the 8th power!

Tom Ford

NO. 1085

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

obama says he needs 4 TRILLION more to "stabilize" the debt!

Now let5's see what four Trillion dollars more will do to every household in America, We will be going up to 20 Trillion in debt in the very near future, and that will be the end of the American economy as we know it.

Why? Well we will have eclipsed the GDP (gross domestic product) numbers to the toon of 103% and climbing!

Now, let's say you come home from a great night out at the movies. As you enter the house you notice a foul Oder emitting from the basement. You discover that the sewer has backed up to the floor Joice's, do you now move to drain the sewage,or do you raise the floor height?

Well, obama and his regime are busy trying to raise the floor for goodness sake!

Folks, face it were in the midst of what is known as an "Imperial Presidency" where the President is delusional to the point that he fully believes he, and he alone is the alpha and omega. Only he can do the right thing, and he refuses to hear anything different! Couple this with his socialistic ideals, and we see a man who is on a fast track to ruining America!

IF he completely ignores Congress the only right thing to do is to commence IMPEACHMENT hearings for high crimes and misdemeanors (by=passing the Constitution.) I pray our elected representatives will do just that.

Tom Ford

NO. 1084

Sunday, January 13, 2013

It seems some wanted a new thread reference controling the dreaded gun, so..........

If you have questions, need answers, or are just out to help the regime control the great unwashed please place your missives here and ye shall be answered to the best of anybody's ability.

I have moved the first two here as they certainly did not fit under the heading that the Bloggers placed them under.

I think this will be a good debate IF your willing to drop the emotions and debate along the lines of the Constitution, the original intent, and forget the Party affiliations for a change. I will allow the first post to be as written because it was the catalyst for this thread.

Tom Ford

NO. 1083

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ward one Alderman Duncan makes the Call's list of quotes of dsubious distinction for 2012!

With thanks to Mr. Mike Anthony who penned the above (and very well done it is) I present you our entry in what I would call the "quotes of dubious distinction club."

Not since the days of yore when we had a Mayor that insured we would make it every year, have we had such a qualified candidate as owe have now.

The election is in April to vote for a new or current Alderman in Ward One, and other Wards here in Crestwood. May I please be so bold as to ask that you vett the candidates in your ward before you arrive at the polls?

We have a new and very qualified City Administrator, we will have a new City Attorney, and we will be seeing a new crop of Aldermanic candidates come April. Please remember that you get the government you vote for, Do you want a Dias that is fertile ground for the newspapers (or Blogs) columns, or do you want a Dias that is intelligent, hard working, and committed to Crestwood, it';s your choice.

Oh, and by the way, Ms. Duncan herself said that you could voter her out if you didn't like what she was doing, so...............

Tom Ford

NO. 1082

Monday, January 07, 2013

Democrats want ONE TRILLION DOLLAS tax hike this year!

Well the ink is not dry on the final election results when obama and his minions decided to make sure we, the great unwashed must kick in yet more for his socialistic programs!

That's right, unemployment is back up and growing worse, businesses are closing left and right, food cost's are through the roof and yet the democrats want more from you and I!

I find this to not only be amazing in it's scope, but arrogant to a degree not seen since Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich. Now to be sure our republican friends will cave on this under the lackluster leadership of peasant Boehner, it's just a matter of time.

Speaking of time, are we close to the time when a second revolution will take place? If you read some of the Blogs out there you will see that the unrest on both sides is building to a boiling point. I pray that cooler heads prevail, and nothing of the sort takes place, but then the stamp tax on tea of all things was the tipping point the last time, so...........

Tom Ford

NO. 1081

Thursday, January 03, 2013

The falacy of trusting ANYONE OF EITHER PARTY in Washington!

I have written to my so called representatives in Washington declaring my complete and utter disdain for the way they sold out their constituents on New Years day, 2013!

They did this, they got us to this point where we can never pay back our National debt, and yet they want more! In fact the Congressional Budget Office has stated that this will up the National debt by a minimum of 3.6 TRILLION DOLLARS!

Well folks t5hat means the debt will now go to at least 19.7 TRILLION DOLLARS in the next few years (they won't care, the will be retired by then with a grand pension, funded by us!)

Now that the dust and smoke has cleared what do you think of the ones you voted for now? I think we need to recall EVERY ONE of these charlatan's, and get some real representation up there before there is no Republic to save!

Your turn!

Tom Ford

NO. 1080