Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The interest peaks in Crestwood on the eve of two possibly important meetings in Jeff. City!

The next two day's are the last scheduled meeting dates for the Ethics Commission prior to the November election! What, if anything will be forthcoming from these meetings? We have no idea!

We do know that if a decision is made at these meetings we will know in five days. We also know that if we are not mentioned at all, it most likely means that the commission is going to start the investigation very soon!

The ethics commission is very closed mouthed about their meetings, and we will have no response until the decision to dismiss, or go forward is made, and that is how it should be!

Why mention this "tiny" matter? Well we have a Civil Service Commission that is ready, willing, and able to investigate the Police raises, and in the opinion of quite a lot of us, should!

I have no idea why the City Attorney (Mr. Rob Golterman, of Lewis Rice) has seen fit to block this, nor can I understand why people who were appointed by the Mayor, and voted on by the BOA should not be allowed to move forward!

Your Honor and BOA members, you voted on that night in April, 2007 (read the BOA minutes,) and now the voted on ordinance seems to have "morphed" into something else entirely while in the file cabinet! WOW! IS NOT THE WORD FOR IT!

Boy's,if I were you, I would allow the CSB to move forward with their investigation. After all, there is nothing to hide, is there? Then upon completion Alderman Pickle perhaps we can indeed move forward!

UPDATE!!! Well it looks as though the Call has the measure of the mayor in their latest editorial! I have linked it to the "Header," (just click on it) and take a look into the "down home" style of "His Honor!"

I am old enough to remember President Richard Nixon, and his comment's, are you?

Tom Ford

NO. 534

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Click here for the truth reference the finincial mess were in (Crestwood, and the Nation!)

This is a very up to date and informative video of the REAL REASONS behind the financial crisis, and just who lead us into it.

This has been building for quite a while now, the same with Crestwood, and we will not get out of it soon!

I found some stark similarities between this video and Crestwood, such as those who DID warn of the coming storm, and those who blocked the warnings. In Crestwood we had three Alderman (Miguel, Nieder, and Foote) try to put forth the warnings only to be shot down and ridiculed for their efforts!

Nationally we had several prominent political figures also warn of the eminent disaster only to be vilified by the opposition and ridiculed in the main stream media! I guess that old Tip Oneal was right when he so eloquently stated that "all politics is local."

Please review the total video before posting here, as it just may be a very eye opening experience, and after all the FACTS given are a part of history, and undeniable.

Tom Ford

NO. 553

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Musings on the Board Of Alderman meeting last Tuesday Night.

Of course I was not there, but the "cub reporters" were, so with that out of the way, let us continue to the gist of the meeting.

My congratulations to Mrs. McGee on her post as Ward one Alderman, replacing her husband "Mac" who We tragically lost a short time ago.

The meeting was sort of HO HUM (so I am told) until a female resident of Crestwood stood to the mike and requested reasons for the Police pay raises, as well as the promotions, minus the BOA approval. This was followed by a dissertation from his Honor about the up-standing and cost saving reasons for doing same. After roughly 10 to 15 minutes of pontificating from the Dias, there followed a couple of statements of what a good job his Honor was doing, from the Mayors supporters.

Then Alderman Nieder mentioned the fact that minus an ordinance in place, and duly voted on by the Board, we really have no City Administrator in place yet! The City Attorney, Mr. Rob Golterman (of the law firm of Lewis Rice) didn't think we needed one until Alderman Nieder pointed out that ALL previous C/A's were done that way. At this point Mr. Golterman (of the law firm of Lewis Rice) said he would research it, and have an ordinance ready to vote on at the first meeting in October (if needed.)

Alderman Nieder asked the City Administrator, Mr. Jim Eckrige to answer a list of questions, that after he (Mr. Eckrige) saw, He agreed to answer in written form by the next meeting. I trust the q and A will be read into the formal minutes of the next meeting so we all have a chance to see, and read them.

Tom Ford

NO. 552

Monday, September 22, 2008

The BOA meeting agenda for September 23, 2008. Notice anything missing here?

I read the agenda and when I came to the "appointment of ward one Alderman" I found that the name had been left out! Being somewhat of a curious old goat, I decided to call the City Clerk (Ms. Flowers) to find out who it is, and point out that the name had not been attached to the agenda.

