Ladies and Gentlemen, I will not bore you with a favorite list of candidates for Alderman this year. However I will ask you to please look at each person closely, and vote for the best candidate out there in your ward!
I have been told that the turn out will be very light this April, but I pray that is not so! A great many men and women have given their lives to insure we have the right to vote for the person of our choice, and I urge you to do it! What finer tribute can you give them than to say today, I voted, thank you!
Remember the photo's from Iraq showing the "purple fingers?" Those people stood in line for hours in the face of threats to exercise their new found freedom, surely we can do no less.
Folk's, Crestwood is on the move again, please vote for the candidate that will keep her going in the right direction!
If any of the candidates would like to place a last minute item on the blog, please do so under this header.
Tom Ford