Saturday, March 28, 2009

Starting Sunday, March 29, 2009 I will be accepting the candidates position papers .

If you are a candidate, or if you have a favorite candidate please post their positions reference the Crestwood issues here on the blog.

If you wish to have a full thread with header, please E-mail me (see blog for address) with the reasons why you, (or your candidate) should be elected Alderman, I will post them here for you with NO CHANGE what so ever in your written post.

Let's see if we can work together to get the candidates positions on the issues out to the public.

As always, no language that is off color, and please keep it to the actual issues as this is not intended to be a "feel good about" forum, but rather what the candidate brings to the table for Crestwood !

Tom Ford

NO. 614

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The BOA meeting, short report.

I am told that the following were the highlights of the Board meeting last night.

Mr, Charlie Berry was appointed provincial judge by the Mayor and agreed to by the majority of the Board. However one interesting thing is that when Alderman Nieder asked why this was needed, the Mayor waxed eloquently, "Because I can!" Now those are words to live by no doubt, but I think "His Honor" owes a more, shall we say comprehensive answer to all of us than that, NO?

City Attorney Rob Golterman actually brought a copy of the City Charter, as well as a copy of the Crestwood Code book, tab marked, and ready to render opinions! Can it be that he understands that those books should be standard equipment for a meeting, and he want's to do it right?

Alderman Greg Roby asked during the "new Business" section of the meeting for a motion to have all the Alderman forgo pay until the City finances are in better shape. Admirable to say the least if not doable (The Charter requires recompense for the Alderman and Mayor,) The City Attorney should have known that, and he did.) No second was forthcoming, hence it was dropped.

I find it interesting that Alderman Roby would make such a motion knowing full well that he will be out in two meetings, and that little effect would come to him. I do however think it's a grand idea, and I urge Alderman Roby, Bland, and the remaining "lame duck" Alderman to pick up their checks, and then sign them over to Crestwood to show good faith!

That's about it folks, a really quick hitter with no "Executive session" this time, that went well for all intents and purposes!

Tom Ford

NO. 613

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Agenda for the Board of Alderman meeting, March 24, 2009 (click here.)

Well in looking over the agenda it looks pretty tame to me (no arguments I trust,) but one never knows with this group.

There is one thing that I noticed on the agenda that maybe someone can clarify for me, and that is an appointment of a "provisional judge?"

Is our judge out of town on court nights, sick, unable to attend, going to retire,or what's up? Is this a paid position (standby judge,) and if so how much are we going to pay for this (when he is not on duty,) and why?

I think this is interesting that we have not had one in the past, but now we feel the need? I don't get it, please explain.

Tom Ford

NO. 612

Friday, March 20, 2009

Not Crestwood, and "over time" for sure, but hysterical none the less!

I will let this one speak for it's self! Please click on the header for a "U-TUBE" presentation of "sweating with the socialists!"

Caveat, it's my blog, and from time to time I will assert my right to post an item of interest as I see them, so save your remarks as they will not be tolerated, and thus deleted!

Tom Ford

NO. 611

Thursday, March 19, 2009

If you think we can't get info from City Hall, just click here!

And I thought that this City spent to much on legal bills (we do,) but this is the be all and end all of obfuscation if you ask me!

Click on the header and see what a "Fire District" can do for you! This is beyond anything our boy's on the Dias could ever cook up, so I guess we can be glad for the small favors we do get.

The next time you feel we should move to a fire district, or for that matter, allow County to patrol Crestwood, please remember this, and thank God for our Police and Fire!

"Sunshine law? We don't need no stinking sunshine law!"

Tom Ford

NO. 610

Monday, March 16, 2009

It's tax time folks, this is O.T. from Crestwood, but it does sound familiar, no?

Please click on the header, turn up the speakers, and enjoy a "tax tune!"

Somehow I have a hard time getting Crestwood out of my mind when I hear this though as the familiarity is frightening.

Tom Ford

NO. 609

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Meeting of St. Louis League of Women Voters (click here.)

Please note that the candidates for "Alder person" (P/C person that I am) will have a chance to answer questions put forth by the St. Louis League of Women Voters, March 19, 2009 at the Crest view senior Living center, starting at 7;30 pm to 9:00 PM. I have linked to it so you may also see other meetings and agendas they have.

On of the questions I would like to see on that evening is how many elections have the candidates voted in over the past four years. I am thinking that if they are not out to vote, they certainly are not all that interested in Crestwood, or it's future, and thus a lesser choice in my mind. (for all my detractors, I have voted in EVERY election including the tax increase, Mayor, Alderman, ETC. (and if you have not, why not?) so I think it's a very fair question.)

At any rate, this is our one and only chance to see them perform under duress (minor as it is,) and thus could be a view into their plans and dreams for Crestwood, and if they have the will to cary them out!

Tom Ford

NO. 608

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The C/A meeting today, and the City Charter! (click here for the Charter.)