Guess what, she dosen't know either, so I guess this might be considered a matter of National Security in Crestwood! Surely his honor has a name in mind to provide to the Board tomorrow night, and surely (unless this calls for "closed session" work) he will share it with all of us then, no?

It escapes me, as to why the the fine citizens of ward one are not allowed to know in advance who might become their leader. Is this but another case of "the most open and honest" Government, or are we seeing an extension of the vary same thing's his Honor said he would not do if elected?

While your on the City site, please take a minute to read the letter from the City Administrator reference the Civil Service Board, and his "duck of the day," as he attempts to extricate himself from this mess he put himself into. Had he refused to become involved ( as well he should have, as he was not in office when this went down, ) he would be much better off, but no, that was not to be!

Ah well, another "Tuesday night at the fights" looms large, and I can't for the next installment in the papers to tell me who did what to whom, or said what to whom. In any case my money is on Messrs's. Miguel, and Nieder to go the distance!

Tom Ford

NO. 551

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This weeks Suncrest Call newspaper has a very insightful look into the "Man who would be King" on page one! Yep it's a "one on one" interview with ROY!

In case you haven't received the paper yet, I have included a copy for you, all you have to do is click on the header!

To say that I am appalled, shocked, chagrined, and disappointed to read his remarks reference the "infiltration" of the Civil Service Board by Alderman Nieder, and Miguel would never do it justice! Let's look at the word "infiltration," Hollywood used it for spy movies, and WW2 flicks featuring the OSS, and British spy's. Lately it has been used by the National politicians when they complain about their rivals, but "infiltration" in Crestwood?

Just how does an elected by the people Alderman "infiltrate" a meeting anyway? Are we to believe they had a fake beard, nose and glasses on when the were there?
Can anyone honestly say they don't know what Alderman Nieder, or Miguel look like (even with the disguise?) Your Honor, is it possible they, as ELECTED OFFICIALS, have an interest in doing what they swore an oath to do? I know I am just a dumb a$$ from the wrong side of Watson Rd, but you sure lost me on that one your Honor.

Moving right along, since when does a citizen of Crestwood with the credentials of Mrs. Martha Duchild need to "be almost non-existent" (your words Mayor, not mine?) Furthermore you said "I've had problems with Martha Duchild a good while now." Really, well you were the one that fought our retired genus from Ward Two for her appointment, remember? Get used to the fact that you will never be able to outclass Martha Duchild sir, and please listen to her, as she knows where of she speaks!

Now, I know that your very busy running our fair city, and that you know everything that happens at City hall (Who authorised the newsletter, and reverse 911?) But you may well have missed that fact that strong women have been on the political scene for some time now! Believe it or not, there is a lady named Sarah Palin who is running for V.P! If I were you I would thank your lucky stars she dosen't live here!

In closing, please tell Alderman Roby that this is not "a local blog," it's the "Crestwoodindependent.org!" We need all the publicity we can get!

UPDATE TO MY POST! Your Honor, I forgot to remind you that ALL if the meeting's that your various board's hold are open and fully accessible to the public! That said, why should any alderman not attend a P&Z, Fire Board, Police Board, Sign Board, Civil Service Board, Park Board, and whatever else they may wish to attend to further their knowledge of City operations?

Again, I am at a loss as to why you feel this is "subterfuge, and infiltration?" I think this is the mark of a good Alderman who cares about this City and his constituents!

Tom Ford

NO. 550

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wall Street investments drop by 500 points! This is going to take level headed management by our BOA!

Please click on the header for the results of this day on Wall Street! To say the least monies to loan will be in very short supply for a while, as banks try to improve their cash positions. From what I heard today some of the lending institutions are highly leveraged, meaning that for every dollar they have in hand, they have over twenty loaned.

Where does Crestwood come into play you ask? Well, good question my friends. Our Mayor, BOA, and City Administrator will need the best financial guidance they can get to ride this storm out, and sooner rather than later!

I am thankful that we have such people as Alderman Nieder, Miguel, Roby, and Pickle on the Board during this mess, as we will need them. Also let's not forget Mr. Ekridge, who will be spending long hours on our behalf!

To the "Ways and Means" committee, may you do your deliberations with all due diligence, and may we ride this out as a result!

Tom Ford

NO. 549

Friday, September 12, 2008

Heated comments at the last BOA meeting! For those of you who haven't read the South County Times front page story,

I invite you to please click on the header to be directed to the Times report!

As I read this, I am struck by at least two comments from the Dias and the floor that bear further comment. First, Mayor Robinson, I am having a very hard time understanding why you believe that Alderman Nieder, and Miguel are "interjecting politics" into the Civil Service board.

Sir, you yourself recommended the appointment of Martha Duchild to be the head of that Board, and I know for a fact that you know, as well as I do that she is above reproach when it comes to honesty and integrity! Furthermore you know that both Alderman of which you spoke only want answers for their constituents, as well as a Government that is "of the people, and by the people."

Therefore, could you please explain yourself as to why you felt the need to raise your voice in anger at these public servants? Also while you are at it, I would like to know (just for the record,) what the total cost of printing, and mailing the July issue of the "Crestwood Connections" newsletter was. As you know, I can submit a F.O.I.A. (Freedom of information act form) and get the answer in three days, but why take up all the City Clerks time? I am counting on you to help me with this.

Now for the "floor" remarks. I would like to correct the record on one thing, and that is the Lady that was quoted speaking to Alderman Miguel was not only a member of the Citizens for prop 1 committee, she was the treasurer, and as such responsible for all the on time filings, as well as campaign reports. Quite a bit different than just a member. In fact when you place your name on that line you accept total responsibility for the Committee, and all it's actions, thus I wonder what she meant by "just a member?"

I find it hard to believe that anyone in this community would not want to have answers forthcoming, as we have all spoken about "Honest, and open Government," and if there is ANY appearance of impropriety at all, it should, and for that matter must be brought to light, and NOW!

I know that I am but a voice in the wilderness, but if anyone in Crestwood Government ever expects to be trusted again, please stop the charade and allow this to be looked into by the Civil Service Board, they are the the right place to start, not the P/A from St. Louis County (they do criminal, remember?)

Tom Ford

NO. 548

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Reflections on 9/11 from two very different perspectives.

If you would please click on the header, you will be directed to a view by Ann Coulter. The second was posted below, but I am moving it up here as it speaks volumes reference 9/11!


You say you will never forget where you were when
you heard the news On September 11, 2001.
Neither will I.

I was on the 110th floor in a smoke filled room
with a man who called his wife to say 'Good-Bye.' I
held his fingers steady as he dialed. I gave him the
peace to say, 'Honey, I am not going to make it, but it
is OK..I am ready to go.'

I was with his wife when he called as she fed
breakfast to their children. I held her up as she
tried to understand his words and as she realized
he wasn't coming home that night.

I was in the stairwell of the 23rd floor when a
woman cried out to Me for help. 'I have been
knocking on the door of your heart for 50 years!' I said.
'Of course I will show you the way home - only
believe in Me now.'

I was at the base of the building with the Priest
ministering to the injured and devastated souls.
I took him home to tend to his Flock in Heaven. He
heard my voice and answered.

I was on all four of those planes, in every seat,
with every prayer. I was with the crew as they
were overtaken. I was in the very hearts of the
believers there, comforting and assuring them that their
faith has saved them...

I was in Texas , Virginia , California , Michigan , Afghanistan .
I was standing next to you when you heard the terrible news.
Did you sense Me?

I want you to know that I saw every face. I knew
every name - though not all know Me. Some met Me
for the first time on the 86th floor.

Some sought Me with their last breath.
Some couldn't hear Me calling to them through the
smoke and flames; 'Come to Me... this way... take
my hand.' Some chose, for the final time, to ignore Me.
But, I was there.

I did not place you in the Tower that day. You
may not know why, but I do. However, if you were
there in that explosive moment in time, would you have
reached for Me?

Sept. 11, 2001, was not the end of the journey
for you. But someday your journey will end. And I
will be there for you as well. Seek Me now while I may
be found. Then, at any moment, you know you are
'ready to go.'

I will be in the stairwell of your final moments.


Tom Ford

NO. 547

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

In case you may have missed the "brouhaha" reference the Civil Service Board V. Crestwood, well Please click here for comments from the Call!

This is presented without comments from me, as you should read it, and make up your own mind as to whom is right!