Well, I am given to understand that we had a rather remarkable one hour meeting today (3:00-4:00 PM) given by the City Administrator to discuss the City finances.

The only problem is that the meeting (I am told) was hijacked by "friends of the animal control, " (or save my dog catcher!) I am also given to understand that the City Administrator allowed this ridiculous behavior to go forward, thus ruining any chance for a meaningful exchange on the City Finances!

I have posted the City Charter (click on the header) for you to look at section 5.2 (City Administrators duties,) and understand that HE, and HE alone is responsible for the hiring and removal of employees below him, not the Board! While it is true that the Board is the final authority for removal of the POSITION, it is the City Administrator who makes the decision as to who goes, and who stays.

In my humble opinion the very fact that a group of "supporters" (friends of the dog catcher?) were allowed to take up all the time they did was a travesty!

I am amazed that we apparently have a City Administrator (read manager,) with so little regard for the time invested by Crestwood Citizens that he would allow this group to take control of the meeting!

Jim, were all stocked up with "animal control" in St. Louis County (which we pay for, and which we use when ours is "out of position,)that I believe it's time FOR YOU to take charge and advise our Animal Control officer that she will be doing something else (we need the $49,000.00 elsewhere.)

It's very simple my friend, all you need to do is the job you signed on to do. Please do not request "sanctuary" from the Board, or the Mayor, your the main man here, so act like it!

If I may, when the EXON VALDEZ ran aground in Alaska, and leaked it's cargo of oil into the bay, the Coast guard came aboard. The first question was "where is the Captain," not where is the cook! Point being, your in command, and when your in command, command!

Tom Ford

NO. 607

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ward Two Aldermanic candidates positions. Click here to view the Call article reference same!

The Suncrest Call has a great article on the three candidates running for Ward Two Alderman. Please click on the header for same.

I have my idea of who I want for Alderman, but I suggest that each of you read the article and draw your own conclusions.

I will be offering each and every candidate, in all Wards a chance to give us their positions on the blog starting April 1, 2009. All they have to do is write to me via E-mail with their comments, and they will be posted verbatim.

If you have a favorite, please tell them to send me their position paper to: (April 1, or after) and it shall be posted!

Tom Ford

NO. 606

Missouri legislature introduces "red light camera" ban!

Please click on the header to be directed to the story. I am glad to see that this bill requires all police departments to positively identify the DRIVER of the suspected vehicle, and not just the vehicle.

This is the correct way to do it f we are going to follow the Constitution, and give the "suspect" his/her rights under the fourth amendment (the right to confront your accuser.)

I say well done to the State legislature, and to those who have fought the good fight to end this abuse!

I guess if this is passed (it's attached to the transportation bill,) we will have to find another way to "enhance" our revenue!)

Tom Ford

NO. 605

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Board 0f Alderman meeting March 10, 2009 (click Here.)

Ladies and Gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the agenda for the next Board of Alderman meeting.

I am sure they would like to see you there, so if your schedule permits, please attend.

Tom Ford

NO. 604

Thursday, March 05, 2009

"His Honor's" rant against Alderman Nieder (audio version!)

You have read it in the Call, you have seen it here posted by me, AND NOW THE "REAL TIME AUDIO" of the exchange between Alderman Nieder, the City Attorney (Rob Golterman of Lewis Rice Fingerish,) and "His Honor!"

For all of you who have heard the mantra of the "Roy supporters," that Alderman Nieder was "out of line," please listen to this and tell me how that could be? I see Alderman Nieder as being one of the only ones to ask the real questions, and demand the real answers!

Please read the Call's printed version first for the EXACT EXCHANGE," and then click on the link attached for the same with the "venomous tone" expounded by "His Honor."

Well, there is a God! Someone has posted this on a site that I can link to! As they say, "now the movie folks!" Click on the header, and it's there now!

Tom Ford

NO. 603

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Please click here to be directed to "His Honors" rant as posted in the Call.

Well, I said it before and I was told "you weren't there," but here it is in all it's fully quoted glory! What's that you say, well the exchange between Alderman Nieder, and The Mayor (the one I wasn't there for you know!)

It look's as if my remarks were right on target, as the tape recording of the Call reporter, Mr. Burke Wasson has picked up the entire exchange between Alderman Nieder, and "His honor!"

Folks, I hope to have the audio transcript from the tape of this exchange soon, and when I get it, it will appear here for your edification!

The editorial in the Call this week by Mr. Mike Anthony is 100% RIGHT ON TARGET, as it states that not only was Alderman Nieder correct in every respect, he was barred from legal knowledge by "His Honor" from requesting that our City Attorney perform the duties he was hired to do, namely "Advise the Board!"

As one of the 72% OF "ILLEGITIMATE" citizens who voted against the tax increase, I am not at all surprised, but I am saddened to see what has become of the City that I have called home for the past 40 years!

Tom Ford

NO. 602