On another topic, I understand that a couple of ladies were not at all happy at the BOA meeting last night, and said so to the assembled masses! Now, anyone who knows me will tell you that I am all for anyone getting up to the podium to make themselves heard, and I applaud it.

That said, I am reminded of the old "Kingston Trio" song from the 60's by the title of, "It takes a worried man to sing a worried song!" Is there a reason for these people to be worried, and if so, what might that be?

From all that I have heard, the remarks were somewhat vitriolic toward members of the Board of Alderman, members of the Board, Civil Service, and even poor little old me! (Thanks for including me!)

Now that's all fine and dandy, but does anyone think this should have been done in front of a group of Boy Scouts awaiting their proclamations? I for one do not! What must these young lad's think of the spectacle put on by those that would silence citizens who want to see Crestwood doing the right thing?

To the Scouts that were there as well as their Scoutmasters, I apologize, this is NOT the Crestwood that I know and love! Please understand that part of the American Experience is civil discourse, but last night it went far beyond that, and I am truly sorry you had to witness it!

Tom Ford

NO. 546

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Well folks, your not going to believe this one! The City has shot down it's own Civil Service Board!

Please click on the HEADER to be directed to the agenda for the BOA meeting on 9/9/08! I am appalled to read these memos from Jim Eckrige reference the Civil Service Board investigation into the salary increases, and promotions at the Police Department, as well as the use of employee time for the "committee for prop one!"

In a word, this is despicable! This City deserves much better than it is getting from it's elected officials! If this sort of subterfuge continue on the part of our elected Board and mayor, I will be the first to call for a complete investigation by the State and Federal officials!

Mr. Mayor, face facts, this is not what you called for in your election materials, nor is it what we wanted in a Mayor, and leader! Are you going to do the right thing, and allow the Civil Service Board to look into this, or will you "stonewall" their efforts to make Crestwood an "open and honest Government?"

Your Honor, the proverbial ball is in your court!

Tom Ford

NO. 545

Friday, September 05, 2008

It is with deep regret that I inform you of the passing of Alderman Harold "Mac" McGee this morning!

Ladies and Gentleman, please join me in mourning the passing of Ward 1 Alderman, Harold "Mac" McGee this morning at St. Mary's hospital. While Mac was not my Alderman, I spoke with him on several occasions and always found him to be helpful, cheerful, and generally interested in what I had to say.

Mac, in his short tenure has done some great things for Crestwood, and his Ward in in general, and I know we are all going to miss his charm, wit, and grace on the Dias. I pray we can find another like him as there is no replacement for him, only a person who hopefully possesses the qualities he shared with us all.

Rest in peace oh faithful and trusted servant of the public, and may the Lord have you in his heaven as I write this!

Information on the viewing, and graveside service should be in the St. Louis Post Dispatch Saturday edition.

Tom Ford

NO 544

UPDATE ON ARANGEMENTS: Harold%20Mcghee%20funeral.doc

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Has "TOM" changed, or has the administration been the ones to "change?"

There in lies the question? I don't think I have changed, as I am still the guy who wanted nothing but the best for Crestwood, as well as Honest, transparent, and Open Government. Quite the opposite has occurred I believe.

I have a campaign flyer from 1994 put out by the Robinson for Mayor committee, Marilyn Woods, Treasurer, in which candidate Robinson promises to"Provide openness in our City unequalled in today's political process." "Support the Hancock amendment and fight all tax and fee increases- we are taxed to the limit!"

He also refers to the "cloak of secrecy" in a five bullet point statement on the flyer. Alderman Robinson wanted to appoint a "special prosecutor to investigate the Police department promotions and raises."

Now, please fast forward to 2008 when we see things such as the most closed door sessions I can remember, promotions and pay raises done without a PRIOR vote of the BOA (the word prior is very important here as they will tell you that the BOA voted for it, but not till it came to light!) The Mayor doing nothing to insure an open an honest inquiry into the recent Prop 1 deal, and the Police Department "reorganization," and I wonder just who has changed! ( We have gone from "special prosecutor to forgetaboutit!!!) Hmmmm!

Well, it's up to you to decide, did I change, or did the administration? Somehow, I doubt it was me, but I am open to comment's!

Tom Ford

NO. 543